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Wow.....Edge of the seat stuff (and I know what's going on)!  B)

Great video, I really enjoyed watching it, found myself shouting "Nooooo!" when fat Omar (the cameraman) went down!  :o

Very cool approach and very well played (& filmed, Omar would have been proud), you've showed me a whole new aspect to my battle that I did not even know was there.....Many thanks!  :)

PS - Hope you are enjoying it!  ;)

PPS - The grenade-fight in the alleyway is my favourite bit so far!  :lol:

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Very nice video, and am glad it focused on one platoon and their brave effort to save the Al J news crew.  Much better than constantly cutting between what all the other units are up to.  Good camerawork - looked like a movie.  (Suggest you use CMA mods as the uniforms and faces seems bland.)

I was planning to do the same in the earlier version I playtested but with two big differences:

1)  Surprised that you ran men out into a mortar barrage.  (I woulda waited for it to finish - at least I think that is what real guys woulda done.) 

2)  Surprised that you ran the men directly out of the building and across the street.  I figured that could be a nasty ambush.  I went out the back way thru the "car park" for safety.  But, as I waited 5 minutes for the barrage to end (in the earlier version), got into a firefight with the uncons coming down the street.

Again, am guided by what I think real people would do in that situation (rather than fight the game engine or treat the troops as expendable androids).

Looking forward to the next episode!!  :)




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Me too!  B)

With regard to the barrage, that's part of the commander's dilemma.....You know the barrage is probably attempting to pin you in place ready for direct assault (you can see the assault force coming), should you risk losing men to the barrage in order to improve your position or escape the trap?

What Ivan Zaitzev has done is very interesting, I don't want to say too much at the moment, but I really am looking forward to seeing what happens next (It kinda feels like the first time I loaded up the UAZ, aimed it at that exit zone and crossed my fingers!  ;) ).

PS - It's Ali Jazeera and the Gulf TV News Crew (with Fat Omar the cameraman and Malik el Soni the sound man).....The TV Channel Al Jazeera (named in his honour, obviously) only started up in 1996.  :P


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I had played maybe 2 or 3 turns of the previous version so I did know the barrage was coming and that there was not much risk in running like that. For the first few turns I was moving really fast because I did not know how fast or in what numbers where the bad guys coming from the street with obvious intentions of taking the TV station, so I wanted to be out of there ASAP. In Old Town I took it down a notch because that was unknown territory.

Don't know of any mods for Sarandoy uniforms or faces. I think the game looks like that because this scenario is pretty heavy and I was experiencing quite a bit of lag.

I'm really glad you liked it, there will be a next episode if their adventures are interesting enough. Right now I'm rushing some support units into Old Town and probably a BMP to resupply them. They might be ordered to retake the TV station later on.

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"I had played maybe 2 or 3 turns of the previous version so I did know the barrage was coming and that there was not much risk in running like that."

Well, yeah...   But, you are not SUPPOSED to have that fore-warning and pre-knowledge.  I always try and play like am the naïve idiot playing for the first time.  Otherwise, you may as well be playing a FPS where you endlessly repeat a scenario until you get it right.  Hate that enormously.

Again, really good job with your Gulf News team clearly filming like the pros they are while trying to escape with their lives. 

(BTW SS: I had no idea what year this was supposed to be.  Is that in the briefing??  Just checked... no it's not...)

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Actually you are supposed to have forewarning about the mortaring, I've done my best to emphasize it in the briefing and I've also messed around with it so that it's not quite so predictable or quite so focussed.  The Mujahideen were actually pretty good with mortars, but the four heavily laden fighter-bombers screaming down the valley toward them is probably affecting their aim a bit!

I've stuck with 1980, it's mentioned in the description in v.1-3 (and I've just added it to the briefing for 1.4+).....The Soviets also had their first (of many) cracks at the Panjshir that year, so it's all good.  B)

I'm going for fictional, occasionally manic, but fun as my design philosophy.  But I will be trying to maintain an Afghan War feel, so I will be obliged to try to kill you in devious ways on occasion, sometimes without obvious warning.....However the player won't be penalized for what they can't prevent and there will always be a purpose to such events.

