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Nice touches

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A thread on what we like or are impressed by, the little thngs might be interesting.

1. I noticed that the gold demo overwrote the "alias" icon for the Beta version. So instead of the generic icon I've been staring at I see a tank in profile. ( it still leads to the Beta tho)

2. I for one was pleased by the opening credits and front end, music swelling and the start screen picture. Great art work. The other choice screens have nice feel to them.

3. Birds and distant arty sounds gave "You Are There" (refernce to an old Walter Cronkite show for you youngsters - some of us still remeber)

4. Smoke and vehicle fires are awesome. The POTD's didin't convey them adequately

5???? your choices, ther are others for me but let's hear from you

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 05-10-2000).]

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I'm really in awe of the tweaked graphics, like everyone else is, as well as the other little touches thrown in... but the most impressive improvement to me thus far is the AI.

I just finished the gold version of CE, and it was probably the most difficult round of that scenario I've played thus far. I lost two Shermans, but that could always happen in the beta... what REALLY impressed me was that, as my remaining 3 75s were pounding the Germans into goo, their arty spotter called a bunch of smoke down on my tanks and, at the same time, some small volksgrenadier and smg squads tried to flank me from my right while my tanks were blinded temporarily. Fortunately, I had some reserve squads sitting conveniently in the path of the would-be counterattackers, but it was a really smart and gutsy move. I was very impressed... although the 20 or 30 smoke bombs dropped on my tanks took a nasty bite out of my frame rate. But so far for me, the much improved AI is the most exciting new feature... biggrin.gif

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Arty - nice

Landscape - nice, hilly, varied

Running troops - cool


Overall though - it is a masterpiece. Other games I've seen are not fit to exist on the same hard drive.

Well done BTS (again).

[This message has been edited by getthat_wreckoff_theroad (edited 05-10-2000).]

[This message has been edited by getthat_wreckoff_theroad (edited 05-10-2000).]

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I'd second all of the above. Just seeing the hills that look like hills was sooo nice.

And I remember "you are there" with Walter Cronkite intoning:

"It is the year 2000; the Combat Mission Gold Demo is about to come out. Suddenly hundreds of monkeys begin clicking on "refresh," bringing the once-mighty BTS server to its knees and----YOU ARE THERE!"

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Guest Madmatt


GTWOTR, I know you didn't mean it but your post above mentions a specific unit type that is a SPOILER....




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

And if it's NOT on CMHQ then its just GOT to be on CMHQ-ANNEX...

CMHQ http://combathq.thegamers.net

CMHQ-Annex http://cmhq.tzo.com

Both now proud members of the Combat Mission WebRing

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Guest KwazyDog

I thought that the demo's valley scenario did an excellent job of conveying just how different and realistic the CM engine really is. Talk about comprehensive LOS smile.gif

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Finally knocking out a tank with a panzerfaust is cool. I managed to do it twice in Chance Encounter last night/early this morning. What was even cooler was that on two other occasions crews of immobilised tanks bailed when my infantry got close, rather than waiting for the fausts to start flying.

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tried to figure where to put this so I decided to revive thread

When you say everything is modeled you MEAN it. There I was in Valley with the camea up over the starting line area. I noticed some black round things flashing across the screen going up. I came to realize that I was above two mortar units and I was seeing the shells shortly after leaving the tube on their way!!!! We have seen the fall of 105 etc in the beta LD , but this was so cool. Just think they REALLY do what they say and model things that you usually do not see! Way to go guys. It's these little things that really floor me.

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The thing that impressed me more are the arty's register shells. A few seconds before the barrage falls, some arty shells rain down to let FOs register the fire.

It's a really nice touch, I think.


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Explosions, wow!

One of my vehicles blew up a building. Maybe it was an ammo depot or something, but it didn't just disappear as they did in the beta.

No, no. This one went up in the coolest expanding puffball mushroom cloud I've seen.

Good work BTS.

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with the Gold...the game has really

become an experience to play.

all the new voices,explosions,AI,

graphics,etc....really get you into

the game.I've found myself watching turn movies over and over again(when was the last time anyone did that?)just watching my HQ run! what impresses me the most is the "sublety"of the changes.Things you really

don't notice until you play it about 10 times....like units breaking into a run when a grenade is thrown at them!


"you got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run........"

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I think the AI for both sides is awesome. You have to really think it through if you want to do well against it. And friendly troops react as they should and run when they need to etc...

Overall it's the complete immersiveness of CM that makes it what it is. If I can't feel what's going on in the game by what I see and hear then it's no fun. In CM I know when I'm getting hurt.

Thanks BTS

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While under the influence of illegal substances the smoke looks like black birds flying upwards, look at it for a while, its so shagadelic baby.,...... smile.gif

I was looking through the bmp files (it is custom in my household that i must deconstruct a copy of everything i get)

anyway, the uniforms are unbelievable!!

the webbing, you can see the fekin weave!!

youre damaging my health guys!!!

I wish all the turns were saved and a movie was compiled for you at the end so you could watch the whole game and save it for boasting, a nice patch idea.....


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