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What Settings make the best random maps

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Hey Folks

Lets face it - random games are great fun cause you can build your own combat units from scratch - I mean lets face it - if we're all honest with ourselves we all have thought "wouldn't it be cool to actually have a full Platoon of JagdPanthers and King Tigers assault the Brits etc" convincing yourself how gamey it isn't with the argument that your just testing out the game mechanics biggrin.gif..

Well anyway that said I'm trying to determine what makes the best maps under the random map settings. Now I know they're all different - Open for tanks, Village as an objective for combined ops etc - but what I'm after is those of you who played random games to tell me what settings you think creates the most fun scenario's - you know those that say to you "wow what a cool map!!".

I've played a few games now (yes that platoon of JagdPanthers were there in one smile.gif) and I seem to get the most enjoyment from Village Maps with Moderate Hills and overcast but dry conditions.

*hops off the Sherman with a look of disgust at the tracks buried in what looked to be solid ground* biggrin.gif


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I prefer a village with gentle slopes and light trees, but that's because I like a mix of armor and infantry. If you like a lot of infantry you might want more trees or more hills. It is also fun to use mostly armor with lots of hills because you never know what you will find over the next hill. Obviously, if you want a long range tank battle then chose a flat map with few trees.


Ow, my leg!

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"I'm trying to determine what makes the best maps under the random map settings."

IMHO, hilly, forested, "buildinged" settings are great for infantry-heavy fights. OTOH, gently-sloping, lightly-forested, rural areas are best for tank-heavy fights. I usually go for "clearish" weather, but worse weather would benefit infantry I think. This probably isn't realistic (units didn't traditionally have a choice where they fought or the weather during the battle), but these conditions make for the most satisfying battles, IMHO.


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I kinda like Moderate trees, Modest hills, Village and Large map. The elevation differences on the hills makes for lots of tactical options and the trees and buildings are just enough to give good cover without clogging things up. The larger map rewards better recon and limits what some people consider map edge gameyness.

I like to put weather on random for variety.

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I just started a QB with Gilamonster (Hi there), on a (medium) rural map with heavy forest. I would not recommend this as a regular excercise, as this will mean that about the whole map is forest. It will be a nice battle, for a change, but kind of infantry slug fest.

I used the same forest setting with farmland and village, that gave a more varied map, I liked them for combined arms, especially with moderate of large hills.

Morale of story: there is (I think) an interaction between the settings as well, so heavy forest will mean different things depending on the other settngs.


[This message has been edited by Bertram (edited 08-15-2000).]

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I'm currently playing Andreas (Germanboy) on a map which is covered 90% by woods and tall pines. Terrain is extremely elevated with no less than 5 major hills, we have fog, maybe 3 houses total, no roads and no LOS basically. It probably takes an iBook dedicated to Satan (ie Andreas) to create such an awful map. Why do we play on such a map you may ask?

Because it´s there!



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

OMG, thats the one type of map I have not tried on GB, complete forest! Sounds scary. CM2 here I come. Can you say eastern front? Eastern front is scary. Russia 40 times larger then France provides every type of terrain thinkable. Long open areas, or heavy forest, or heavy swamp. I hope CM2 has cavarly. Anyways, what map depends what kind of action I want ie. Tank duels, or combined arms.

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I'm playing a QB versus Robert Hall.

Settings are 1250 pts combined arms, overcast, Sept. 44, moderate hills, moderate trees, and town setting.

The map is a bizarre arrangement of densely packed block houses in the center surounded by open areas with good LOS.

I like the map as it is a good contrast of close in combat and the possibility of long range duels.


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I am playing a scenario against Kerry Landsberg, and he got screwed. It's rural, moderate hills and forests, dusk, and damp.

My side of the map has heavy buildings elevated on hills with a nice LOS to the flags in the middle. He has to cross open area to get to them, thus suicide. The map is divided in half by a ridge. On the side of the ridge with no flags is his only choice of advance so he had all his vehicles and best infantry head there where I was waiting with a Panther and Tiger. I won before we started, the map was THAT bad.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

I'm currently playing Andreas (Germanboy) on a map which is covered 90% by woods and tall pines. Terrain is extremely elevated with no less than 5 major hills, we have fog, maybe 3 houses total, no roads and no LOS basically. It probably takes an iBook dedicated to Satan (ie Andreas) to create such an awful map. Why do we play on such a map you may ask?

Because it´s there!


Also because it is preparation for a scenario in the Vosges we are preparing. For those of you interested, the settings were Rural, heavy trees, steep hills (or whatever) at 5m elevation level, with random time and weather in Sept.44. This map is a bloody nightmare, and I believe both Johan and me have brought the wrong guys to this party. BTW, there are no houses, and there is no road, so I don't have a bleedin' clue what we are fighting about. But fight we will, if he ever ventures that far in the direction of the VLs. Johan has an assault strength force, I am defending, both infantry only. I normally think assault is a bit too one-sided. We'll see if I can get use out of the terrain. If not, I should probably retire from PBEMing and concentrate on my PhD. Now there's an idea...



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