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John Kettler vs BadgerDog (Forever War QB thread)

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In the reply box, there is a button, second row center for embedding images. Paste the image URL in the box and it should embed, so long as it is a direct url to the image itself.


EDIT: ALSO! You might need to drop the 's' from 'https' in order to get it to work. I know YouTube vids won't embed if it has 'https' on it.





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Was unaware of that, likely because the icons are tiny and when I'm trying to get out a post, I most definitely have tunnel vision. Am giving your suggestion a whirl. Let's see what happens.


Image Posting Test (with https)



Image Posting Test (without "S")




Sigh. No joy. Maybe it only works for videos? Am already embedding those.



John Kettler

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I had indications BD had a tank at the Central Min VP, so I decided to make said tank uncomfortable--if it was really there. Recon by fire!




And what happened next? Tank presence confirmed! Note characteristic Shtora pattern. I love how actual tactics work in this sim, too. Or wouldn't a sudden largish HE airbust in the trees bother you if it went off somewhere close and in your view? It certainly wouldn't kill the tank, but it has real potential to damage all sorts of things on the tank. Sure would command my attention! 





John Kettler

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Having been video and file challenged also.  I have found, when using DrobBox in this forum set up, you need to take off the extra characters that might come in with the file.  When you paste the URL into the box as indicated in http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120251-john-kettler-vs-badgerdog-forever-war-qb-thread/page-2#entry1622338, you will need to get rid of the characters.  Looking at your  https://www.dropbox.....12.33.png?dl=0 post you would want to get rid of the ?dl=0 at the end.


Another thing that I have discovered is you should not look at copying the "big" or zoomed large DropBox URL but only the normal picture URL.  If you only use the normal picture URL, you might not have the trouble you are having.


These suggestions come after having had the pain of the URL and picture not showing up nicely in the forums.


My $0.02.  :)

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A most exciting (and scary) turn!


"Only movement brings victory."



Having sent down 4th Company's HQ tank from its perch on the military crest on the ridge, this turn I sent it racing over a low spine from the ridge and went charging into the Central Road (Min VP), with the objective of getting there before BD's tank emerged from its obscurant cloud.  And how did that go?


Target acquired. Ogon!




Support via brief AB fire (planned when obscurant cloud was still present and intended to make things hot for BD's tank) is concluding just as my tank arrives and fires.



(Emphatic Russian curse from the TC) Lost! (projectile not sensed) Reload "arrow" !


Exception that breaks the rule

It's widely believed that CM's AI always magically has the right round up the spigot when the fight begins. This pic conclusively proves that claim wrong. Had this been KE, my tank would've died in an instant, but it was AB!




Mine wasn't. KE with an MG chaser



Another view, taken before the MG opened up


The lone survivor and an issue I've noted. This is the second time this has happened in which a surviving crewman bails out on the engaged side. This isn't a life expectancy improver and recommend BFC look into this. Of course, given AB, it didn't matter thereafter.






John Kettler

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My second attempt to seize The Village (Major VP) jwent horribly awry, just as I was about to report that my very aggressive use of a MBT to seize a key objective was only possible in the knowledge he had no infantry, and that this had allowed me to race in and take it. Instead, things went down like this:


Third Company's HQ tank got into The Village just fine on Quick and was supposed to Hunt up behind a house, safely out of the LOS/LOF of any armor (saw no evidence of it, despite many turns of observation from above The Village) still lurking about near the VP's center. Didn't quite work that way. Instead, the tank pulled up just shy of the planned cover house's wall, stopped, then drove the gun barrel into the wall, at which point the tank apparently became stuck and everyone was evidently overcome by an instant sleep spell, which is why not even the MG turned to engage invisible infantry firing at point blank range from a low hedgerow and obviously responsible for an apparent staggered launch two rocket RPG volley. Quite a departure from the lightning quick responses to threats before! This one missed.




The next one didn't. 




And the net result of the AR or MG fire was to pin and panic the entire crew.




