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Everything posted by General_Patton

  1. I am very interested in CM but my computer is too old and slow. Like I said before, I am getting new computer next year and buy CM (and CM2 if it comes out already). See you all next year. Patton
  2. Erm! No reply to this post. So it seems to me that everyone beside me has playable gold demo. The reason my gold demo is unplayable is that I haven't got patience to wait for each orders to come up as it takes about ten to fifteen seconds for that to happen. So I am asking anyone who have beat demo that can work on their comupter but not the gold demo, to have a PBEM game with me. General.
  3. Well, I cannot play the gold demo as it is quite unplayable, but the beta demo works not so well, but it works on my computer. So does anyone like to play a beta PBEM with me. I can play both amercians and germans at all 3 scenerios. My email is odendaa@mweb.co.za . One turn per day only. Also I dont play in weekends. Also it is my first PBEM with anyone beside my friend. Damn Cheerio General
  4. Did I get your attention? What I really mean is that gold demo is far much slower on my 133 mherz than beta demo - in fact, it tokk me five to ten seconds for each clicks. It is almost unplayable as I do not have enough patience to wait for the orders or line to appear and the movies desplay a pictures of five to ten seconds (ie. about ten pictures in a minute). But I have seen how CM works and I like it very much. I will wait for final version to come out (I do not like buying any software on internet - I prefer buying the games from stores). Also I will be getting a bigeer, faster computer next year and then CM will work well on it. Damn cheerio General PS. Does the beta scenarios like Riesburg and Last Defence works on gold demo?
  5. Thanks for advice Like I said earlier that I think that the Tiger is immoblized by a shot from one of my TDs as that tank has not moved for the rest of turn. My infantries are hiding deep in the villages holding out few infactry attacks until 30 turns are up. Anyway in my games vs my friend it was only 4th turn and already my friend has no tanks left over. All I have to is to use my infantries in all 3 games. I do not have to tell you anymore about that games cos Allies without any tanks are dead if I use my infantirs correctly. When does this gold demo comes out? Cheerio General
  6. Well, I have updated my profile to include me email address. I have finished the game Last Defence vs AI and there is ceasefire as there was no more attacks. Also my friend thought that the tanks cannot be destroyed - he had the Shermans charging up the road to Riesburg with infantries panting long behind. My men are in perfect positions (with exception of flak guns) to kill those tanks and wipe out those Amercians. He also made the same mistake in Last Defence but I am worried about Tiger tank as it is hard to kill that tank without TDs. In the other game my friend has knocked out all 3 of my Stugs at cost of 2 Shermans and is mowing down my infantries, but my anti-gun infactries are closing on those last 3 tanks. I will not get such easy treatment from rest of you Cheerio General
  7. But those TDs are destroyed (I did destroy those Stugs) but the Tiger tank is still up but it is immoble (it had not moved since being hit by one of the TDs) and the tank is surrounded by the little mens and two machine guns. I have withdrawn my men deeper into the town and waited for the enemy men to come closer, but the AI did not tell them to advance. Seems that the Tiger tank is more importance than the town??? There were a few attack by so few platoons but they were driven out easily, but my ammo is starting to run low. Seven more turns to go and I hope that there will more no more attacks or too little attacks that can be driven out. Cheerio General PS. How do I update my profile?
  8. Gold demo? New better demo than the beta one? Well, I hope it runs on my 133 MHz comp. I'll wait for that demo before playing someone beside my friend. My friend and I are still playing 3 games - each one turn per day. I am doing the second turn today. Wish me luck. Cheerio General PS. How do I kill the tiger tank with my men if all anti-tank equipment is either out of ammo or destroyed?
  9. Damn, I did not hide my men before ambushing. Also I did ordererd my tanks to go through the woods. Those tank commander must have thought that I am crazy to tell them to knock down the trees. Many thanks for answering my questions. O by the way, is anyone up for a game with me? I only play email games with one turn per day as I am working during day and can only play for a few hours at night. Also I would like to play with someone in different time zone (I live in South Africa and can play anyone who lives in USA or Australia or England) Cheerio General
  10. Now the demo works on my comp (133Mhz)and I am having fun trying it out, although the slow speed frustrates me to death. You are correct - I actually fell out of my seat when I saw the Hellcat (or tank with similar name) rushing down the hill. The only problem the that when I ordered my units to ambush at 40m away but they opened fire at enemy at 150 - 200 meters away!!! Also my tanks always falls behind my men cos they have to move around the trees. (Even reversing with their back toward enemy flak guns!!!) I have also millions of other questions so I will have to use the search function to save you trouble of answering them. But please answer my question about the ambush and slow tanks. Many thanks. General
  11. I have tried to run the demo and it doesn't work :-( but I have tried on my friend's comp (450Mherz) last night and I realy like CM which is far better than CC3 or CC4. Cheerio General
  12. Dont worry - I am getting new one next year, so waiting for CM is worthwhile. What I means that I cannot use the demo while I am waiting for CM. :-P Dont you have a demo thats runs on 133 Mhez comp? Cheerio General
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