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New Campaign - needs testers

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Slightly beefed up the relief force, you now have two whole platoons of T-62s plus the company HQ for a total of seven, count 'em, seven of the Soviet Union's finest MBTs (well the finest of the shonky tat they sent to Afghanistan anyway).

This is definitely a scenario of two halves.....First you do the running and the hiding, then you do the smashing and the burning! 

It all balances out quite nicely now.....Very close to needing an external tester.

PS - Having just said that I've discovered a small section of map that needs some more attention.  :rolleyes:

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I tried out a new defensive tactic and found I couldn't do what I wanted because there were no doors on the accessible side of a building.....Pretty much had to be sorted or you'd all have pointed and laughed!  ;)

All done now.....Will play it myself once more, then it should be pretty much ready to roll unless I discover something else, which is entirely possible on an urban map like this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently halfway through my most successful test to date, still discovering minor map issues and fixing them as I go along, I do also need to expand a set of AI Group instructions slightly, but other than that, everything is generally looking good.  :)

PS - I think the AI may have fired some mortars (I've just cancelled all my artillery to check), sadly if it is the AI doing the mortaring, they are mortaring their own units (and in a location my units have never been particularly close to either)!  :rolleyes:

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Test completed, two nights & eight saves to total victory, AI surrendered with 23 minutes left on the clock.....Obviously I expected no less!  :rolleyes:

Discovered lots of little hassles with the map, it must have been a really early iteration, slowly fixing them all. 

Forgot to mention that I had added a full battery of BM-21s to the player force, makes it feel a lot more Soviet.....Sadly it's the long flight time of these weapons that led me to believe that the AI was firing mortar at itself.  It's really not a good idea to advance into the beaten zone of a BM-21 strike until the marker no longer says 'Busy', regardless of whether it says 'Empty' or not.

I was quite impressed at how much this one battle remodelled parts of the map, it's pretty easy to see how Afghanistan's bigger cities deteriorated from their surprisingly cosmopolitan heights at the end of the seventies to the shambles they are now.

The TV station in particular was quite thoroughly 'defended':


& this part of town now looks a bit like the moon:


These pictures may contain traces of hint.  ;)

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Forgot to mention, all 15 Non-Coms were rescued (with over 45 minutes on the clock), one of the KGB guys was running around with an AK shooting people until I made him stop it (sadly it wasn't the one I'd like it to have been, you'll see what I mean if you play it).  ;)

I did manage to lose two T-62s and have the third from the same platoon abandoned (but subsequently remounted).  :o

I'd love to show you the position of my units in the final turn, but I can't because I didn't save it and it would give too much away.  Suffice it to say that this one definitely follows the Soviet principle of 'advance over the shattered & charred remains of your opponents to occupy their former positions':D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh goddammit sometimes I can be so thick.....Settled in to get the briefing written once & for all and discovered I've confabulated the two uprisings in Herat (1979 & 1984), something's been nagging at me the whole time I was working on this, now I know what it was!  :o 

My scenario is closer to the 1979 uprising, so I need to replace the Soviets with Afghans, ironically bringing it much closer to the scenario I was working on as the climax of my original campaign.....Doing this is actually pretty trivial, a couple of nights to test the balance should do it, but it's bloody annoying as I quite like what I currently have.

Therefore I'm going to finish writing up a briefing for a now purely fictional 1980 scenario and post the current version on Dropbox for anyone who wants to play it.....Comments and advice would be very welcome, suggestions will be put to use as I start the process of bringing the scenario more into line with history.  :rolleyes:


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I've discovered a couple of issues with the current version while doing my own testing, it seems I forgot to adjust a couple of units from 'Typical' experience level (not your snipers, they're supposed to be green, but I still might tune one up for you in a later version) so part of the battle is easier than it should be.  :rolleyes:

Get well soon!  ;)


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What I can't understand is a CO taking an expensive sniper rifle that requires specialized training to use well and handing it to a Green bloke, who probably just graduated from Conscript school. 

Green snipers are almost worthless. 

Now I am upset, this should speed up recovery - hold on... gotta rush to puke and poop...  :o

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It's his brother's rifle maybe and he's borrowed it, or perhaps it was a gift (bribe) from another tribesman? 

These guys are irregulars, normal tribesmen connected by blood to regime elements (most likely Tajiks rather than Pathans), they're not fighting because they want to or are good at it, they're fighting because of what will happen to them if the Mujahideen get their hands on them (you'll note their morale is quite good).

However I will probably tweak one or two of them in a later iteration, just for you.  ;)

Off to Iraq now to see if it is actually possible to get the AI to move units reasonably sensibly around my rehash of LLF's mighty Ramadi map.....Expectations are not too high TBH.  :unsure:


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Got it.  Thank you...

A very minor thought re ease of locating the file from the in-game menu.  If one labels a file "1a - name" then that guarantees it appears at the start of one's list of scenarios/campaigns in the CMA (or CMSF) in-game list.  Makes it easier to find when one has hundreds of game files.


