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Heavy Metal?

Guest GriffinCheng

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Guest GriffinCheng


Just saw it in CombatHQ. What is it? A new scenario for beta demo? Another exciting AAR? Or pleaset surprise for the holiday? But I just love the idea of massive armor combat!


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Guest Madmatt

Answers to your question in order..

Its a surprise




So do we!


Actually it is a collection of Screenshots that Fionn has done from a Do It Yourself Battle that was setup (on the full version, not the demo!) with pure Tank vs. Tank combat as we figured you guys would dig it! And the shots are very COOL! Expect to see more on this later today!

Check out:


Madmatt out...

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-20-99).]

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Actually, it wasn't generated by the DYO battle generator. It was a hand-made scenario.

It took me about 40 mins from getting the idea to having the map made, the units bought and placed and all the little ambush markering done.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Madmatt

Well what I meant was that you DID IT YOURSELF! wink.gif It wasn't a pre-designed scenario or anything is what I was getting at! You had to build it from scratch...

Sorry for the confusion there!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-20-99).]

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Guest GriffinCheng

Tank "busting"? hehe I love it!

Hey, Fionn, one request: please keep that scenario in a safe place so we can d/l it later when CM comes out.

Thx in adv!

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I had an even better one than that (well I liked it and it rocked in PBEM) called "tankfest" which is simply an insane scenario but I deleted it.. Luckily my pBEM beta tester buddy Bil Hardenberger had kept a copy so I've got it.

It's so unrealistic I doubt it'll make it into the release version but I can release it on CMHQ once the game ships (and intend to wink.gif ) if it isn't on the CD.

I've also done a scenario with variants to show how weather effects battles and another with variants which has stings in the tail for both sides wink.gif..

I haven't finished them as I would like though since I've been so busy recently. This xmas break will give me a chance to do so wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest GriffinCheng

Thank you Fionn!

BTW, speaking of weather, is it possible to tweak the weather so we have sunny/rainy/snowy/stomy weather within the length of the same scenario? I know it sounds totally unrealistic and insane :)


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Welcome to where I live, We just had a blizzard with 80km winds, then -28C, and it it going to be +2C on Xmas day. Nice thing about the weather here is, if you don't like it, just wait an hour, it'll change.

Craig (is it time to start Xmas shopping yet?)

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Guest GriffinCheng

Oh, I am living in warm sub-tropical Hong Kong. <VBG> Hawk, is it just Northern Norway or it is the same throughout Scandanavia?

What we preceive "cold" would be 6C to 10C. It is what the weather is like now and everyone are packed in heavy clothes. It may sound funny to people in the northern countries. Normally, it is pretty consistant weather during winter so dramatic changes in weather is not something we get used to.

But the questions is: is it possible to have such a "interesting" weather?


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Umm, I think that within a battle the weather remains constant.. I'm not 100% sure though.

Within an operation the weather changes dynamically. E.g. Rain can lead to mud in the next game which can dry to become damp ground in the next etc etc.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Big Time Software

Craig, they don't call it "The Great White North" because of the blistering temps that Lokesa is experiencing smile.gif I've camped in -28deg a couple of winters ago. Fun, but damn water freezes fast at that temp!


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Griffin, I was (mostly) kidding. We usually have only one type of weather (from days to several weeks), but sometimes (especially duing the late autumn and winter) we can have sun, rain and snow during a day as well as calm to windy, but the temperatur seldoms fluctuate more than 5 to 10 deg. This type of weather is probably common in most of scandinavia, but happens more often in the north along the coast.

And with that, we conclude todays session on meteorology in the north smile.gif



Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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Guest GriffinCheng

Hawk, thanks for the post. I would love to go to Scandanavia for summer travels. From what I have read makes me dream about the nice scenes.

