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I think that there should be a few changes in store for the interface of the game. The first, and most important, is that the mouse/keyboard camera movement is horrible. The keyboard isn't smooth, and the mouse is to awkward. Perhaps using controls similar to Myth or Myth II. The second, and probably the biggest is the men should look like men!

The things that I do like though, are the personalities of the troops, the ability to fast forward, and the big a$$ guns.


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Guest Big Time Software

Hi there,

The keyboard is supposed to be for fine movement, not sweeping ones. So it is working as designed. We may change this. As for the men... this has been covered about 1000 times already. Get everybody to buy 800MHz Merceds with Voodoo 5 cards and then we will talk. This is a technical issue that no amount of wanting can overcome. Sorry, but there is only so much hardware can do, and we are pushing it hard already.


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Just to put in my two cents worth here:

While the men don't look "real" they are the best in a game of this type by far. I really enjoyed scrolling around the screen and watching some of the soldiers' heads turn to look at me (okay, the camera <g>).

I do agree, however, that the interface for moving the camera seems a little odd for me, but it isn't fair to judge it until I get enough time to get used to it.

So far, I am really enjoying the demo quite a bit.


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The soldiers in this game are the best looking ever IN A GAME OF THIS TYPE..

As for the interface.. Give it a little time. I think almost every tester has been bugged by the interface at first but after just a few games it becomes second nature..

Mouse = fast movement, keyboard he fine



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I LOVED the camera. It was like being Spielberg. Perhaps others have seen better, but I think that would be from flight simulators. Granted, we would like to see all the men, but that isn't possibe (yet). I am going ahead with my plans to make movies. PANZERS FORWARD!


Climb to Glory!

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Guest Scott Clinton

My only question regarding the interfact (so far) is why did you decide to have the camera angle rotate when the mouse hits the left and right sides but scroll on the top and bottom?

After three hours of playing I STILL am not used to that. I would much rather have it scroll in all directions with the mouse and save the rotation for the key pad arrows.

Just my 2 cents...

Oh, yeah. You guys were right...it IS even better than you described! smile.gif)


The Grumbling Grognard

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My take on the Movement Interface:

I use the mouse to click on the on screen arrows to move left & right & forward & back in a hurry. I use moving the mouse to the edge of the screen for pretty much everything else. I find that the mouse movement is pretty smooth. About the only things that I could think of that would make the movement interface a little better is to have it so that if a player right-clicks to select a unit it would automatically center the cammera on that unit. Left click would stay just the way it is, selecting unit, but not centering the cammera. It would help when you are selecting a unit across the map that is a good distance away. The other one is if a player turns the NUM LOCK off (with the NUM LOCK on, pressing the numbers changes the camera view) pressing the 7 & 9 keys rotates the camera, the 4 & 6 keys moves side to side, and the 8 & 2 keys moves forward & backward (currently I don't believe that you can rotate the camera just using the keyboard). That way a player can choose to use only the keyboard. If you are a shortcut key kind of guy, not having to use the mouse much is a big plus. Still overall I thing the entire Interface is one of the easiest I have every used. As a test when I first got the demo today, I didn't read any of the instructions. I think one of the best test you can give an Interface is to see if a player can pick it up on the fly. Well this one passed with an A+ wink.gif

[This message has been edited by HAL (edited 10-29-99).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>About the only things that I could think of that would make the movement

interface a little better is to allow players to right-click on a unit to select it, and have the camera

automatically center on that unit. It would help when you are selecting a unit across the map that is a

good distance away. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You realize you can click on a unit and hit 'tab' to get the effect you're describing,right?I agree with you-the interface is extremely intuitive.I basically just started playing.


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In-game it is MUCH better when watching movies to have mouse movement rotate.. It is akin to turning your head left and right when you're in the movie and do that.

I only caught onto doing this in the past a few days ago but it gives a really great view of the battlefield.

People, Hit TAB when you have a unit selected and you go along for the ride.. Do it to a tank first since it is just utterly cool to watch the targetting.

Chris, go to my DEMO ARTICLES ETC thread.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Damn, your right Mike, forgot all about that smile.gif, and I used it a lot when playing to. I guess the only excuse I have is that everytime I hit TAB, I hit the 1 key right after it to go direct to the unit view smile.gif. So I didn't think about the fact that pressing tab alone does just what I was talking about smile.gif

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The interface is great... of course I'm toast at work tomorrow because it's 2:30am. But better than being up late working on a deliverable. smile.gif

The interface for the camera took about 5 minutes to get used to for me. I now only occasionally make the wrong move. It is way to cool to take a Tiger out for a brisk weekend drive. Even got in a few "crunchies" by the wall.

Even managed a minor axis victory in my first scenario, while was playing the gawking tourist. Really should have moved my mortar teams away from their initial placement, but the first 88 did take out 3 Shermans before it got taken out. Should have altered that placement as well, but the first evening was just to get the feel. I'll play seriously this weekend.

