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Is 'more detailed document' available now?


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Aye, I believe that's probably referring to the "A Scen Design AAR PDF Book.pdf" that's been included in v3 releases/patches for a little while now. Not sure when it first made an appearance, but it's probably available to download separately if you can find where from... Not sure whether it's okay to attach it here, so I've not.

That document is a tutorial created, by Jon Sowden (JonS here) showing in great detail how to design a scenario, from "first principles", as it were.

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Here is the document, attached to this post for downloading. For now I am not including the graphics or the order of battle. Please read Page 2 carefully as it will explain the intent of the doc.


- This is an internal design doc that was used as a reference for Black Sea's development, so it isn't all prettied up for the public. Lots of text (probably with typos or mistranslations) and very rough graphics.

- Nothing in this document is a promise of future content. There are references to forces in the text that are not yet available in the game, but they are here simply as a resource for brainstorming material.

- Remember that the document was started well before the current situation in Ukraine/Crimea happened. Some things were updated (like Russia moving into Crimea), but for the most part this was written a long time ago. So many of the events will not match with the reality today.

CMBS Storyline v2.01 PUBLIC.pdf

Edited by ChrisND
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I managed to cobble together a bit of a general high readiness/first response OOB some time ago. Here. As of 2016 some of this might be outdated (i.e. VDV), but this should still provide some food for scenario makers. 

Edited by BTR
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