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Ambush - no spoilers


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Don't think I've played any of those scenarios. Guess I have something to look forward to.

What are the names of the Wittman scenario series?

Wittmann's Swords at Villers - covers the intial stages of his action at Villers Bocage; Wittmann's Demise covers his ill fated last attack. Bil Hardenberger did one of his excellent AARs for Wittmann's Demise that's worth checking out.

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Before actually playing this scenario I thought about whether or not I should use my pre-battle knowledge as the ukrainians


Since it is a CM scenario I know that there will be a battle. However, as commander of the ukrainian forces I only know that there might be an ambush on the road ahead. Am I supposed to do this the smart way and lead with dismounted infantry or should I drive my APCs into whatever lies ahead?


The latter would probably result in multiple explosions, but I feel like cheating the game if I don't do it.

Yup they know bad guys are ahead and the clock is ticking - briefing at the end states - "There are only two crossing points over the river at this location. This location, forming as it does a ‘choke point’ is the most likely location for any trouble. You check your watch – 0900Hrs. At that moment a warning from brigade comes over the radio –“Enemy mechanised unit heading for your AO. ETA your location 1000Hrs – expect trouble.” 

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Possible spoilers though nothing to specific







This scenario is a balancing act - if you lead with infantry you'll run out of time. If you lead with AFVs you'll most likely end up with wrecks. It's a wee bit of a juggle between caution and aggressive fire and manoeuvring.

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pretty much on point and if you read the briefing from the Russian side they know your coming but don't know that you are Russian spec ops, your goal is to delay the enemy for a mechanized unit to come to destroy them. this is one of those mission where when you read both briefings the back story is awfully believable 

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  • 2 weeks later...

After being away (again) I finally finished the mission.

With a draw.


I lost one APC and my non-qrf infantry got beaten up pretty badly (Note to Myrelf: Your air support can't see russians under the trees. Your Air support will see your own infantry hiding inside buildings). The points were pretty equal.


I would probably have won the mission if one of my trucks hadn't decided to get immobilized while crossing the river on "slow". Those ~300 points really hurt. Bad luck I guess.

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Thanks for the comments guys. I went through and played it myself (first time for a while). I went down to the wire at the end, although got all the trucks out and got a tactical victory. I lost a lot of the QRF at the end though...


I had limited luck with the Hinds - they failed to spot anything, despite being called in for several missions. I didn't call em in too close as i didn't want any friendly fire incidents. I attacked on the left flank and cleared the village from left to right. QRF BMPs eventually provided covering fire from the right flank into the village.

Once I cleared that I sent the BTRs across the bridge under overwatch from the BMPs. Things hotted up somewhat but despite fierce opposition managed to start moving along the road to the exit.

This action took time and with the enemy mech unit on the way I left the BTRs and dismounts as a rearguard whilst the trucks with the QRF in the lead fought their way through to the exit. A fierce fight at the exit which cost me heavy casualties but managed to get the trucks off the map. The rearguard? Lost a few but they held the line :)

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Hands down this is the best Cmx2 scenario ever !

Realistic setting
Beautiful Map

Perfect size
Friendy fire from Hind's
RPG's from everywhere
Trucks getting stuck in the ford
30mm HEI rounds hammering suspected enemy positions
Enemy AGS-30 positions i could not locate till the very end

WOW ! :wub:

Edited by Wiggum15
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Yeah I played this last week. Lovely mission!


I didn't have much luck with Hinds either. I had to cancel one mission because the Hind was obviously shooting missiles at my BTRs....and missing.


Also without spoiling much, I have to say, this mission had me use the UAZ driver in creative and slightly sadistic ways :D  Even after his ride was kaput, he continued to be very useful for my effort. Best UAZ driver ever!

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Lovely map, setting and mission, it really looks and feels believable. So many details and on a map small enough to not ruin my frame rate completely with all the objects.

The sniper team at the far left end of the map was really a pain for me, I wasted so much time and ammo on their location just for him to poke out again and again to kill the poor guy who is now supposed to do the buddy aiding to the medic before him. That bastard took atleast 5 of my men out of the fight for good and wounded several - while still being alive at the end of the game, in the same spot. I'm not sure why my BMP-2s and BTR-70s could not convince him to leave his little position - in my experience the volume of lead going his way and exploding around him would've pressed every non fanatic into crawl back a few tiles.

The air support wasn't helping at all and actually counter productive - killed more Ukrs than Russians and I even had to cancel them in the end because they started shooting ATGMs at my convoy, luckily a tree ate it.

I had more luck with the river, one got stuck for a moment. I lost just a single BTR-70 during the mission - he took an RPG to the front after he got out of the water and close to the road where he was supposed to provide overwatch for my Inf clearing the building. Although I had a lot of overwatch covering the BTR they failed to spot the squad inside the building (had Infantry just across the road from the building and they got not a single vague sound marker or anything that could've warned me - blind and deaf idiots :P), they repaid the deed greatly though.

Best scenario I've played in any of the CM titles. 

Edited by Kraft
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Thanks Wiggum, Chazz and Kraft for your comments. Nice to be loved! :)


I'm pleased this wee scenario has provided a great deal of challenge and maybe what could be Type 2 fun! I'm equally pleased players appreciate the wee details in the map. I think when you get down to this scale of scenario then you play it more 'in the weeds' so having lot's of ground level details makes it more immersive and provides micro tactical challenges (e.g. folds in the ground etc).


To use the air support effectively I've found you have to keep it well away from any of your units, have eyes on from the air controller and use point targets. That seems to minimse the chances of 'blue on blue'.


Thanks again for posting your comments and feedback guys - really appreciated :)


There are several AI Plans for both sides to the Russian's do have multiple ambush points and tactical plans. I've found the sniper team's location in one version of the plan ends up being the main crux of the whole scenario as they are in such a dominating position they take down any dismounts trying to move up. The wee ambush in the village is set by triggers. The bad guys stay doggo until the last minute so it is difficult to a/ spot them b/ suppress them. Inevitability you'll lose guys taking em down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, i have one complaint with this map/scenario:

The russian forces placed to the right side just next to the EXIT objective are far to close to the end of the map !

Either remove them or make the map another 500m bigger so you can actually use the FAST command to get the hell out of this last ambush.
Currently your vehicles stop (because the map ends) right next to the enemy and will get destroyed before they can exit the map.
Just my opinion...

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Hi Wiggum

Thanks for your comment - see spoiler below.

Even if I did as you suggest you would not get stuff through there. The firepower these guys have would shoot any stuff up. Bottom line is you need to clear your exit route - that means clearing a passage across the map and ensure the exit is clear.

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Hi George !

I think you would get stuff through.

I supressed a enemy RPG team with one BMP and all other vehicles (6 or 7) got to the exit location unharmed but 2 got destroyed in the last turn (while they stood around at the EXIT location) before they could exit.

Im sure they would have been able to rush through using the FAST command or a EVADE order.

I really think its not good to have the exit point and the end of the map right next to a enemy platoon in ambush position. This way the player has very little room for maneuver at this critical spot.

In another scenario (Airman Down) i had a HUMVEE drive behind enemy positions and back using the FAST command and he survived.

Edited by Wiggum15
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