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Javelin vs Russian Tanks. National Interest article

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Was researching something else, when this popped up. Well worth a read and pertinent to the game.

In 2003, here are combat performance figures for the Javelin in one engagement. Italics mine. Not sure what else got engaged (since the targets destroyed don't equal the number of hits), but the numbers are eye-popping.


(Fair Use)

"However, the Javelin finally entered service with the U.S. military in 1996 after the Cold War had ended, and first saw action in 2003 during the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

At the time, the United States was not able to deploy troops in Northern Iraq by land, so it instead air dropped Special Forces and paratroopers that fought alongside Kurdish peshmerga fighters. In the Battle of Debecka Pass, a force of a few dozen Special Forces operators and a larger peshmerga contingent engaged and destroyed an Iraqi mechanized company of over a hundred soldiers. The U.S. force had just 4 Javelin launch units. Nineteen Javelins missiles were fired, seventeen of which hit, destroying two T-55 tanks, eight MT-LB armored personnel carriers, and several trucks. Reportedly, all of the Javelins shots were made at 2,200 meters range or further—close to or exceeding the official maximum range of the weapon—and one hit was even reported at 4,200 meters."

The story of the Battle of Debecka Pass (referenced in the quote) is a great read and provides a great deal of information about the particulars of the engagement, which was hard fought even with massive air support in use. Both it and the first article talk about successful Javelin engagements at practically twice the official range.



John Kettler

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I knew and read about Debecka Pass, but national interest article is new to me. Contents about future plan in page 3 is really interesting. 

When I first read about Javelin scored 4000m+ target kill, I was surprised about that. CMBS Javelin may should do the same, I think. 

Edited by exsonic01
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That info has me wondering whether such range was hidden for security reasons or so as not to jeopardize Army and derivative Marine plans to field something to replace TOW as the US heavy ATGM. Imagine the howls were BFC to extend Javelin range to 4000 meters. Of course, finding such a shot is another matter entirely. As far as I'm concerned, if a weapon can do "X" in real combat, then it ought to be able to do that in CMBS or whatever other CM may be applicable. 


John Kettler

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I don't think I've ever played a map big enough to find out TBH, I guess there must be some out there, but I've not found them.

Debecka Pass is pretty much Javelin doing in the 21st century in Iraq what Milan did in the 20th century in Chad:


A friend of mine was working in Libya while much of this went on, despite being an Englishman working for a French company!  He was in Tripoli when Reagan had it bombed too, he and his workmates put a big Union Jack on the roof of the building they lived in.  Libyan police turned up once the smoke settled, to check that none of the people (all 'infidel' foreigners) had been hurt, no mention of the flag was made.  War is a weird thing.

Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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I knew Milan saw some action during the Toyota War, but I had no idea there were 400 Milan armed pickups attacking the Libyans! Did your friend need a wardrobe change after the US airstrikes? I got to see the footage myself after requesting it from the Pentagon. The Operations Analysis Department watched it in rapt attention. Wanted to keep the tape, but the Pentagon made us give it back.


John Kettler

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