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AI shooting through knocked out vehicles

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I was curious to a situation that happened to me twice in the same battle.  I unfortunately did not get a pic.   The situation was this.....I was fighting the AI my Panzer IV took out a Sherman and there was another one behind it and my Panzer kept firing but naturally hitting the dead Sherman blowing it up more and more.  The problem was the Sherman behind was able to rotate its barrel inside of the dead Sherman and fire and kill multiple targets all the while have a shield in front of it.


Had the same kind of situation with a Churchill tank shooting through another Churchill that was knocked out. 

I always thought wrecks stopped rounds from both sides...am I wrong in this or maybe  I just never noticed before.

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10 hours ago, Bloody Bill said:

I always thought wrecks stopped rounds from both sides.

I thought this was the case as well.  This has been discussed before here - I'll see if I can find it.


10 hours ago, Bloody Bill said:

able to rotate its barrel inside of the dead Sherman and fire and kill multiple targets all the while have a shield in front of it.

My bold.  I think this is the key.  Because they have limited collision avoidance and guns are not subject to being blocked from turning you can get this kind of situation where a vehicle is behind another but able to shoot through it.



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Thanks guys.  I looked as well but could not find any earlier discussions.  I have never really noticed this situation to be a problem before my last battle.  I will just give this to the Gods of War and for whatever reason they wanted that Sherman to live longer and deal death while it was still alive.

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Well for what it's worth, I actually tested this out in a scenario, because I was confused why small arms fire sometimes went through a vehicle, and sometimes not. So I'm pretty sure my post above was correct.

But in case you want to see for yourself, just load up the scenario 18 Platoon and try it out. It's a small scenario that has various vehicle wrecks from both sides lying about.

Edited by Bulletpoint
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5 hours ago, IanL said:

Dang I searched but could not find any discussion about what blocks what.  I know we have had that discussion...


2 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

Well for what it's worth, I actually tested this out in a scenario, because I was confused why small arms fire sometimes went through a vehicle, and sometimes not. So I'm pretty sure my post above was correct.  <Snip> 

I am paraphrasing but in a different thread that was talking about bunkers @Vanir Ausf B commented that bunkers are treated as immobilized vehicles in some ways so the same rules that apply to vehicles apply to bunkers. Units can fire through their own bunkers but incoming fire is deflected.  (So it would be the same with vehicles)  

So, if I understood Vanir I think you are correct Bulletpoint. 

The thread link is bellow. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally had some time to do some experimenting on friendly vehicles shooting through friendly vehicles.  It seems the same rules apply to operational vehicles as well as knocked out vehicles.  Friendly fire will pass through a friendly vehicle.  If the vehicle is in Open up status the vehicle may take one bar of suppression.  Other than that the friendly rounds will pass harmlessly through.  In the screenshots below the 20mm Flak did take suppression and a casualty when an HE round exploded in a tree about 15 meters behind the Flak vehicle.



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Wow, and all this time I have been manoeuvring to avoid friendlies between my tanks and their intended target.

Mind you some of that concern does not change as your tree example reminds us.  I try really really hard to prevent having infantry anywhere in the LOF near trees since the chance of an HE round striking the tree over my guys instead of the enemy across the field is real.

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18 hours ago, IanL said:

I try really really hard to prevent having infantry anywhere in the LOF near trees since the chance of an HE round striking the tree over my guys instead of the enemy across the field is real.

Definitely a mistake I've done a couple of times.

Also, since tanks are poor spotters, they can gun down your own guys with the machineguns.

I wouldn't be surprised if tanks can also hit friendly vehicles IF they don't spot them. But I haven't tested this out.

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