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I wish that CM runs on 133Mhez computer

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Guest Big Time Software

You can try the existing demo. I know some oddball person played it on a P100 smile.gif I'm sure it ran slower than a leaf sinking in quicksand, but it will give you an idea what you are in for when you get a newer system.

But the answer to your question is really "no". We can not make a version to run on slower machines. CM runs as fast as it possibly can so there is nothing more that we can do. A P133 with a 3D card might be at the bottom end of playable, but only just that. I know I wouldn't want to play it at that speed wink.gif


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I remember reading a post that said 233 mhz is the minimum (which is what i have).

I could be wrong on this, though smile.gif

Gentlemen, can we get the clariification on this?

Thanx in advance smile.gif

Whoops!, Steve posted before me and answered my question smile.gif

Thanx Steve

[This message has been edited by Black Sabot (edited 04-24-2000).]

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Heh, COlin, I got ya beat, I was running on a 150 MHz 604 for a while (not even a 604e) with no video card... It wasn't super fluid, but more then fluid enough to make the game playable... I'm not sure what the minimum on the a PC would be though...

Still, I'm glad I've upgraded before the game has been released wink.gif

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Guest Kettle Black

Real men play CM beta demo on a P166 with a Voodoo1. And I do too. It works without a hitch and I have dubbed it "The best piece of gaming code ever to have been installed on my hard drive" to people I meet in the street.

Going for a Athlon 600 with lots of goodies soon. The price for all the parts has been halved since early December smile.gif

Kettle Black

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I'll take credit for being the "Oddball" (Thanks Steve ;) )

I was running the demo originally on my old 1st generation Pentium 100Mhz machine, w/ Diamond 2000 3D video card (4MB video RAM) supplemented w/ an Orchid VooDoo I video card, and 48 MB RAM. It was a little glitchy here and there. Especially when dragging LOS lines around the map, etc. But it got the job done. However, no way I'd suggest someone play the actual game on such a system for long. It isn't going to be very enjoyable for you at all.


Cuz now I've got a Pentium III 500Mhz machine w/ 64 MB RAM and Nvidia GeForce video card w/ 32MB video RAM.

The difference is like night and day! :)

God I can't wait until this game is in my hands.

Mike D

aka Mikester

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Don't bother with the overclocking stuff. I had a 100 mhz Pentium, and spent the 79 bucks to get a drop in 200 mhz pentium. This was over a year ago. I think the slowest upgrade they sell now is a 233 or 266 mhz for the same 79 bucks. I spent another couple clams on the Voodoo 2000 PCI, and my 1996 Dell machine is cranking CM along quite nicely. Both upgrades were pretty much idiot proof in their installations, and the parts are all available on the web, compUSA, etc.

CrapGame out

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It works on a P166 w/Riva TNT. It was a little slow but not unplayable. I have since upgraded my cpu to 333 MHz. Next year maybe the 1 GHz machines will be out with the 233MHz or better bus speed. I will upgrade to a new system, then.

P.S. If you need to upgrade that slow pentium machine, try Evergreen. They may have a CPU upgrade for your system for just a couple of hundred dolllars.


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CPU speed isn't the deciding factor on low end computers, it's the graphics card. I've tried CM on a Pentium 90, and it was unplayable because the drivers of that ultra-modern ET4000 card couldn't handle transparency effects. Reading white text on white background isn't really what gives you an idea about how many men / how much ammo ... a squad has left. frown.gif


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Strat, my overdrive processor is of the Evergreen nature - $79 bucks the last time I checked. It was a brainless installation that took all of 5 minutes. Highly recommended.

SS_PL, I recommended against overclocking as (please correct me if I am wrong here) it is not a simple 5 minute procedure, right? Don't you have to mess around with jumper settings and making sure your other components will work at the new settings? The Evergreen overdrive that I dropped in mine required nothing other than opening the case, flipping the lever on the old processor, pulling it out, put the new one in and flip the lever back. Cloes up the case, and done. Total of 5 minutes (without using a screw gun to take the case apart smile.gif )

Relatively same process with dropping in the voodoo card.

I too, am looking forward to upgrading my PC, but I am waiting for the Willamette processors and faster bus speeds before I drop my real cash.

CrapGame out

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I would suggest a minimum of 128 megs of ram if you are upgrading to a new system.That'sll stop Windows thrashing the HD when it starts to use virtual memory.I have 192 megs, and its barely enough sometimes. 256megs would be good, I upgrading to 384 megs of ram in my next system.



aka BLITZ_Force

My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj

Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there, or grab a CM Wallpaper! :P

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IF his MB will support it then he need only change a few settings - it is not hard to do - there are NUMEROUS sites on the web about overclocking - run a search on overclocking and you will find some how to's smile.gif

Jumper settings are a piece of cake - as long as you have the documentation smile.gif

If you don't then go to the maufacturers website and get it

If ya donn't have any idea who made the board forget it eek.gif

But if you can get the documetntation

grab your self a cheap 16 meg video card for <50 bucks - creative lab banshee aint a great card but it will run CM and some FPS ok - but they are DIRT cheap and for this sys you don't wanna dump bucks in it smile.gif

So if ya can O'C and ya get the cheap card

you are running CM for < $50

THere is no way I would buy the evergreen thing too much money frown.gif - you can buy a new processor for less

AND you would still need a vid card frown.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-25-2000).]

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yeh man Here is a good one


also if ya want some more resoures

checkout www.bxboards.com

toms hardware is another site that deals with it but Im not sure of the URL

I got lost all my other links but they shouldnt be hard to find - try google for a search engine its great smile.gif

www.google.com smile.gif



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I ran it on a 166 Mhz Pentium I with 32 Mb SDRAM and no 3D card just yesterday.

It ran slowly but was playable.. Personally I found that a company vs company battle was playable on the 166. I tried to load a battle featuring 2 Bns of infantry and 18 tanks + lots of offboard arty and smoke missions and I think the 166 literally choked on it wink.gif but then again that's the sort of battle which is at the upper limit of what CM can simulate.

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