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The Truelife* Mode PBEM DAR - RockinHarry German POV

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7 hours ago, RockinHarry said:

(A) ...but makes it back into the 251´s safety. ...

figured we could have a likely new record holder here. It took just 2-3 minutes for the squad to dismount, move and close attack an objective, fail and retreat re-mount a 251. This at the cost of half the squads strength (4 guys) though. I was lucky the regulars were just in "rattled" while retreating, so could control move their self selected waypoint on that 251 alternatively. Most the squads remaining men were stretched from near the hedge to the 251, while retreating. So the best option to get them into sort of safety in that coverless pasture appeared to let them try re mount the 251. I was quite surprised it worked. The squad acquired "shaken" just from getting a further loss from that follow up, non lethal hit on the HT.

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Turn 5 Situation:

1 Coy

Situation for 1. Plt near (A) is deteriorating. While 1st Squad currently in good cover (Sextons House), remaining 1. Plt´s units suffer from lack of cover terrain in current positions. Enemy also started excerting pressure by use of mortars (2" type) and a flanking move attempt on 1. Plt right wing from NW. Enemy infantry reinforcing near and in the church (A) as well. Indications for enemy moves toward N from (CR) confirmed.

2., 3. and 4. Plt in (B) now well employed with maximum available forces to support 1. Plt near (A). 4. Plt HMG´s at the ready within short time (finish deploy weapon), then joining.

2 Coy

unchanged and no securly determined enemy whereabouts.


Plan and Decisions:

1 Coy

1. Plt / 1st Squad to remain with Plt HQ and defend Sextons House (A). 3rd and 2nd squad (mounted) to retrograde move behind raised road just to the east. Employ smoke grenades to block enemy LOS/LOF from W and NW.

Remaining 1 Coy forces at (B) to support 1. Plt with covering fires at enemy in and near (A). Stummel 251/9 to prepare employing smoke to area W - NW of Sextons House.

2 Coy

Remains at (C) and (D), improving positions and taking breath from prolonged approach moves (units tiring or tired). Recon patrols keep moving W. Where´s enemies forward lines in Coy sector?


Bn HQ group

To establish CP and gain observation into enemy terrain to the W from near (C). 2IC and Schreck team to advance to Laundry and recon for possible AT ambush positions.


Plan and Decisions for turn 5:





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5 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

@RockinHarry interesting stuff.  I really like your maps also.  +1.  

Thanks! :) Think we´re on the same line when it comes to a number of CMX2 related things important to us personally. I as well highly appreciate your works & ideas. B) Now back to some more hard work to finish. Still got to catch up with Matt´s DAR.... 

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Turn 5 execution


(A) Sextons House. 1st squad engaging enemies toward NW. Staff Sergeant Kunick WIA feels a bit inconvenient as beeing used as human sandbag by his lMG gunner.


(A) 1. Plt HQ throws smoke grenade, about to prepare withdrawal of 2nd and 3rd squad. "Third Squad, listen! Smoke grenade to the west! Act instantly!"


(A) Third squads position. Private Seehofer got it all wrong. ...All that battlefield noises...


(A) ...few seconds later. Well...who cares anyway. Another 2" falling into their midst resolved the matter instantly, leaving 3 more of 3rd squads men in the field. :P


(near A) Plt leader 251/17 received some hit from unspotted enemy AC towards NW. Luckily the projectile (37mm or 2 pdr) went straight through without doing any harms. :)


(near A) Backing off and enemy AC spotted, a burst of 2cm is sent back to the offender. At least a number of rounds appeared to have found their target. Vengeance!


(between A and B) Plt leader 251/17 having its move ended hull down behind raised road. "Enemy sniper in steeple! Second story windows from top, right side! Fire at will!"


(B) 4 Plt HMG leader observes (CR). Still lots of the enemy around there, appearing undecided on what to do next. "Gunner! At the ready! We might have some targets! Sight 400m! Load Hartkern (AP)!"



(B) Nice vista on 1 Coy positions on front slope of (B), viewed from west. Good support and defense area, the more with having the sun in the back. Unfortuntely we don´t have this modeled in the game. Or have we? :blink:


(near C) "What´s that stench around here? Let´s get checking some ambush AT positions in that laundry. The canadians will likely prefer avoiding this area, so we might be safe."


(C) 2 Coy sector. "There again! Let´s flush out what is hiding in those bushes to the west."