Lokesa, stay cool! [g] 60F (~15C) is just what we normally have in late autumn, till this week, before the cold front hit us hard. You will survive this. I had been in San Diego some years ago. Nice summer under Califonia sunshine! [g]

BTW, I had made a similar all-armor crazy scenario using Steel Panthers 1 where German panzers crash with Russian irons in a narrow valley. In low visibilty, each side has to fight every "hex" to move on -- kinda fun, too.

I think it is time to wrap up our little local weather discussion. :) Time to go back and do some shootings.

Happy holiday boys and girls.

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Thx for all the kind words, with your support there is nothing that cant be accomplished smile.gif

on a side note, I scored my quickest win in Pbem yesterday getting a surrender on turn 5...

Admittedly, it was Last defence and he might've lasted till his backup came but more likely the computer would have thrown in the towel for him if he didn't smile.gif

The coolest part is that I did it by applying stuff from this here forum.

A while back someone asked about tactics and Los gave a pretty solid reminder of basics then with Fionn dropping hints everywhere, I had it made smile.gif

I feel like the germans must have in early Russia...

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I hope you're kidding about the temp there Lokesa, I'm going down to Palm Springs (gotta love those airmiles) in January, and I don't know if I'll be able to adapt to the heat hehe.

Steve, the coldest I've ever camped in was -41. There was a little (big?) problem with the forecast, and a suprise cold snap hit us (with a wind of course), then the water freezing suddenly becomes the least of your worries (urine freezing does wink.gif ).

Craig (not believing the weatherman anymore)

As an aside, you guys that live in warm areas are missing out on sitting (outside) in a hot tub set at 102F when it is colder than -25. No kidding, it is the greatest way to relax in the world.

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Last year we had below -50 celsius here in Norway. If you throw a cup of water in the air it's frozen before it hits the ground, pretty cool (pun intended). Speaking of cold do your respective armies (which has snow that is, Africans don't have to answer) dig snow caves for bivuac?

I've heard some crazy stories about the GI's coming to Norway on winter maneuvers, like digging a cold hole in the tent and place their heads in it etc (as we all know a little hole in the tent opening will press down cold air into it. Low pressure anyone). Then again when I was on the exchange program between our army and the US the guys up in Minnesota had a very good knowlegde about cold environments.

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The US certainly trains for winter operations, but the northern troops adapt more readily. Training and prep is everything. On training and evaluation maneuvers in Germany we had a nasty winter storm near the Czech border (Grafenwoehr, for those who've been).

Joining 3AD for the fun was an armored unit from the California National Guard. They showed up with smiles and suntans. The temp fell into single digits (F) and the snow flew.

I have never felt so sorry for anyone who made me laugh as much. They froze- they crashed- they were utterly clueless and unprepared (they left bottled beer out at night to keep it cold- a sort of slow grenade in that weather). I watched one M60A1 try to pull another out of a hull-down position where it was stuck. As the track spun on the steep, frozen hillside, the second M60 slid in the hole to join the first with a loud clang. A humongous M88 recovery vehicle was called to the scene. It huffed, puffed, and finally threw a track. What a target for a HIND to stumble across! Those who want to free bogged tanks in a 30 minute scenario should have been there.

The evaluation Major I was driving laughed til he couldn't take it anymore- and then ordered me to CS the whole unhappy crew. "Good training" was the phrase of the day (the grenade bounced off the back deck of one of the tanks and rolled pretty much into the middle of the clusterf**k, spewing a white cloud of teargas, while the NG stared at it with curiousity). Bad day in the snow.

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LoL, yeah, I was kidding but truly am spoiled here.

I can vouch for the hot tubs in winter. Spent some time in Japan (land of women who think you're god, oh, I mean of hotsprings) went to some really cool hotsprings up in the mountains with snow on the ground and pine trees. Twas beautiful. Anyone ever been to Nikko? Nikko, was where Ieyasu Tokugawa was entombed, has a really cool temple compound as well as one of the emperial househoulds which you can visit when the emperor is staying elsewhere. Highly recomend it to anyone travelling there.

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