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The Irish in WW2

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I recall seeing the list of statistics as for the 'required' and 'actual' levels of arms and ammunition in The Emergency (The library in Cathal Brugha Barracks has it somewhere). Bascially, they fell hideously short of everything barring rifles. Actually, they were overstrength on rifles, and not far off on ammunition. Artillery, Air Defense, Aircraft, Armor, Naval forces etc are all another matter entirely.

In some defense of current Irish military hardware, I've noticed that when the army does go an buy equipment, it's usually the best going at the time. The Irish infantryman is one of the best equipped in the world, with good rifle, radios, clothing, food, (recently) anti-armor weapons, MGs and so on and so forth. To an extent this is appropriate since it's mainly a light infantry force. When there was a massive need for expenditure in the '60s, the Treasury practically gave the Dept of Defense a blank cheque. The Irish camp in Kosovo is the envy of all the others there for the equipment that they brought along.

Where we fall short is in the support sections. Whilst, frankly, I wouldn't mind the cavalry corps getting a few dozen Challenger 2s, or even ex-Swedish S-Tanks, these snazzy things are somewhat irrelevant to the roles of the Defense Forces. The Naval Service is in dire need of increased funding, followed by the Air Corps. The ADA and Artillery units would probably come next. A few more ATGMs mightn't go amiss either. The reason we bought the second-hand XA-180s was that we didn't need many, and hadn't had a use for them before that, and IIRC they were in the area anyway. They're spending a serious amount of money on the new APC fleet, the MOWAG Pirhana 3 really isn't all that bad, and the cavalry vehicles are getting a stop-gap improvement program (New turrets with 20mm cannon and NV, they've already been re-engined) until we can afford entirely new vehicles. They're still buying lots of softskin transports (The MAN 4x2s are approaching the end of their useful lives). And, unlike Russia which has lots of nice hardware goodies, we can afford to pay our troops and keep them up to such a level of training that we train other countries at our UN school in the Curragh.

BTW, did anyone see that pic in An Cosantoir a few months back of Irish troops in Somalia in Hummers? First I had ever heard of it. I thought that open-topped 4x4 the Rangers used there was cool though. One Toyota Landcruiser sort of thingie, with 6 men carrying Styers, also a pintle .50 cal, two 7.62mm MGs and hand-held 84mm recoilless rifles! Now there's some firepower!

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Geeez Fionn did you lose it or what!!

Never thought I see you carry on so unprofessional in my life. I must have hit a nerve or something. I was just stating MY observations over reading some of your articles. I didn't think being pro-german was a bad thing.

Sorry not from England I'm actually from Austria about 4 1/2 km S/E of Wien. However, I do travel to England for business quite often and would be willing to meet with you to chat........among other things.


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LOL. Call me a racist (which IS what you did) and when I get angry I'M the one who is "unprofessional" ?

1. This is NOT my profession so I can't be unprofessional in it.

2. You're Australian and go mouthing off to an Irish person regarding attitudes vis a vis England. Frankly you should have more common sense and stick to talking about things you might know a little about.

3. Beware! I think a LOT of people would have an issue with being called a racist by ANYONE nevermind an unrepentant ignoramus like you.

4. God forbid that someday I DON'T get angry when some moron comes onto a PUBLIC FORUM and in a roundabout way calls me a racist. it'll be a sad day when something like that is "unimportant" enough to get annoyed about.

Again, if you can't understand WHY this is something to get annoyed about then it only underscores your complete ignorance of the issues involved and insensitivity.

You're the sort of guy who tells "Irish jokes" at bars. Despicable.

FWIW being pro-German isn't all that bad although any loss of objectivity is to be lamented (and yes, I know it is impossible to be completely objective) however my issue was with the motives etc you ascribed to me vis a vis the English. THAT comment is unworthy for a public forum AND if you say it publicly you had better expect to be called on it.

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Oops, apologies to our Australian brethren.