Thus, instead of seizing the Major VP, BD still has it, and I'm out another scarce T-90AM. 

(Horrible Russian oath is heard from higher, who is monitoring events)




John Kettler


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[You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.]


Apparently one cannot embed pictures from dropbox.

Been following this along, exciting stuff, but now reading about how you are meant to embed pics im a bit confused.  I use photobucket and the way i do it is upload my pics, sort them in order of how i want them then I click on them one at a time.  When the pic comes up in large you get the little box at bottom right 



This is the easiest way i find to do it, however it does mean transferring pics around which can get confusing, I normally do it in batches, say between 5 and 10 turns depending on how much action is going on.  There probably is an easier way of doing, in fact im hoping there is, but it always works for me on whatever forum im on.

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Glad you're enjoying the QB drama--which may be almost done or might go six more turns! I don't know what it is about image/photo hosting sites, but I seem never to be able to get them to work for me. Have tried a bunch of times over the years.  Of course, I'm the guy who floundered so badly trying to get going on CM Helper that BadgerDog had to do remote access and a simultaneous phone call to get me sorted out and running, this after all sorts of maddening attempts by others to help me on the CMBS Tech Support Forum had failed. I seem to be some sort of natural born system breaker, possessed of a strange and most unwelcome ability that results in things that work great for others and routinely at that, not working for me. I have had all sorts of bizarre software issues with CMx2, the last one so bad I had to dump the full CMBN and start from scratch. Thank goodness for the Installer!  Am even having issues with DB, where when I select a pic's icon, the blasted thing arbitrarily changes position and sometimes throws up some sort of Reload (?) glyph atop the icon. It's a real shame I can't simply stick the link into the Image spot and have a pic up. Would've been nice. For now, though, I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to play CMx2, and embedded pics rate far below that.

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Glad you're enjoying the QB drama--which may be almost done or might go six more turns! I don't know what it is about image/photo hosting sites, but I seem never to be able to get them to work for me. Have tried a bunch of times over the years. Of course, I'm the guy who floundered so badly trying to get going on CM Helper that BadgerDog had to do remote access and a simultaneous phone call to get me sorted out and running, this after all sorts of maddening attempts by others to help me on the CMBS Tech Support Forum had failed. I seem to be some sort of natural born system breaker, possessed of a strange and most unwelcome ability that results in things that work great for others and routinely at that, not working for me. I have had all sorts of bizarre software issues with CMx2, the last one so bad I had to dump the full CMBN and start from scratch. Thank goodness for the Installer! Am even having issues with DB, where when I select a pic's icon, the blasted thing arbitrarily changes position and sometimes throws up some sort of Reload (?) glyph atop the icon. It's a real shame I can't simply stick the link into the Image spot and have a pic up. Would've been nice. For now, though, I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to play CMx2, and embedded pics rate far below that.

Lol I've got a friend who's like that, anything to do with computers and it just goes wrong. Anyway battles and AAR content for me/us to read is the best priority, keep it coming.

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Now the text doesn't appear properly in the Reply window, and the top bar is pretty grayed out. May or may not be able to attach pics.

(Later note: It didn't display correctly while keying it in, but it posted normally.Go figure).

Last turn was something of a turnaround for me, in that what I knew must be true eventually did in fact happen. The smoke came down after the suspected tank masked itself, but there was still nothing to see, thanks to a most useful fold in the ground. The ever helpful BMP-3 crew thought it a capital idea to put a 100 mm AB shell above it.


BMP's AB viewed from my leafy "fastness" while my tank is still driving me nuts during its crazy movement through the trees.


34 seconds later, my T-90AM (sitting on the objective after the most harrowing trip through woods imaginable) had a real tank to shoot at. If you look at things from BD's end of the engagement, my tank is practically broadside on and quite visible in its sun dappled lair.




