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Number of microphones and their use


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what is their exact use in black sea? (also how do they compare to radios,do they work together in a big picture )


russian infantry  have mics for team leaders

american infantry  have  them for every soldier

ukrainian infantry have 0 

do americans benefit much more from them ,and is ukrainian infantry handicaped alot ?


edit: on Iron difficutly

Edited by Lacroix
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The microphones are for helmet mounted individual radios. All other things being equal, the force with more of them will have a distinct advantage in terms of SA, because the men will be able to pass key info back and forth in real time at the man to man level, allowing unprecedented ability to plan, organize and coordinate fire and movement. This is one of the key American edges in warfare. Case in point. A squad has a man who would normally be outside of visual range, therefore out of command. Not any more! Those individual transceivers allow an individual squad to cover a lot more ground, which allows for both greater likelihood of seeing what's really going on and permits greater tactical dispersion. Additionally, it becomes possible to do things like set up effective combat outposts, something not doable in the CMx2 WW II games because field telephones, which were used for precisely this task, aren't modeled. One or two men can now screen while, say, the other squad members Rest, replenish ammo, Buddy Aid or what have you, with no loss of SA as a result. Restated, sucks to be the Ukrainians! Except for some handheld radios and cell phones, they're pretty much fighting with modern weapons and WW II comms.


John Kettler

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A bit off-topic, but helmet mounted microphones a quite a luxury. Here is a little anecdote from my time in the austrian army: during basic training we were instructed on how to use the platoons only means of communication (besides some nokia mobile phones purchased from the commercial market): a 60 years old field telephone. In order to call someone, you need one guy with a cable spool on the back to run to the guy you want to call and if you want to talk, you have to turn a hand crank attached to a generator to produce electriciy :D. And i served in 2008-2009! LOL. The drill instructor told us how great that thing was because "the enemy cant jam the signal if you are using a cable".

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A bit off-topic, but helmet mounted microphones a quite a luxury. Here is a little anecdote from my time in the austrian army: during basic training we were instructed on how to use the platoons only means of communication (besides some nokia mobile phones purchased from the commercial market): a 60 years old field telephone. In order to call someone, you need one guy with a cable spool on the back to run to the guy you want to call and if you want to talk, you have to turn a hand crank attached to a generator to produce electriciy :D. And i served in 2008-2009! LOL. The drill instructor told us how great that thing was because "the enemy cant jam the signal if you are using a cable".

interesting about jamming ,i wonder how would the electronic warfare influence comunication in BS ( low medium high)

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Jings! Who'd have thought! ;)


The manual has a section on how EW affects stuff in CMBS page 11:


Electronic Warfare
Don't want modern radio and satellite communications nets for your scenario? Shut them down! A new scenario environmental setting that can be independently set for either side simulates electronic warfare attacks allows you to degrade or completely disable electronic communications, forcing even Information Age forces to communicate without the benefit of modern technology.
Electronic warfare is represented in the game through a Data editor setting. (it is also available in
the QB setup window). There are two settings: Blue Electronic Warfare Strength, and Red. The setting for one side will negatively affect the enemy systems. So for example, if Blue EW strength is set to Strong, then the Red player will feel the effects of Strong EW. These settings do NOT cancel each other out! So you could theoretically set both to Medium and both sides would have seriously degraded comms. Once in battle, you can see what the EW strength is for both sides by checking the Conditions panel.
The available EW strengths are None, Light, Medium, and Strong.
No EW assets are deployed against the enemy. Systems are unaffected.
- Hand-held "walkie-talkie" radio communications are degraded. Manpack radios (as carried by "radio operator" soldiers), and vehicle-mounted radios are unaffected.
- Hand-held satellite communications links via PDA devices are degraded. Vehiclemounted satellite stations such as FBCB2 and Constellation are unaffected.
- UAV Support Mission delivery times are lengthened and UAV spotting ability is degraded
due to electronic interference.
- Hand-held radio equipment no longer functions.
- Manpack radio and vehicle-mounted radios still function but are degraded.
- Hand-held satellite communications links via PDA devices no longer functions.
- Vehicle-mounted satellite stations such as FBCB2 and Constellation are degraded.
- Delivery times for Artillery, UAV, and Air Support Missions are much longer due to comms interference.
- UAV spotting ability is further degraded.
- Precision artillery missions of all types are not available.
- The ability of on-map Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs) to detect and engage aircraft is degraded.
- All radio and satellite communications links are disabled. Units must maintain C3 links via
verbal face-to-face communications or visual hand signals.
- Artillery, Air Support, and UAV Support Missions now have an extreme delay, often over 20 minutes. UAV spotting ability is extremely degraded.
- On-map SAM ability to detect and engage aircraft/UAVs is highly degraded.
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