Well, seeing as he's Austrian where they just elected a Nazi party into parliament I think I now have a MUCH better idea of Icee's credentials vis a vis racism. People in glass houses shouldn't hurl stones etc etc

Sometimes we project onto others that which is in ourselves Icee. Just a little something for you to think about.

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If I might make a small (Ok, not so short) observation...?

Fionn, I think you're reading a little too much into some of that mails that are coming back at you. You have your opinions, which are obviously strongly held (nothing wrong with that), but (Amateur psychology here!) seem to be taking everything which might be taken either as a personal affront or as an attempt at discussion/debate or humour as the former, and appear to be reacting instantly, possibly without having a bit of a think on the matter. Ice claims to be Austrian, not Australian for starters, and even if he was an Aussie, where does that come into the equation? You would be guilty of the same stereotypical thought processes that could be ascribed to Icee. A person's home nation shouldn't come into it.

As for the original post about your being pro-German, it might have been something of an error in judgement, but I'm afraid that we might be suffering from stereotypes. I'm afraid that, stereotypically, Irish people don't like English people. Just as Greeks don't much like Turks. (Being half Irish and half Greek, I can make this analogy!). Even at that, I can see a way that his comment was made in good humour. What if he had just added a wink.gif at the end?

Have a read back over the whole thread again (as I have done a few times now) and have a think about it and tell me that you're not over-reacting just a tad...Even if you aren't, and all comments were indeed meant as personal attacks, this is supposed to be a place of friendly discussion, so just don't rise to the bait and escalate.

You have my respect for the wealth of knowledge and general intelligence that you command, please don't spoil my image of you by acting rashly!

To the rest of you all, same applies. Think before you post, and if it might be taken two ways, throw a smiley in there!

By the way, what's wrong with telling Irish jokes in bars? They're amongst my greatest repetoire. Didn't someone say that one of the greatest assets is the ability to laugh at oneself?

As for the 'unprofessional' comment, you are, de facto, seen as one of the guys in charge here if only by virtue of your priviliged position (Tester, TGN dude, general source of masses amounts of inane facts), and appear to be given a lot of support by those who actually are. It may not be your profession, but your actions will relate to those whose it is by association. Whether you like it or not, asked for it or not, your name holds a lot of weight around here.

Further, given that English may not even be Ice's mother tongue, it may have been a mistaken use of word: Maybe 'undisciplined' or 'immature' might have been more in his mind. (It is a him, right? you can never tell..)

Finally, to make it clear, this is not meant as a personal attack against you, it is a statement of observations and opinion as I see them, meant in the best of faith. In the past when people have been casting aspersions as to dietary habits, I've still been trying (vainly) to keep to the thread, and have at this point had enough. This post may be worth what you paid for it, but I wouldn't be surprised if I speak for a silent few.

Off my soapbox.

Nicholas Moran, on nobody's side but my own.

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1. I mentioned his being Australian (and now know he isn't) simply because I don't think he should go spouting off about something he doesn't understand (i.e. I wouldn't know much about Aboriginal affairs in Australia, the same as an Aussie wouldn't know all the intricacies of the affairs here in Ireland).

2. If he had added a wink.gif at the end then it would have been a jibe and while I would have told him he was incorrect it would have simply been an attempt at humour. I do believe, however, that it is abundantly clear from his response that he didn't forget to leave out a wink.gif.

3. As to the history here...

I believe that this forum has a HISTORY of allowing racist things be said to me and has let them go unpunished. Now, I don't care if you think being called a drunkard and leprechaun by someone on the forum isn't a racist stereotype but I do.

When this was being said against me none of these bleeding hearts who come out of the woodwork to be "apalled at Fionn's strong reaction" climbed out of their holes defend me and tell the attacker he was out of line.

I have been subjected to racism in Ireland by Irish people (since I'm only half-Irish) and have been subjected to racism in England and elsewhere. I do NOT take kindly to anyone who makes a racist remark against me or intimates I am a racist. I make ABSOLUTELY NO APOLOGIES FOR REACTING against such unconscionable attitudes and behaviour.