I've already fired here, but the great gout of flame has yet to show up. Recall how exposed my tank is and note well BD's tank is in hull defilade. Fortunately for me, somehow my guys fired first.


The DU dart streaks to the target.


(Shown here in full, but really hull down)


Muzzle flame is now visible coming from my tank, as is the explosion of BD's tank.

Target is destroyed! Maybe I finally control this objective?


Meanwhile, my poor tank crew in the Village continued to get shot up, ultimately leaving two men who'll likely die for want of timely medical care. But first, behold the men who ambushed and destroyed my command tank! Note especially there is still another RPG available with my name on it!



Why no buddy aid? The driver, sleeted by AR fire all around him, panicked and ran, but note how stern instruction from the sergeant has stood him in good stead, for he still has his weapon!


Despite being driven away in temporary terror as bullets snapped about his ears and tore up the foliage,he has now begun to recover.



T-90AM comes racing into the Village by the front door, but plans to go through the wall to the left of said door!


And makes it onto the Major VP intact!


Naturally, the game is now in OT. Aaaiee!


John Kettler

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The driver is sorting himself out and somewhat ready to fight




AB arrives to perhaps save the tank's crew from the ambushers.




Just as well, since he's back in it. Guess BD's guy ran out of Kalashnikov ammo, hence, the pistol. Note remnants of AB. Not only wasn't he turned into puree by it, but he wasn't so much as forced to duck!




The driver drove off the two ambushers, and per the EOG info when selecting him, wounded both, but it was 125 mm AB which did for them!




The driver hastened to his badly wounded comrades and began buddy aid. From what I can tell, he's already gotten one out of deep red status. Also despite a hole in its upper right, the tank still works. When ambushed, the crew dismounted, not bailed out, but was chewed up by the ambush team, which meant no one could get back in. I could've put the driver back in the tank, but the right thing to do was tend to his injured comrades. Though his nerve failed in the early part of the fight, what with the tank being penetrated and then being shot at to such effect he fled, the CO's driver calmed down, regrouped, shot up the ambushers, hitting both and then rushed to tend the wounds of his CO and the gunner. The man's a hero, but I doubt he'll ever see a medal.




After an insane 8 minutes of OT (in a 30 minute QB!) either the clock finally ran out or BD forced it to (was, like me, remarking unfavorably about the seemingly interminable OT), the game ended.


(RT breaks into regular coverage, which happens to be "Pavel Loves Ludmilla," modeled after the Hispanic mega hit tele novellas)


"We go live direct to the Ministry of Defense"


( where a jubilant colonel, the MoD spokesman, awaits at the podium)


"We have just learned revanchist forces in the vicinity of (names oblast and rayon) have been utterly defeated. All of their battle technology has been destroyed, Other than a few still MIA, every last one is either WIA or KIA. All locations they held have been recaptured. Friendly casualties are reportedly light."




(He takes a few questions, smiles broadly and appropriately, turns on his heels and proudly strides off)


(RT's anchor says some suitable things, whereupon)


"We now return to our regular program."


(which is now at a commercial)


A few closing thoughts


My Russian Total Victory notwithstanding, that QB was every bit as grueling, if not more draining than the out of everything, especially a nervous system, Fire on the Mountain from  CMx1's CMBO Rumblings of War tournament. BadgerDog chose his handle well, for he can hide AFV's under a napkin, or so it seems. I believe he did use Hide for his AFVs, then slipped them into place and fired, retreating out of LOS before I could get a fix. Like to drove me nuts, and I spent a great deal of time looking over several extra shoulders he caused me to grow. Like Savoir Faire (sp), he was everywhere. And nowhere. Seldom did I have an IDed target and got most of my kills against tank icons with a question mark showing. BD is the master of the ambush, which seems to occur just as you think you've finally got victory in your grasp. And if he could wreak havoc with a mere two man ambush team, whose origins I still don't know, imagine what horrors he could accomplish with actual infantry! For sure, I'm highly unlikely, even in a supposed Armor QB, ever to go waltzing onto an objective again the way I did in this one. I got kills on BD through zapping him in transit from overwatch, galling him through AB, forcing him to displace and into my oft porous network of fires, painstakingly working into firing position via Hunt, charging into one of his locations, gun blazing. In two cases, he had the drop on me at spitting range, but fired first and missed. 