To give you an idea of how I work this sort of thing, there are hidden 'Preserve' objectives on the map, buildings the populace would rather you didn't trash, Mosques & stuff like that.....But you are the Red Army and frankly, you don't give a ****!   If you level every single religious building on the map (which you may have to do) it will still cost you significantly less than getting a senior Soviet official clipped.  It might just take the edge off a glorious victory, but it won't cost you the win.

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Ivan said that he "...had played maybe 2 or 3 turns of the previous version"  so he "did know the barrage was coming and that there was not much risk in running like that." 

I was referring to knowing for sure what was coming and where and how much - so Ivan was confident he could run out in the streets like he did cos he knew pretty exactly what damage the barrage may or may not cause to his guys.  I'm just saying that I like to play like I'd forgotten what happened last time, so am just as cautious and careful with my guys' lives as the first time I played.

BTW:  I have a number of DRA skins eg:  dra-summer_body_head 1.bmp

But, I just checked and they don't seem to show up in the game.  :(

Anyone know what the naming conventions are?  (Or is this scenario not in the summer and maybe that's why the mods are not showing up?)



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I guess we all have different styles of play, if the scenario caters to several, all the better!  :)

I have to say I'm really impressed with Ivan's gutsy move, that Sarandoy platoon usually winds up serving as little more than a speed-bump in my hands, sacrificing themselves to save Ali & Co. from the oncoming hordes.....But Ivan's saved the bulk of his platoon and must be pretty close to breaking through.  B)

I'm seriously considering turning the Sarandoy morale back up to high to ensure this option will be available in future (with this AI plan at least).....Opinions on that issue would be welcome.

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As you know I speak from the "fun" perspective.  And it's a lot of fun feeling one's way thru old town trying to protect the News Crew and get em to safety.  That's more fun than simply hunkering down and trying to hold out.  Imagine how boring that video would have been...  ^_^

+1 for making the Sarandoy more capable, or at least no less capable.

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I'm guessing you posted that in the wrong thread.....I don't really do mods TBH. 

I've restored the Sarandoy's high morale, enjoyed that video too much to wreck it as a future option and the Sarandoy will probably bear the brunt of the Mujahiden attacks in all three AI plans, so fair's fair as they say.  ;)

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Was hoping that someone who remembers how mod options are numbered would chime in.  I have tried every combination and am suspecting that my DRA mods are not appearing in the game.

I looked at my other CM2 titles to see how the mod options are numbered and was confused to find sometimes they start with <mod.bmp> then go to <mod 2.bmp> and sometimes, to <mod 1.bmp>. 

There has to be one correct way to number mod options, right?  Hope a modder chimes in here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Testing of version 1-4 is now well under way, I've ironed out a couple more trivial map glitches and a bit of a cock-up in one of the AI Group's plans which may lead to some interesting activities after the 2:15 point in the current version (assuming anything is still alive and hasn't surrendered).  :rolleyes:

I've also discovered something bloody amazing.....When set to 'Assault', AI Mujahideen & Tribal 'Mine Teams' (the guys with satchel charges I mentioned elsewhere) will actually use them independently to blast walls! 


Sadly as you can see in my test they chose to blast a hole in a second floor exterior wall, but fair play at least they are trying!   :o

I'm not sure if the AI did not take a satchel charge from their total, or whether it took it the previous turn (had no reason to check until I noticed the blast go off), but regardless, I'm really impressed.....Clearly this much overlooked title's AI needs some serious exploration by some of the more experienced CM:SF crew.  B)

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Nope, they've done it twice now, both times in the same building, once on the ground floor (but after blasting out the wall, they still left by the front door).....Once I've got the new AI plans for this one up and running I'm going to have a bit of an experiment in the editor to see what the score is with both this and AI controlled artillery spotters.

