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Location of 2nd Panzer Division in Normandy

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Ok this is just a shout out to anyone who might have some hard data on this. 


So I am finding it hard to determine which front the 2nd Panzer fought on in the battle of normandy. What I mean by that is whether or not they were deployed against the Americans or the Brits/Canadians during the month of July. Looking a Maps from the Army CMH, 2nd Panzer appears to be deployed opposite American divisions in the American sector of the front. Yet, the text regarding this division is contradictory. I haven't seen anyone claiming 2nd Panzer was deployed against the British, but different books differ one whether they count in the 2nd panzer as being there, even when the maps indicate it is. For example, one book I have declares that in July there were 3 Panzer and one PzG division on the western side of the front, but others only claim 2 and one PzG. 


Does anyone know for certain? In particular I mean from the beginning of July till around the 18-20th. 

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Scribd (https://www.scribd.com/doc/248660553/2nd-Panzer-Division-Wehrmacht) states the 2nd Panzer Division during Normandy Landings was held in reserve most of June and clashed with the British 50th Infantry and 7th Armoured Divisions in July.  6-10 August found it attacking the US 30th Infantry Division in the initial assaults of the German Operation Lüttich offensive at Mortain.  By 19-August they were a stopgap force in the Falaise Pocket where they attacked but failed to dislodge the Polish 1st Armored Division at Mont Ormel ridge.

Edited by Badger73
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Part of the trouble with 2nd Pz is that their tanks were sometimes put under the command of other divisions e.g 12SS and Panzer Lehr.

I think that they first saw action against the British on June 27th, although I am happy to be corrected on that if I'm wrong. 2nd Pz then remained in action against 2nd Army until almost the end of July before being shifted westwards.


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A summary of 2 Panzer Division in Normandy in Niklas Zetterling's Normandy 1944 German Military Organisation, Combat Power and Organisational Effectiveness (pages 313-315 refer) is as follows:

Originally stationed in the Amiens area at the time of the landings before being ordered to Normandy two days after the invasion. It started to move at 1400 hrs on 09 June 44.  The first elements of the divisions entered combat on 12 June but it was not until 20 June that all elements of the division had arrived in Normandy.  For most of June the division operated mainly in the Caumont area but following the start of the British Operation Epsom on 26 June, I./Panzer Regiment 3 was lent to support the forces resisting the British.

On 21 July, 326 Infanterie Division started to relieve 2 Panzer Division however 2./Panzer Regiment 3 remained in support of 326 Infanterie Division until 27 July.  It also states that the division did not appear to be involved in costly fighting in July since it was rated as Kampfwert I (meaning that it was considered fit for any offensive or defensive mission) on 30 July.

The account goes on to say that the division took part in the ill-fated Mortain attack in August.

I appreciate that the above is single source but it may be of use.

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Thanks for input guys. What I am finding most confusing here is that they are stationed opposite the US 1st infantry division around caumont, but noone ever mentions the fighter there etc. On of my books claims that the 1st inf took caumont in july as well. I know that they (2 Pz) was deploy against the brits in june, and that 1 one of the panzer battalions was temporarily lent in late june to the brit side during epsom. But then in July its always shown in first army sector, implying it is engaged with the US 1st infantry div. 

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