(near C) Major Berger´s Bn HQ command group about to check LOS to the enemy in the west. Not much to see yet. Bits of the (CR), yet with some trees therebetween. Might call for mortar Plt to interdict the area, still full with moving enemies. "Private Leyen, come here. Get me connected with mortar platoon...."



Turn 5 progress


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On 3/12/2019 at 3:21 AM, RockinHarry said:

The lMG gunner figured it to be just the right time to try some practice shooting with his Luger. WTF!? :angry:


I believe this happens when he has to reload, but then enemies appear close by. Instead of wasting time reloading, he uses his sidearm.

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53 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

I believe this happens when he has to reload, but then enemies appear close by. Instead of wasting time reloading, he uses his sidearm.

ah yes. Didn´t think of that one yet. Got to check that turn and guy again. IIRC reload state is indicated by greyed out text something. Had developed a different theory before:


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40 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

IIRC reload state is indicated by greyed out text something.

I think that's only for vehicle weapons. Infantry will switch to another weapon. I think that might also be the reason for why they will often waste Panzerfausts firing at nearby enemy troops in the open. Anyway, didn't want to derail your AAR. Carry on.

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34 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

I think that's only for vehicle weapons. Infantry will switch to another weapon. I think that might also be the reason for why they will often waste Panzerfausts firing at nearby enemy troops in the open. Anyway, didn't want to derail your AAR. Carry on.

no derailment at all. :) ...just started that OT myself the previous page.

but you are correct. Just replayed that turn again and figured the lmg guy used his lmg just before on other enemies and then switched instantly to his Luger when he found the ammo drum emptied. That escaped me somehow. :wacko: But the squad was also about to move off (paused 10 sec "slow"move to better cover) and remained with a set target arc still valid from previous order. So my assumption might be right as well regarding CA, overruling the squads movement order to some extent. The enemy units engaged, where about 50-60 meters away at that time. The "zoom over shoulder" cam on the screen might be somewhat misleading though, pretending the range to target was way closer.

Edit: I think the germans do use the Panzerfaust this way deliberately, as beeing implemented in the TacAI doings in certain situations. I oftenly see that when egaging enemies in buildings or other cover, but as well vs enemies in the open. That was as well beeing used in RL in appropiate situations (plenty of Fausts and no enemy armor around), so I´d consider this realistic.

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13 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

I think the germans do use the Panzerfaust this way deliberately, as beeing implemented in the TacAI doings in certain situations. I oftenly see that when egaging enemies in buildings or other cover, but as well vs enemies in the open. That was as well beeing used in RL in appropiate situations (plenty of Fausts and no enemy armor around)

We disagree on this. Putting away the rifle to fire a faust against an enemy 10 metres away on an open field is not appropriate. In my opinion, they should only use fausts against troops in hard cover. Possibly in forests too.

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44 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

We disagree on this. Putting away the rifle to fire a faust against an enemy 10 metres away on an open field is not appropriate. In my opinion, they should only use fausts against troops in hard cover. Possibly in forests too.

ya likely refering to this thread


I just can add to this that maybe it´s just sort of inbuilt FUBAR amongst the many possible TacAI decision makings code wise. The 3rd squad we just talked about using the Luger instead of the 42 in fact has a split off AT (2 Fausts) team at exactly this moment. I did not split it off to avoid mentioned AT usage hassles, but rather to supplement Sextons House defenses just couple meters out of screen to the right. I also remain with the Plt HQ there, so isolation shouldn´t become an issue, when the remaining squad moved off that hedge in ongoing retreat . Other reasons I split of the AT team usually is for in house defenses, when it can be expected the blast FX from infantry AT will effect all building (same story) occupants quite badly.

Thus far I haven´t seen that fubar´ed PF (or any other) usage oftenly enough to make me raise my voice for a change. Just as has been proofed with my Luger/42 guy, there´s always a particular reason for things to happen, maybe by overlooking or simply not every detail in the game plainly visible to us. Otherwise if BFC finds any faulty code concerning Fausts, then please let them do the fix right now, before the patch is delayed any further. :)

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1 hour ago, Bulletpoint said:

I think that's only for vehicle weapons. 

My understanding also.  Vehicle weapons are greyed out while reloading.  


2 hours ago, RockinHarry said:

ah yes. Didn´t think of that one yet. Got to check that turn and guy again. IIRC reload state is indicated by greyed out text something.