4. How you and others see me has NO effect on my actual status. I can't do anything to cure those misapprehensions seemingly and I refuse to be judged with respect to a misperceived and false notion of my status.

5. IF my name holds weight I think people should be a little willing to speak against some of the petty attacks I've been subjected to here. They aren't so my conclusions are:


B) I'm only tolerated here because I give out info. Only a VERY FEW people here stepped to the plate the last time I was attacked and I made it clear that their unwillingness to condemn racist attacks on me then had forever changed my view of this forum and its members.

c) People talk all friendly etc but when it comes down to it they'll let me be attacked by a racist.

d) I have NO respect for people like that and have little desire to hear them condemn me for reacting against racist language when they themselves silently condoned such attacks in the first place.

Trooper, I fully accept that you are only saying things as you see them. Let me assure you that there's a history of unpunished anti-Irish comments on this forum.

Now, I don't want anyone specifically to take this personally but I'd like EVERYONE who is sitting there wondering why I react strongly to realise that unpunished anti-Irish and racist comments have been made on this forum before and virtually none of you reading this said anything. When I got angry in response the mice crawled out of the woodwork and bitched about ME but NOT about the racist.

Generally speaking those silent members who condemn me for getting angry in the face of such sickening comments make me sick. And FWIW I'm not going to apologise for holding THAT opinion.

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To imagine that all I wanted to find out whether or not Fionn was IRISH or not, wow!

I been told to eat ****, and hopefully to die, and that I'm a moron, and the threat of violence has been issued towards me, among other things.

I find this very disturbing coming from a person of such stature. I will not respond in kind, sorry.

I dont recall calling anyone a racist, and find the implication that because of my birth I must be one. Shame on you Fionn, you honestly dont believe that Austrians are a bunch of NAZI supporters.......do you? I think you must have been very angry to say such a horrible thing.

Thanks argie your command of the English language is much more articulate than mine. I guess I should use those happy faces or something.

To Fionn I didn't realize how cruel you can truly be. I certainly don't wish any harm to yourself. I travel a fair bit, next time I'm in London, I will definately have an English translator and we can meet to clarify the issue rather than you insulting me in this public forum.

My apologies for any english errors....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> To imagine that all I wanted to find out whether or not Fionn was IRISH or not, wow! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm, so ALL you wanted to know was whether I was Irish or not?

1. I've answered that numerous times, including at least twice in the past week, on this forum .

2. Then you should have asked "Fionn, are you Irish?". INSTEAD what you said was...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Fionn I take it your from Ireland!!

Hmm now I know why your writings have a pro-German twist and a negative view of the British. Interesting.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

FWIW I think you are now misrepresenting what you were saying then. What you said then was confrontational and in NO WAY bore any resemblance to a question asking me if I was Irish.

I'd like it noted that the above quote was your FIRST intrusion into the thread. It bears NO resemblance to a question asking if I'm Irish or not but DOES bear a resemblance to a confrontational statement.

As for the threat of violence... I "offered" you the opportunity to come to me. IF you accept that offer then you are acquiescing to settling this in that manner. I will NOT search you out so there is no threat. IF, however, you come to me then I'll be more than happy to settle this physically. There is no threat, it is YOUR CHOICE !

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I dont recall calling anyone a racist, and find the implication that because of my birth I must be one. Shame on you Fionn, you honestly dont believe that Austrians are a bunch of NAZI supporters.......do you? I think you must have been very angry to say such a horrible thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, I wasn't angry at all. I was simply using an old debating tactic. What I did to you was EXACTLY what you did to me. You intimated that I had racist attitudes towards a group of people because of my nationality. When I got upset at this YOU said there was no reason for me to be upset and a few people from this forum also backed you up.

NOW, when I reverse this statement and apply it to you you are offended. FWIW I don't think all Austrians are racists by any means BUT I was showing YOU WHAT IT FELT LIKE to have what you said about me said about you.

It is very funny to me that when I say about you what you say about me that it is " a horrible thing" but when you said it about me it is entirely reasonable.