I think the T-90AM is a fine tank, at least, vs its Russian peers. Its sensors gave me a first detect, first shoot edge over BD's tanks in several instances, and it's well suited to fluid combat at speed, as in running and gunning at Quick. Indeed, my first tank kill was in that mode.


The map, Quick Battle Open-Hills (1248 x 1200) 315 Meet.btt, is simply glorious and made for a splendid battle. Kudos to the man who created it! As noted before, fighting a (not so) Tiny QB on a Large map has made all the difference in the world in terms of military credibility, scope for maneuver, immersion and sheer enjoyment. Tiny on a Medium map was ridiculously constrained. Also, I think it's a very good thing I got a few high cost tanks, a couple of BMP-3s and a MT-LBM, for had I gotten the battalion plus TGs I've gotten several times before, I'd probably have gone stark staring mad. Way too much to do. Again, I request BFC find a way to make Tiny QBs just that. Tiny. I suggest looking at CMx1 QB force sizes to better understand what former and current CMx1 players got  in that game at the smallest force size setting. I believe it was a reinforced company, not a battalion TG.


Appendix  Who did what 


He thinks he took the Village, but it was the CO's driver who actually controlled the objective



My first attempt to take the Village ended at the hands of this later killed tank




3rd Platoon HQ destroyed over a tank platoon--with some help from a BMP-3 which caused neither personnel casualties or kills, but whose assists were critical




Battalion CO and his crew perished when the tank was hit and exploded




Part of my eyrie team and seizer of the crossroads; did some good work




Somewhere I have a pic of BD's Shturm TD. It killed a T-90AM, but I didn't even know I was under ATGM attack. Had a terrible time eventually finding and destroying it.




John Kettler

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Forever War against BadgerDog is suffering a temporospatial discontinuity of uncertain duration. The cause? He routinely operates at a much higher level of force size and complexity than I felt I could handle. For me, it's a sequencing issue, as well as one of brain power and computer power. It has taken me a very long time to obtain any real ability to play CMx2 at all, much less vs a cagey foe. I've gone, over an immense amount of time and through great effort, from totally lost and in despair, to marginally able to do something, to eking out a low level victory vs AI, to doing very well vs AI in QB, then, when I finally was able to PBEM, I got so mauled it was hopeless, but I came back in our second match, worked my rear off, and won a smashing victory. 


But that was with a straight armored force at best  a Company (-), with an infantry force amounting to one whole ATGM team in a 30 mm armed MT-LBM. Obviously, that is a far cry from being able to put a BTG out there, deal with infantry, mortars and artillery, as well as tacair (fixed and rotary wing) and air defense. For me, that's akin for a baby to try to go from crawling to running, while skipping walking!  I have learned a great deal from BadgerDog, without whom I might still be trying to get going on PBEM! And were it not for him, I wouldn't have so much as dreamt of building a 13K point size force, let alone actually doing it. Am therefore reasonably confident, especially with the help I've been so kindly offered in another thread, I will get into his rarefied gaming realm in due course, but I have much to learn before I do so. Further, I need to somehow get a grip on my reactions as a gamer and stop going deer in the headlights. I need to be confident I can get to the point where I can operate at a level many CMx2 gamers can't or won't go. Of course, the feasibility of that has a lot to do with what I buy, there being a whopping difference between buying an Ogarkov Special (all the pricey high capability best weapons) or fielding a far more numerous lower tech force. Based on a very small sample size, my current read is that the Ogarkov Special is the way to go, for better sensors win the detection battle, which allows preemption of enemy action by shooting first, and shooting first generally wins the fight.




John Kettler

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