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Multiple players per side....

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Just another of my hair brained ideas.. smile.gif

(An example)I think the battle between Martin and Fionn would be an excellent opportunity to have two commanders for the German side... one for the relief force, and the other for the poor doomed FJ's in the town. Or one for each of the battle groups... you get the idea.

Is there a way to save the Orders phase in mid stream? So you could, for example, give the orders for the relief force, and then e-mail it to a friend and have him give the orders to the FJ's... etc.

I think this would open up all kinds of opportunities for some very interesting Play by E-mail games.

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Hows that for realism smile.gif

Instead of being SUPREME GOD OF ALL DIRECT THOUGHT AND ACTION of a battalion, one guy functions as the battalion commander and a few others as company commanders.

IMHO this would be a nice for clan (guild, regiment, tribe?) play.


"Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter."

Sir Winston Churchill

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Guest PeterNZ

This should be easy, using the file swaping format it seems is used.

As one person is the host and someone else the hosteee (hostess? hehe wink.gif ) then once a turn is done and saved, the file is passed back to the host from the hostee and then the host generates. Presumably the host generates a file too (say turna.x1 and turnb.x1 or wotever).. resulting in a results file for both sides (turna.r2 turnb.r2 for eg) . well if you wanted multiple players, each player just has a go at the turn file before sending it in. If a game is going to be controlled by three different people, each one orders their units, then saves, and passes the saved file onto the next person. CO could be last to confirm all is set and pass to the host on the other side who will do the same, collecting both turns, generating and passing back results to each player to look at.

I guess as long as everyone has the password and the scenario this owuldnt be a problem. I'm assuming that the saved turn file wil store all move information to date and can be reoppened.

This is kinda how Stars! works, a pbem game i'm pretty fond of.

It would be hard to stop each player seeing what the rest of his side was doing, but it should still be a fun game.

If you want to be extra crazy, the CO could control nothing, and have all his instructions to his sub commanders sent by an icq or email message..

to be extra-extra silly, a double blind could be used where a third-party host exchanges all moves and information, orders and so on, so a 'realistic' fog of war could be created, communications kept short and so on. You'd not know who was on your team and how capable they were till they went into action! Could be quite fun watching how your orders turned into a game of chinese whispers!

More rantings from..


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Guest John Maragoudakis

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>have two commanders for the German side... one for the relief force, and the other for the poor doomed FJ's in the town<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sounds like another good idea. You could have it so that they don't know the other's exact location until they get close enough.

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I was reading about Team Fortress 2 for Half-life, and it has something like this!

You have players playing FPS as grunts and you have one player as the commander playing the game with an interface like aRTS game!

I envision one day a game like CM going that way - for online games anyway, some players driving tanks sims, some runnning around with bots as infantry etc - with several players playing the commanders with a RTS interface- that's whaat I call realism! Will you troops obey your commands? You'll have to know which players under your command are green or elite smile.gif etc

SOunds like fun to me!



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Well, I think you could do a workaround like they do with SP whereby one person moves his company and then you move yours etc BUT I think everyone's getting a little carried away because all friendly units on-map are visible at all times within the one scenario so the kind of thing you are all thinking about is impossible.

There are ways to have hierarchical teams fight in campaigns IF players are willing to help run the campaigns.. If the interest is there after release and players are willing to help then it will happen but for now I think best to focus on the beta demo wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Oh and BTW to put that feature in, whilst probably possible, would, I am certain, cause a very large delay. It'd require a whole lot of coding I'm sure.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Okay, this has gotten way off my main question... which was:

Can you save DURING the Orders Phase?

Right now I could care less about friendly fog of war, etc. I would be happy with a save feature. Other friendly units would have more information about neighboring friendly units, especially units in the same operation, so I don't see a friendly fog of war as a nessecity. I just want to be able to access the damned orders phase again for additional input.

I think this was answered by Fionn to some extent. But can I get a yes or a no please?

Thanks wink.gif

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One way, obviously, to have multiple players per side is to get all the players on one side playing off of the same computer. At least this requires no extra programming and no saving in the middle of turns.