At least in my case I only said it to show the two-facedness of your position and don't believe it. YOU said what you said out of spite and ignorance (since I KNOW for a fact you don't know me well and certainly aren't qualified to discuss my attitudes as regards racism ).

So, Icee, care to explain why it is OK for you to intimate racist attitudes because of my Irishness but if I reverse the situation and apply it to you it is a "horrible thing"?

Thanks for TOTALLY falling into one of the oldest of debating traps wink.gif.

FWIW if you didn't mean what you wrote then you should simply have apologised for it. Misunderstandings happen. However, trying to defend your intimation of racism against the English just because I happen to be Irish is no better than saying all Germans or Austrians hate Jews ( a statement which is patently absurd and OBVIOUSLY RACIST).


Don't presume to tell me what my attitudes towards racism are when you have NO IDEA what protests, groups and anti-racist activities I may have organised and led Icee. I'm QUITE sure I've done more to fight racism and discrimination in the past two or three years than you have or will ever do. Just because I don't flood the forum with discussions of my extra-CM activities doesn't mean they don't occur Icee.

Now, I suggest you go and REFLECT ABOUT HOW YOU FELT WHEN I REVERSED YOUR STATEMENT ABOUT ME. Did you feel you were being accused of being a racist? Did you feel I had no right to say such a thing?

The answer on both counts is yes and that is EXACTLY how I felt when I read your initial intrusive post in this thread. I'll also note that, since I received no abology for your statement, I have no choice but to assume that you still wish to publicly stand by the statement you made accusing me of a racist attitude towards English people PURELY because of my nationality. I'd love to see an apology for your statement and its withdrawal though IF you can honestly say you didn't mean what you said.

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I was going to stay way from this thread, but after reading back I think that the most racist remarks presented on this forum were presented by USERNAME. The comments he made about the English are inexcusable and unfactual at best.



Face it, England is the biggest slave-drivers and users in the history of mankind. They love to slaughter commen wealth troops

(canadians, indians, whoever they get their hands on)instead of english boys.


and later



Go ahead give me your rebuttal. Even the American airborne units couldnt get away from useless English command fast enough after the Arnhem debacle. Please spare me the Royal haughty taughty BS about English speaking nations being so successful. Come to NY sometime and see who is speaking english.


and again



I just feel the Brits feel historically like they are the lords of the planet and everyone now realizes they are has beens.


If any racism is more prevalent it cannot be more evident that what has been demosntrated here by one individual alone. To make such statements shows a lack of expertise on the topic, taht he chose to speak out on.

the British are no more guilty of what USERNAME charges than any other civilization in history.

Case in point

Virtually all ancient civilizations with the exception of the Egyptions were extremely expansionistic and brutal

The accusations that the Brits would only send commonwealath troops into battle is a joke my whole family on the English side fought in WW1 and WW2 they were pure english fighting against an expansionistic governemnt.

The Brits also sailed halfway aroudn the world to Argentina to take back the falklands - pretty impressive for has beens USERNAME

To say that all BRit command in WW2 was useless is rediculous

To accuse the English of slaughtering the indians (I'm assuming you are American by your posts) is absolute hippocracy

As for the savagery of the English in Northern Ireland My Uncle served two tours in Belfast carrying rubber bullets only.

He also watched an IRA sniper Gun down and Innocent woman pushing a baby coming out of a shop.

Both the woman and her child were killed.

personally I don't think the BRits should stay there butthe politics of it are long and deep.

Yet dispite this look what the American government did recently when "Texas" was going to leave the union , By your outlook America stands as guilty as England

we are constantly "policing" other countries

I am not bashing the US or UK or anyone simply making some observations and comparisons smile.gif

I really think you should leave your bigotry at the door as its not appreciated here.



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For one who gets a little upset about inaccuracies as you seem to, wasn't it more a case that the elected parties created a coalition government which happened to incorporate one or two persons of dubious political persuasion, as opposed to electing the current Nazi party?