You guys are phenomenal!! Two thumbs up!

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-29-99).]

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Guest John Maragoudakis

GREAT DEMO!!!!!!! No video problems yet for me(Voodoo 3 3000 AGP 16mg) ,PIII450 256 mg ram. Start screens all felt fine. I just pressed go, heh I was so eager.

The men look just fine. I was really surprised that they were good after hearing comments that they didn't seem real. They are just FINE. The tank's treads move, I'm 13 yrs old again smile.gif. 60 seconds into CM and I'm hooked.

I'm going to get back to this demo now, oh I just love it. Let me say that just one turn into this and having given no orders at all, CM is better than *all* wargames I have tried. I have replayed the turn and looked at it from many angles. Ohhh this is great fun.

Later...fun fun fun smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 10-29-99).]

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Check out the tank treads when the tanks turn in place..

If it is not turning tightly one wil slow a lot BUT if it is turning in place then one will go in reverse while the other goes into full forward.

Nice attention to detail.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Now it's almost an hour I've had with the demo. I have given like two move orders. Basically I'm just pressing go and watching the action.(I'm a green newbie) Just from that, I see the effect of a squad being able to see alot around it. Basically if your squad sees alot then ALOT can see it. Fire wizzes at you from multi-directions. You get a kick in the pants when explosion erupts near you.

A) No soldier should be without this game as a learning tool.

B) No view is the uber view. You must watch the action from overhead, ground level, there is so much to soak in. I guess I've never seen a 'game' that can give you such a clear understanding of the effects of the environment around you.

Now I must sleep, it's 3:30 am and I work tommorrow, must sleep, must play, sleep, play, sleep...

Question 1). While in the overhead view, can I slowly increase height instead of taking steps? I've used zoom. Just wondering if there is a more gradual way to increase height.

Questin 2) Can we adjust the resolution?

Thanks again.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

After toying around even more, I realised you can adjust unit scale. This really helps when you want to zoom out far to see the big picture and you still want to know what unit is where. Now it's 4 am. I will sleep . Good night!

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Guest Big Time Software

hehe... glad people sorta like it wink.gif

The question about which way the PoV should shift when the mouse goes L or R is open to debate. Charles had an either or choice:

scoot camera left or right

spin camera counter clockwise or clockwise

He opted for the latter. First time I played I asked him to change it. He said that he felt the same way after putting it in, and therefore asked be give it another go. I can now say that I like it MUCH better the way it is.

John, no, besides zoom there is no way to go inbetween heights. Resolution is determined by what you screen is set to when you launch.


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I find using the mouse to move really awkward! I much prefer using the keyboard for fast movement and the mouse for rotation and fine adjustment with the buttons. That is how one moves with FPS shootem games. Or better allow us to assign keys to which movement

Also I would like a camera Vertical plane rotate key - the height hot keys don't give me the view angle that I want



aka BLITZ_Force

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Great Job, Love the Demo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to the interface. If everyone is not liking it then it might need some fixing, no?

My biggest gripe is the lack of easy to use rotation and zoom features. I'd suggest the following that works absolutely great on the 3d CAD design system I use every day. When you hold down the control key and the left mouse button and move the mouse it causes your view to rotate in 3d. When you hold down the control key and the right mouse button and move the mouse to the right you zoom out, to the left you zoom in. It is very easy to use and works wonderfully. It even works well for lefties and righties equally well because there is a control key on the bottom left and right corners of the keyboard that is extemely easy to find for both without even needing to look. This together with just pushing the cursort to the edge of the map in the direction you want to pan might just "solve" all of the "difficulties" in trying to find a way to move around the map easily, zoom in and out, and rotate your views. It's worth some thought if nothing else.


Mike D

aka Mikester

[This message has been edited by Mike D (edited 10-29-99).]

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Hey guys, while it's nice that everybody has suggestions how to change the interface into what he is most used to, I would say - how about playing around with the demo for a few days to get used to it a little and THEN see what can be improved? Just a thought.

CoolColJ - there is a hotkey that allows you to move the camera up and down in the vertical without changing the height. It's Ctrl-A for up and Ctrl-Z for down (or was it Shift-A? Dunno, look under the hotkey listing)

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Mike D,

I bet you found the way the CAD programs govern movement a bit strange at first.,. I bet it took a bit of getting used to.

Give CM a little time and I think you'll see the way Charles and Steve have it set up works.. I've been playing for months now and I must say I think that rotating vs scrolling is the way to go.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Yeah, I know you guys are probably right in that we will all get used to it in time. It was more of a suggestion than anything. I've always been impressed with it though because it is the easiest way to move around in a 3d environment that I've pretty much ever experienced in any 3d CAD, game, or other application. smile.gif

Mike D

aka Mikester

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LOL and if I had to use YOUR CAD program I'd wish it worked like CM cause that's what I am used to wink.gif

Funny how the world works wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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