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Help me understand, please -- Lynx. Recon sighting bonus. KwK.

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I've gone through a bunch of books on my bookshelves. I've searched the web, including sites such as Achtung Panzer (great site!), and I am working my way through the vast archives of previous posts on this forum, but I remain sadly ignorant and deeply troubled. Can you help poor puzzled Lt. Kije understand three things? He will thank you if you can.

1. What was a Lynx? Was it a variant of the PzKw III? Of the 39(t)? Was it a purely original design, not based on anything else? When was it produced? How was it used? (In CM, I find it useful as a recon vehicle.) Was it just an early light tank design that quickly became obsolete as guns and armor grew up? Was it designed for a specific role?

2. In CM, is there a vision bonus for vehicles designed to be recons, such as the Puma or T8? In other words, does the Puma see enemy vehicles better/earlier than a Lynx? (I assume here the Lynx was not designed as a recon vehicle.) Than a PzKw IV? Ability to see, if it varies substantially, would seem to be a vital dimension, but I do not find any data within CM that helps me understand where vehicle place on this dimension. Is this dimension modelled in CM? If so, how can I discover how vehicles rate on it?

3. What does KwK mean? I grasp that PAK, panzer abwehr kannon, means anti tank gun. I see KwK noted very frequently in specs of German guns and it seems to be in contrast to PAK, but I have never seen the acronym spelled out, nor have I seen an explanation of how a KwK is different from a PAK, if it is.

-- Lt. Kije

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KwK - Kampfwagenkanone (literally Fighting vehicle gun, i.e. tank gun). It shows that this particular type of gun was mounted on a chassis. The same gun - e.g. an 8,8 cm - could be a KwK, Pak or Flak, depening on how it was mounted.


"An hour has 60 minutes, each minute in action has a thousand dangers."

- Karl-Heinz Gauch, CO 1st Panzerspähkompanie, 12th SS Panzerdivision

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I believe it was a Panzer II variant. Had the interleaved roadwheels and such. Probably best used in recon in muddy conditions on the eastern front late in the war. I think the germans even wanted to put a puma turret on it (sounds cool).

I feel that the whole recon role was best played out in russia due to the wide expanse of land there. On the western front, pumas, 234, lynx, etc. were expensive and the whole "fighting for recon" attitude the german believed in was inappropriate in the west.

I dont think CM models a special recon bonus aside from having elite crews in these vehicles (which they were).

KWK stands for kampfwagonkanone or something like that. Tank cannon really. Sometimes a PAK could fire a KWK round, sometimes not. 75mmPAKL46 ammo was different from 75mmKWKL48 but 88L71 was the same for PAK and KWK. Go figure.


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Oi, some bum beat me to it, but anyway:

1. Someone told me earlier that Lynx is PZ II with improved suspension.

2. I doubt it, but can't say for sure.

The difference with "recon vechiles" is, that they are usually quite

fast and can quickly run away.

[This message has been edited by Jarmo (edited 07-08-2000).]

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I seem to recall that Tigers had an electrical firing circuit for the main gun. This enabled no delay in firing BTW. A PAK weapon if it wanted to fire this round would have to have a power source!!(battery, magneto, etc) So maybe the 88 ammo was specialized!!!!! Maybe Im turning into Madmatt!!!!!!!!

Man those germans...


PS Who you calling a bum?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

I seem to recall that Tigers had an electrical firing circuit for the main gun. This enabled no delay in firing BTW. A PAK weapon if it wanted to fire this round would have to have a power source!!(battery, magneto, etc) So maybe the 88 ammo was specialized!!!!! Maybe Im turning into Madmatt!!!!!!!!


What's that in humanspeak? confused.gif

Was it an answer to one of the questions, or was it just a sudden

revelation you had to shout out? smile.gif

I completely missed the significance.

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madmatt uses lots of !!!!!!! Thats kind of a joke thing. He is exclamatory and I was being exclamatorish, so I threw that little joke thing there. Get the premise get the joke is what I say.

See initial post by guy at the top? see the question he had listed under "3."? I initially answered that some PAK and KWK could or could not fire the same ammo and then it occured to me that I was mistaken about 88mm ammo being fired by both PAK and KWK being the same. I was amending a previously held belief.

It was somewhat like a revelation when it occurred to me , yes, and thanks for asking.

When you go to the movies, does someone have to explain everything that goes in the plot to you also?????????????????????????????????


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madmatt uses lots of !!!!!!! Thats kind of a joke thing. He is exclamatory and I was being exclamatorish, so I threw that little joke thing there. Get the premise get the joke is what I say.

See initial post by guy at the top? see the question he had listed under "3."? I initially answered that some PAK and KWK could or could not fire the same ammo and then it occured to me that I was mistaken about 88mm ammo being fired by both PAK and KWK being the same. I was amending a previously held belief.

Yeah, I got the Madmatt part. And now also the rest.

When you go to the movies, does someone have to explain everything that goes in the plot to you also?????????????????????????????????

I only watch hardcore porn, simple enough plots for me. smile.gif

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Here is a bit of information on the Lynx:

Based on the Pz Kw II.

Distinguishing features: Interleaved suspension with large gogis and no return rollers. High track cover and angular hull. Turret similar to that of the Pz Kw II.

Assesment: Adaptation of the Pz Kw II design for use as a reconnaissance tank. Fast but lightly armoured.

In service: From 1943, in small numbers, with reconnaissance platoons of tank battalions and recce battalions.

"I believe it was a Panzer II variant. Had the interleaved roadwheels and such. Probably best used in recon in muddy conditions on the eastern front late in the war. I think the germans even wanted to put a puma turret on it (sounds cool)."

Yes they did fit the Pz Kw II with a Puma turret, but it did not go into produktion.

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I like the achtrads (8 wheeled arm cars) just due to the fact they could drive backwards due to a rear driver position. They could get out of trouble just as quick as they got in. They had 8 wheel steer/drive was also cool but expensive.

In CM they might not shine but in a platoon level game, they would be invaluable..BTS?


"I'm not just an CM online asshole..Im a customer.."

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo:

I only watch hardcore porn, simple enough plots for me. smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

At last! Someone who admits that he doesn't read Playboy for the articles!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

At last! Someone who admits that he doesn't read Playboy for the articles!



Man what kind of alternate universe are you living in, Playboy hardcore Porn? Shakes head in amazement at the continuing drop in education standards around the world.

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