For infantry it will say in the status block (green print bottom left of screen) what each soldier is doing, cowering, spotting, aiming, firing, reloading etc. So if the LMG is empty, causing the soldier to fire his pistol at close by OpFor, the next opportunity he gets his status should change to reloading.     

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8 hours ago, RockinHarry said:

(B) Nice vista on 1 Coy positions on front slope of (B), viewed from west. Good support and defense area, the more with having the sun in the back. Unfortuntely we don´t have this modeled in the game. Or have we? :blink:   

Nope.  Not modeled.  A few years back there was a thread where the effect of looking into the sun was briefly mentioned. The consensus was that looking into the sun, in the game, did not effect the pixeltroopen.  However it might irritate the eyes of the human player looking at it on his computer monitor. :D  

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1 hour ago, MOS:96B2P said:

My understanding also.  Vehicle weapons are greyed out while reloading.  


For infantry it will say in the status block (green print bottom left of screen) what each soldier is doing, cowering, spotting, aiming, firing, reloading etc. So if the LMG is empty, causing the soldier to fire his pistol at close by OpFor, the next opportunity he gets his status should change to reloading.     

yep, figured it out in the meantime. See my post further above. The mentioned lmg guy never came to reload. He fired off his last round from the 42 and instantly switched to his Luger. I´d guess he´ll start on reloading the 42 once having quit with the ongoing firefight and moved on. Got to check that one later again. More stuff to do now on the DAR´s next turn. Matt´s also waiting for the current one and that keeps me under pressure quite much. :P

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1 hour ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Nope.  Not modeled.  A few years back there was a thread where the effect of looking into the sun was briefly mentioned. The consensus was that looking into the sun, in the game, did not effect the pixeltroopen.  However it might irritate the eyes of the human player looking at it on his computer monitor. :D  

I know, just wishful thinking. Though it could make some sense tactically nonetheless. Off course not something to be considered by BFC anytime soon, as is flares at nighttime and all that. Those modders to mod sunglasses into the game, would get their chances as well. @Bulletpoint :D

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19 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

do you mean text intelligibility, or rather pic size? Or both? 

The text seems stretched (left to right) which I think also makes it look smaller.  The text is also a little faded out.  Maybe the fading out is done on purpose to mimic type from an old typewriter?      

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3 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

The text seems stretched (left to right) which I think also makes it look smaller.  The text is also a little faded out.  Maybe the fading out is done on purpose to mimic type from an old typewriter?


2 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

Sure, but it's 4 extra clicks to read something that I could read on the forum without any extra clicks before.

Also, even ith those extra clicks, there's still JPG compression of the text.

thanks both. I´ll attempt with something better next time (or leave it be). Was just a quick idea and quick realization. :)

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Turn 6 Execution


1 Coy


(A) Beeing under heavy fire from enemy mortars and AC´s, parts of 1st squad figured the outside position at Sextons House untenable and thus run. WIA Staff Sergeant Kunick got to surrender to his fate...


(A) 3rd squad fared no better. Seeking cover behind that raised road, just one man made it back. 1. Plt is now almost wiped out. A handful of men still try to hold at Sextons House.


(between A and B) 1. Plt leader 251/17 discovered enemy AC´s moving from (CR) and quickly switched to reverse. But too late. Just one second before the turns end it caught an enemy shell. This time not that lucky, but.... (to be continued)


(B) 2. Plt successfully extracted from (B) and now ready for a new task.


(B) 1st squad of 3. Plt succeeded in its recon mission. This route is not safe! Despite moving in the shadows, the enemy (near CR) took notice and an AC´s shell wiped half the squads men out. :P

I could have split off a recon team first, but anyway it´s a stupid move. Oh well...


Between (A) and (B): "Panzerschreck nach Vorne!" (Panzerschreck forward!). Let´s see if those guys get an aim on that nasty enemy AC´s.



2 Coy


(C) Finally something to shoot at in Coy sector. From a forward position just reached, a 3. Plt´s team takes invisible enemies under fire. The picture becomes clearer...


...while more of 3. Plt´s men about to secure buildings near the crest. (C)


(crest near C) The Bn HQ´s group sniper team got spotted and the enemy let them know. That was close. Just some scratches from shrapnel. High time to change position...


A recon team of 1. Plt on the way towards (E). Still no sight of the enemy....


East of the Laundry: "Maj. Berger here. Request mortar fire support mission at coordinates...."



Turn 6 progress



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