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Ok, a bit late but here I am.                                                                                                                                                 

At the moment I have played the scenario until the appearance of the first reinforcements.                      

First thing first, the scenario is a bit demanding for my  PC. I have an intel core duo 3,00 GHz and a 4,00 GB RAM and, in order to get a decent amount of fps ( 20 per second) I had to set the game down to average/average.                                                                                                                                                                   

Anyway, let’s get down to serious business.                                                                                                                       

 I like the idea of starting the scenario with almost no planning to do on my side. Sometimes I ‘m not in the mood of spending 30/45 minutes for a reasonable METT-T.                                                                                          

  I’ve decided to stick to orders and try to hold all the important buildings until the arrive of the reinforcements, then move the VIPs to safety.                                                                                                                 

 The initial mortaring comes as a surprise and the few people hanging around in the parking lot of the embassy scurry for cover. The bombing is no exceedingly intense but, anyway, I spend a couple of turns moving everybody away from the first and the highest floors and ordering hide, too. At the end the results aren’t that bad. Two, three KIA among the militia and a few light wounded.                                                                

As soon as my troops deem safe take a look outside they realize that things are going to get quite fuzzy in no time. Insurgents are trying to enter in the urban area from two sides and their friends in town are already on the move. The guys moving toward the telly station are quite a lot and look pretty scary.      Being used playing as NATO in modern games I’m quite spoiled  with highly trained troops with a exaggerated  firepower. So I try a bold move moving forward some troops in order to have better fields of fire and hopefully pin the advancing foe. Bad idea. I’m immediately outnumbered and outgunned and the survivors retreat in panic. Same fate for a squad trying to cross the road from the police station to the embassy.                                                                                                                                                                           

 After losing a good three squads I decide it’s a better idea stay put and organize a couple of ambushes. This works better, even if not without pain. At the moment, my best asset seems the air force which put some salt on the enemy’s tail.                                                                                                                                                      

 At any rate, up to now the scenario it’s great fun. Fast and furious . I’m planning to play at least a couple of turns a day, if I can.




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"...moving everybody away from the first floors..."

This is what playing vs the game system is about.  We experienced players know to do this cos of the vagaries of the CMSF arty HE system.  I try to play as if it was for real, and moving away from UK ground/US first floor is gamey.  That's why I was a bit upset at the heavy casualties when I did the first test. 

ie:  One shouldn't have to know these tricks to play efficiently and have a decent outcome.  Something I hope all designers would aim for.

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What exactly are we to do?  Once the artillery fires the scenario designer is no longer in control of it. 

As far as I can see these steps just represents your troops taking cover, sure it's a slightly gamey sequence of actions, but the outcome is still fairly reasonable.....Their combat efficiency and spotting power is temporarily reduced while they avoid the incoming fire.

It really is a piffling little barrage too, 60mm tubes.....You'll see what proper artillery barrages can look like when the Relief Force turns up!  ;) 

BTW - 1-4 is running in author test as I type, the new AI plan is going OK.  I probably won't post 1-4 (but you can bet your life I'll test it repeatedly myself), but will move on to 1.5 with three whole AI plans as a final version (hopefully for the Repository or Proving Grounds).  This version will no doubt itself be tweaked before inclusion in the eventual campaign.

PS - On my machine (I7 Quad, 16Gb RAM, GeForce660GTX) I'm getting 18-21FPS mid-battle with the whole map in view, no discernible lag at all.

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Had another AI controlled Mine Team use Blast independently (in the same building or possibly another one from that cluster of four identical buildings) and this time they even exited through the hole they made.....Quite why they didn't just use the door in same wall escapes me though!  :rolleyes:

If anyone is interested I caught it on video this time (1.1Gb file.....Still uploading!  :o ) saved the turn too if anyone wants to pick it over.

It's not an Assault command that's triggering it as far as I can tell, I'm pretty sure the AI Group they are in is on an Advance/Active/Mixed/Dismount order at the time.

Anyone have any ideas.....If I could get this working reliably it would be great!  B)

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