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I've been looking the map over and found a couple more buildings that need fixing, they will be corrected in the next edit.....These shouldn't effect the current scenario in any way, once I get some feedback and make any other necessary changes, I'll post another updated version.  If anyone finds any broken buildings (windows on inner walls, doors to nowhere etc.) please take a screenshot or otherwise let me know where they are and I'll sort 'em out.  There are some intentionally placed internal windows in locations like the hospital, but these should all be obvious as they will be the same on both sides.

I'd also be interested in seeing after action damage reports, so screenshots of any noticeable 'remodelling' you achieve (like my handiwork on the TV Station above) would be great.....This map will get quite a lot of use and I will be producing 'remodelled' variants that will feature an 'average-terrain-amendment' based on what happens in various scenarios (I miss static campaigns from CMx1.....Can you tell?  ;)).

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"I miss static campaigns from CMx1....."


BTW: If you are adjusting the map, here are a few comments I was jotting down as started doing the set-up:

The briefings are good - clear and concise and not full of jargon that is irrelevant to playing the scenario.  However, you may want to define "KHAD", "Sarandoy" and "DRA". 

I loved the Elite drivers who only have pistols, and who presumably will have to scrounge for weapons.  A very neat original idea.  But, you'd think that there would be arms dumps in these buildings (Police; KGB etc.).  Occurred to me you could simulate static arms dumps by entombing trucks in buildings, or at least walled off.  At least some spare AT weapons and ammo would be available.

Anyhow let us know when the new map is ready and will continue with that. 

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In my last test run my drivers wound up with 1xRPK-74, 1xAK-74/40mmGL. 1xPPSh (and lots & lots of ammo).....One of my KGB dudes had an AK-74 too!  :D

There are hints to be found in that sentence.

I've corrected the minor issues I discovered on the map ('State Bank' and adjacent apartments), I will be adding one or two more AI plans to this scenario, so hopefully given a rest after the first run it won't feel too stale on a second try (I've played this version maybe half a dozen times in one form or another, as part of the process of tuning it to this point).....This iteration is really just about laying the groundwork and finding any issues with the map, I'll be using it as a master map for several smaller things of one sort or another (so I can gradually wreck it basically).

Here is the absolute latest version of the map.....I'm not even going to look at it again until someone's played it (other than me) or we'll be going round in circles forever! 

https://www.dropbox.com/s/f6ahtgj53bdte6l/[Test] Action %26 Reaction 1-2.btt?dl=0

If you feel like tweaking the briefing (you did offer), simply open the scenario in the editor, select 'Mission' from the master tab (the editor usually opens to Mission by default), then select Mission(Red), then 'Text' followed by 'Export'.  Pick a place where you want to save it and edit to your heart's content!  ;)

You can e-mail it to me or just paste it in a message here and I can copy it direct.

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All of those things will be covered in the master campaign briefing.....I'm probably going to adjust the date of the campaign slightly (1982 is a good candidate) switch to fully fictional mode and historical accuracy be damned for this one (I've got Mosul for that), hopefully it will still 'feel' mostly right and be fun to play.  B)

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Did the first 3 turns.  Playing ELITE WEGO.  Initial comments...


****** SPOILERS ******


My plan was to consolidate in the Victory Locations as suggested.  No point defending the police or TV stations.  But, only the weak Green uncons are in a position to run to safety in one or two turns.  For the 2 stations I first wanted those platoons to sit and look around a bit - didn't want to run straight into an ambush. 

I noticed that one of the mech inf had a sniper rifle requiring the 7.62x54 ammo, so it acquired the min 500 rounds - that was the only ammo transfer I made.  (Because CMSF only has two bars for 5.45mm and for all the different 7.62 types of ammo, have always wondered if the type of 7.62mm ammo one acquires really matters, or if any 7.62 ammo will work with any rifle requiring 7.62 eg: Brens, sniper rifles, as well as the AK.)

Will move BTR's cover road intersections around the govt buildings.

Am puzzled by the set-up zone at the TV station.  Wasn't sure why.  I decided to not change the default set-up. 

Left the elite drivers in the jeeps.  Maybe will run em to pick up TV folks. 

Moved some units to rooftops for better view.

That was about all I did in setup.

First turn, one of the weak uncons lost its 4-man HQ KIA to Taliban sniper and AT unit.  Impressive artillery barrage starts to hit all VL's making it dangerous to move or be on rooftops.  :(    Problem with WEGO is that a unit could have almost a minute to run for cover, but will sit there taking casualties.  Very frustrating.  Lost 2 elite/crack jeeps, one driver KIA, one WIA.  A few troops here and there also KIA in the first 2 turns.  Worst thing, I lost a couple of high value targets (HVT) KGB or govt - (I think to arty - it's hard to tell). 

Third turn, I found out the bad way that there are no doors on the back of the TV station buildings.  So, a squad ran out into the road and got 50% KIA.  Stopped at that point as that is an AI/pathing issue rather than my tactical error.  Will retry doing same as before as I think I was making sensible moves, but will be a lot more careful with pathing around the TV station.  I think more doors are needed opening onto the rear courtyard.

However, I hope you designed this for WEGO.  One really feels helpless when arty falls without any warning and one has just ordered so many out into the open.  Not sure if there is any way to save the jeeps, and it was really frustrating to already have an elite KIA and a 2nd WIA.

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