BTW, back to the wheelchair thing, I wonder if the British didn't actually do, by modern PC standards, the correct thing: You can be just as treasonous in a wheelchair as you can on your own two feet, and if the punishment was by death, how else was the guy to be shot? Strapped to the stake?

Though it might offend our moral sensibilites, I'm not sure I could have seen any alternative way of carrying out the prescribed punishment. The only unfair thing was that Dev wasn't shot!

Manic Moran

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I think 5 people have been typing away at the same time. It usually takes me for ever to type something out, so that by the time I hit 'post', there's a half dozen other messages up and things get a little out of sequence!

Actually, it wasn't really directed at anyone, I was more thinking out loud!


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Im glad nobody is pissed at me smile.gif

Anyway, just to say on the armament, trooper is correct, we are currently equipped with steyr augs, in my opinion among the finest infantry weapon systems available, far surpassing the british sa-80 family (accurate but they fall apart in the field)

The m16a2,(its old)

and the ak74 (5.45wp is a weak round, even the russians wil admit that)

we have the best of uniforms, (we have the danner fort lewis boots, £260 retail!,more in dollars, but we dont have a working jet, theyve all been taken out of service, the irish air corp is being scrapped completely, barring the helicopters assigned to the rangers, which will be replaced with the money from the land sold and the wages saved when the remaining planes and helicopters are turned over to a new coast guard which will also include the dearmed ships from our scrapped navy! we dont have any mbts at all, our apcs are severly out of date (although new ones are being purchased, i doubt they will compare to warriors or bradleys), the plan is to reduce the entire irish defence force to 3-4 combat btns

and a company of rangers.

supported by engineer company, medical company, etc.

there has been between 9 and 12 btns for a long time and we have only ever seen 2 on foreign duty at a time, with no real terrorist threat anymore it is viable to reduce the size and create a very professional army.

Just a pity we never bought the h&k g11's smile.gif

Oh trooper, it was only dublin that really had rifles, many of the wests groups carried shotguns and 22s!

I have a funny picure of an irish anti aircraft crew, they are standing in a line pointing their shotguns in anticipation biggrin.gif


This is my rifle,

this is my gun.

This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....

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Whoa, what's this about disbanding the Naval Service!? First I've heard of it. It's been bandied around as an idea for the last while, but even in all the recent row over the defense cuts, I don't recall reading anything about this idea being decided upon.

The Aer Chor plans are also a novely. I recall listening on the Gerry Ryan show one morning when they had a 'phone poll on disbanding the army entirely, IIRC they were expecting a vote in favour of the motion, and were somewhat surprised when it was heavily (but not soundly) defeated.

Going back to Fionn, you have me fairly convinced that if Ice did turn up at your door looking for a chat, you'd bash him up (Or at least try). Is that really the impression of yourself that you want to give, the fighting Irish?

Yes, I have seen you maligned in some prior threads (Though I read less than I skip over) and the reasons I have been quiet are that (a) You usually get there first and (B) when you do, you tend to be very thorough and good at it, making my chiming in a bit moot. I stepped in here because I think things have gone a little out of proportion.

"I have been subjected to racism in Ireland by Irish people (since I'm only half-Irish)"

You must be hanging around the wrong people or looking for trouble. Irish father, Greek mother, and dual Irish/US citizenship would surely leave me open to the same problems, and I haven't seen anything other than good natured jibes. Then again, maybe I just don't end up going to the right (wrong?!) places. I grant you, I do not partake in political rallies of any description (To my shame or otherwise)

"4. How you and others see me has NO effect on my actual status."

Well, isn't actual status a direct result of how people view you? Let's say some South American president is now a puppet of a drug cartel (I know, it's a stereotype, don't hammer me for it!) and this is well known. His official status is President, he is seen as a puppet and his actual status is to be sidelined. Can this analogy not be extended to you? My official status is 'A person of no great note' (at least on this board!), but I would like my actual status to be 'A person of no great position, but somewhat intelligent and worth listening to', which may or may not happen as a direct result of what I post here.

