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Infantry versus Tanks - Tactics?

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'lo all,

Any general tips on taking out tanks with infantry? How about using bazookas? I'm beginning to think the only way is to "hide" your infantry and hope the tank comes your way!


PS>> Bonus question: does CM model different types of tacair?

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Because AFVs have a somewhat more restrictive travel path (due to terrain), It may be possible to identify possible avenues of approach, and position your troops accordingly.

Works for me (sometimes)!


Oh, about tacair, there's some text in the manual about how it operates!

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Thanks fellahs!

Mace, as to <<What were you doing? Open fire with rifle fire at 200 metres or something?>> Nah, what I was doing was sending my poor AT teams up with "sneak" or "crawl" orders. Neither worked. They always tend to get spotted. Granted this may be infantry informing the tanks but... has anyone experimented with this? I generally try to spray tanks with small arms until they button up, but this doesn't always seem to reduce their spotting power. Hi ho.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Calvin:

'lo all,

Any general tips on taking out tanks with infantry? How about using bazookas? I'm beginning to think the only way is to "hide" your infantry and hope the tank comes your way!



I generaly position AT teams along likely routes of aproach and hide them then set an ambush marker if its with panzershreks and good covereing terrain 40 - 70ms, apply same to Zooks & Piats.

If its in a urban area I try to get them in buildings along the main acesses routes, preferably in 2nd stories so their fireing into the top armor or rear engeine deck.

Remember the less range the better as accuracy is better at lower ranges then max range.

Regards, John Waters


"Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!!".

[This message has been edited by PzKpfw 1 (edited 08-10-2000).]

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Hey I have to put my .02 in this thread. I love using infantry against tanks. You have to have a passive aggressive approach. And most important you have to use your troops together. I just played a QB against the AI and this is how it shookdown. 800 points with Moderate tree coverage and gentle slopes. It was a clear day meeting engagement. I was the allies restricted to British infantry versus Axis combined arms. I had a veteran infantry company with some Vicker MG support and 3inch Mortar battery. I also had a veteran sharpshooter. There was a village in the center of the map with the only flag. I put one platoon on each flank and my best platoon in the middle. The sharpshooter snuck forward with my troops behind him. Note that the commander with +2 stealth was always in contact but behind the "shooter". I was able to identify 7 AFV's. My sharpshooter saw most but my platoon on the right saw 2 of them. I hide all my troops and the tanks can't see them from about 200m. I position the platoon commanders in a position where they can see the tanks while remaining hidden. As soon as i have LOS i unleash all available 2 in. Mortars. While this is happening I slowly inch the Piats into a closer position. The Mortar fire buttons up the tanks reducing vision and the tanks either bug out allowing me to advance or drive forward like mad and right into a Piat crossfire (for heavier German panzer you need at least two usually). The enemy infantry now comes into LOS to attack my Piats, but wait I bring my infantry out of hiding and rip into their ranks. I find a concentration and tell the FO to target their. The Vickers keep the Germans honest. Then two minutes later boom. Also the Vickers are also great for buttoning tanks. About five turns later it's over. Piat crew casualties were high but the survivors have no ammo. All enemy vehicles are dead (only one halftrack by mortar fire the rest by Piat)and my infantry and support troops suffer mild casualties. The computer calls it a Major Allied victory. I could have also close assaulted the tanks also at times I was in range but in this case I felt it better to preserve my infantry to counter the German's Infantry. I actually kill more AFV's with infantry than other AFV's. I hope this example helps and allows you to see that it is how you use the stealth of the sharpshooter and the range of the Vicker and 2in mortars to set up the AT teams. Oh and Boo is going to be in Baulder's Gate II for those who care. Later


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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Snipers are an excellent way of keeping tanks buttoned up, making them easier for your infantry to take out. Much more likely to kill/wound the TC, too. smile.gif

Spotted mortar fire is good for stripping off riders and killing HT/ACs (at least until v1.04?).

I never leave a defensive setup before setting all my schreck/baz/piat teams to hide with an ambush marker (normally within 80m).

All the rules for placing AT guns (limit LOS, hide terrain, etc.) also apply for schreck/baz/piat teams. I don't like giving them positions with long LOS, as they sometimes try to engage armor past 150m.


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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I love those engineers.....

To close assault a tank, first try to get it immbolized. Then kill or supress all its infantry support, then attack it from both sides and the rear if possible with at least two squads. To do this have both squads RUN to where the tank is, (they will crawl on it and under it), at the same time give both squads orders to target the tank, make sure both squads are still in command radius of a leader, the better the skill of the Platoon leader the more likely they will KO the tank.

If they are engineers they will use their demo charges to attempt to KO the tank.

I have a custom designed scenario, British infantry vs heavy german Armour, (the tanks cross the bridge and they die) that will let you practice close assaulting tanks with infantry.

The scenario is not posted anywhere but I'll e-mail it to you for so you can practice if you e-mail me.

-tom w

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