If I had any friends here who played wargames I would probably try something like this.

Although I think I'd be more interested in an uber-campaign with multiple people controlling each controlling an entire scenario.


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One way to do this would be to have multiple scenarios going on at the same time in parallel. So one large map is created, then sliced into thirds and entered into the scenario editor as three separate scenarios. So you have, for example, three companies that are all part of a battalion, with three players fighting their individual battles and a battalion commander overseeing the whole thing. The battalion commander can order one company CO to send units over to the ajoining scenario map, and the battalion commander can allocate assets that he/she holds in reserve as well. For this to work, scenarios would have to be changeable on the fly, so that a unit sent to a map edge and ordered to go to the next map would disappear from one scenario and reappear in the other. Of course, they would have to reappear in the same state they left, and not as a fresh new unit.

I hope I made that idea clear enough.


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Guest L Tankersley

IIRC, the simultaneous multi-scenario campaign idea was bandied about quite a bit here, oh, maybe six months ago? I seem to recall Fionn volunteering to coordinate one, but I could be mistaken. wink.gif

Leland J. Tankersley

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Yeah, Fionn and I had discussed something like this a while ago, since this was basically the project I was working on in CC3. What I have in mind really isn't possible with the current incarnation of Combat Mission, though, since units can't move from one scenario map to another. Without this ability, it creates some problems. Let me quote Fionn here:

"This way we could link a TRUE strategical aspect war with an excellent tactical-level rendering (Combat Mission) ;). From what I have seen Combat Mission is probably the first game to actually give us the flexibility to do this sort of campaign.

By instituting some common sense limits on 'Stacking'. e.g. no more than 1 battalion per side per map (or something like that)and giving each overall commander the equivalent of a division (or whatever was historically present) we could probably really do well."

The limits on 'stacking' are an artificial constraint that is necessary given this current state of CM. However, with the ability to move units from one map to another, one creates the possibility of true maneuver warfare. With this possibility, it would be foolish to stack units on a particular map and allow for the possibility of having your entire force surrounded.

I realize this was in an old thread, but there are a lot of new thoughts that can be brought to the table, and old threads tend to fill up and get closed anyway. As long as this doesn't spread to four or five threads, I think we'll all be fine. smile.gif


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On the topic of Multi player:

How does hotseat work?

I mean do I do my turn and then go read the latest copy of Stars and Stripes while Gerry does his?

And then how do I know what happened durring that action phase when I come back?

Replay the movie??

Maybe I answered my question?

I don't know, I'm confused wink.gif


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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Yes, I did bandy that around and am still prepared to host and organise something like that at TGN BUT it would require a lot of help from CM players to set up and run as:

a) its too big a job for only a few people and

B) I'm simply far too busy with other related things to singel-handedly deal with it.

But, personally, I think that it can be put up and running once the game comes out since I think the interest will be there.

However, I think it's best to only seriously talk about it once the game comes out. I have the preliminary thoughts worked out and once the gold version is out I'll float it again if the interest is there.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Sorry to be repeditive, but

On the topic of Multi player:

How does hotseat work?

I mean do I do my turn and then go read the latest copy of Stars and Stripes while Gerry does his?

And then how do I know what happened durring that action phase when I come back?

Replay the movie??

Maybe I answered my question?

I don't know, I'm confused ...Still wink.gif

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I believe it would work like the...

Player A gives his orders.

Player B then gives his orders.

CM processes the orders during the real time 1 minute segment, resulting in a movie results for each player.

Player A watches his movie and generates new orders.

Player B then watches his movie and generates new orders.

Continue till one side is brewed up better than a Guiness.


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Ill support the campaign idea (thats one more serious player). I don't know if I have the scenario design experience but there would definantly be no problem for me recording and filing AARs for online view (you can check the page I designed at http://underworld.fortunecity.com/monster/68).

If need be I'll even form one of the regiments (divisions, clans, whatever), probably one based on the 6th Fallschirmjäger Regiment.


"Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter."

Sir Winston Churchill

[This message has been edited by Apocal (edited 10-24-99).]

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