However, disregarding the above, from the way I see it, because of the way you have -apparently- intertwined with the production of Combat Mission, your actions -will- have an outcome on the -image- of BTS. Realities be damned, it's the impressions that people will remember. Possibly not your direct concern, but worth thinking about, no?

Oh, and one last thing. I'm not looking for anyone to apologise over anything. I would just like to go back to discussing blowing things up, or in this thread, the actions of the Irish in WWII.. However, I feel a lock coming on to this thread, so I doubt we'll get a chance...

Manic Moran

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Gentlemen! Gentlemen!

Cool the afterburners! This is getting way out of hand here. I understand this forum allows for freedom of speech but COME ON!

Please take a moment and remember this thread started with Mike T's post in HONOR of St.Patrick (whom i'm sure was a peaceful and forgiving saint).


Let it go, dude. You hit a nerve. Even if you didn't mean for this to happen, it did, so just step back and let the storm subside.


CEASEFIRE! CEASEFIRE! Let it ride. It's not worth the aggravation. No one here wants to see someone personally attacked. You made your point. I'm sure Icee is willing to apologize and admit it was a poorly worded post. Just step back for a moment and let him do it.


take one of these and swallow it down. It will show up in your posts within minutes.


P.S. Icee,

The balls in your court, make St.Paddy proud!

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Fionn, I'm half Irish, too. But living in Montana I'm not 'Irish', I'm just 'white'.

In response to Spider's comments about the Steyr. I was watching The History Channel last week and was watching a Tales of the Gun about Russian rifles. At the end wsa a small bit about modern Russian assault rifles. They showed a weapon I had never seen before, the AN94.

the AN94 was one sweet looking weapon. It is both recoil and gas operated. The barrel recoils like a miniature artillery piece. Quite distinctive. The weapon is able to get two bullets off at virtually the same time so the second bullet doesn't experience any targeting loss from barrel recoil. The result is increased accuracy.

Several of the commentators said that it was the best assault rifle available today, but because iof Russia's economic problems and the flood of AK47's it wasn't likely to be adopted in large numbers any time soon.


Addendum: The two previous posts made it here before mine. ALL of our actions on this board reflect on BTS, some more than others. Fionn and Madmatt probably have the biggest influence (outside of Steve & and Charles, of course) on the image of BTS. New players who come and see pettiness and bickering aren't likely to stick around. If they see good friendly discussion they are likely to stick around and check things out.

I came to this board because of a post Fion made on war-historical back in August '99. I stuck around because of the great discussions I was reading. It behooves all of us who want BTS to be successful to behave like adults. This IS NOT a public forum (it just seems like it because Steve is lenient). We are here at the good graces of BTS. This forum IS NOT the place to get into the kind of nastiness that can break out from time to time. That is what Usenet is for smile.gif.

Think of this forum like you are a guest in somebody elses home and be on your best behavior. Likewise, if any of us see any nastiness start we need to stand up before all Hell breaks loose. I don't want to see what happened to Fionn before christmas happen to any one else.

[This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-21-2000).]

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If I recall, wasn't the German G-11 supposed to fire caseless ammunition at such a rate that a three-round burst was out of the barrel before the recoil had sufficient time to detrementally affect the targetting?

BTW, someone want to email me (OFF THE FORUM!) and let me know what happened at Christmas? Must have missed that bit.


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Could you let the Malvinas out of this discussion, please?

I think the worst thing the english do was to make the jews who them had banned to reach Palestine to live in the recently vacated german death camps. Hey, they constructed a nice new one in Chipre to stack jewish women and childrens!

I don't want to start arguing the racism issue in a language I can't use properly.

This thread is becoming a Big BS mad.gif


[This message has been edited by argie (edited 03-21-2000).]

[This message has been edited by argie (edited 03-21-2000).]

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I think argie was refering to the Malvinas/Falklands thing. Then thought better of it and decided to flag the whole potential flame-fest by dropping it.





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