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3.10 feature list

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The Beta guys can't help much because we don't have an actual feature list, ourselves. There's a LOT of juggling of TO&E to insert the pack vehicles where they ought. That alone would warrant the 3.10 number upgrade. Plus the new 'clear mines' command. I recall some minor massaging of vehicles turning toward a threat had to be done due to the bow-mounted flame throwers. Beyond that it's all a haze.

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This question goes to BFC and not directly to MickeyD: If the beta tester don’t have a list of fixed bugs, who else is testing this bug fixes? :)

good point :-)

someone testing a product as betatester, but in this product which areas corrected with a patch (3.10) completely unknown by this guy.

I think they had concentrated new goodies, toys and fire :-)


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This question goes to BFC and not directly to MickeyD: If the beta tester don’t have a list of fixed bugs, who else is testing this bug fixes? :)

Different beta testers test different bugs and features. Due to the NDA I can't talk specifics, but even with BFC's permission, I could still only speak with any certainty about bugs and features I personally tested on the vehicle pack. And I'm not even necessarily aware of all of the details of the fixes and new features I did test, especially "under the hood" changes that may not be immediately apparent, but do have a subtle effect on game play. And there are also fixes specific to certain platforms, video cards, etc. that I may have no knowledge of because they don't apply to me.

It's like this with any large project. For example, a given worker on a car assembly line might be able to tell you all about the features of a car's transmission, because that's what he's involved with assembling. But his knowledge of e.g., the exterior paint and finish would be cursory at best.

For all of these reasons and more, even disregarding the NDA that Beta Testers are obligated to observe, it's really best that an "official" BFC representative compile and release a list of the 3.10 fixes & features rather than each of us Betas spouting off with our best guess at a 3.10 changelog.

I'm sure they'll get to it sooner or later. Lots of cool stuff going on, but it all takes time and effort. Patience will be rewarded.

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