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Hey Just thought I start a new thread BTS, before the other one became to 'dangerous'

Hey, Don't thank me...just knock $20USD off the purchase price..hehehe (SGTRock hears the 50's Song Dream in the background as he posts his ridiculous message)

Go nuts guys, I enjoy reading them!!


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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I started my early wargame days with chess, battle of the bulge, and starship troopers(damn cardboard chits always got lost). I started playing computer wargames when I stumbled upon steel panthers one day. Played SP, SP2, SP3, CC1, CC2, and regretably purchased CC3 which sucked the royal one, only played it for 5 days and it went into the garbage cd stack. I will still play a game of CC2(damn yanks patch) or a game of SP2(ww2 patch) once in a while. Just biding my time until PE and CM come out. Will have to wait for the CC4 demo before I buy that. Could be another piece of **** like CC3.


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Started out with Tactics, with my dad, then moved on to Panzer Leader and Panzer Blitz with my uncle (dad's brother). Then came the small games from Steve jackson - Ogre, Car Wars, some others I dont remember. Played Ogre way too much though.

(of course, before these games a large number of plastic soldiers (both the large green ones and the smaller, 1/72nd scale, and smaller) met their end. used to take these on our family vacations and create a battlefield on the bed. Annoyed my sister to no end.

In fact, my dad and his best friend once made us a plastic mortar, to better shell our troops: took a 1-2 inch diameter tube (1.5 ft long or so), cut slots in the end for a plug, attached rubber bands to the plug and tube via coat hanger wire), and carved wooden shells for us. Attach tube to wood base, stiff wire for range adjustment (into holes in base to change the angle) Months of fun shelling our soldiers and metal tanks from that!

(email me at aikidorat@yahoo.com if you want more detail design info. I still remember how to make that toy, and it was a blast to play with!)

One day we were visiting my uncle and he had a table piled high with maps and counters - my first introduction to SL. Didnt start playing that until 10 years later though. Moved on to B-17 (ran internet squadron for a couple of years, off and on, before I burned out). Ace of Aces (still play that at lunch once in a while), Up Front (great game, play solitaire a bunch, just to experiment), Patton's Best (ok game), Star Fleet Battles, some others.

Recently played Jutland with a coworker, Rise and fall of the third Reich, Victory in the pacific, London's Burning, and more Up Front. A WWII aircraft card game from AH as well, but the title slips my mind right now

Computer-wise, started on the Apple II+. Strike Fleet, Some third world war series (nukes!), a squad based WWII game mentioned before (forget the title), and way too many others to remember. Spent way too many hours playing those - sure my mom was concerned about me when I was growing up!

On the mac, I've tried most of the games that came out for it (either purchased or demo). Had CC for a while, got frustrated with it and out it went. Panzer General was entertaining for a while but, as usual, I lost interest after a while. Oh, Carriers at war (SSI), most of the SSI games (from civil war to WWII - Total war collection), and a number of space related sims.

Recently: too busy with my full time job and my real career (writing) to play. Trying to get ahead so I can spend many hours playing CM!

been waiting for CM for 2-3 years now (been following it since BSL-days) and chomping at the bit to see the demo!

Whoa, a bit long. Better stop now.


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I started out with miniatures..even played a whole campaign in Sicily!

Next came the baord games from Avalon Hill but never got really into ASL though.

My first computer games were on my Atari 64 such as Eastern Front, Hellcat Ace, and Battle of Midway.

My first PC brought me such games as SP and SP2 which I really enjoyed, especially SP.

CC1 was ok but really got hooked on CC2 but

all the bad connections and poor AI with CC3 turned me off that game..though Real Red has regained my interest in CC3.

I am really looking forward to CM and to a lesser extent CC4.

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"started out on ASL, then progressed to more intellectually stimulating FPS games."


Actually I've been boardgaming since like 68-69. Got into ASL in 1980 and have played a fair amount. been into computers and PC gaming and the net since mid eighties (was one of the original Air Warriors).

Got into miniatures back around 95 or 96, Went through Napoleanic, SYW WW2 phases and spend most of my time now w/ Stargrunt a great squad based rules set that's good for any era but concentrates on future conflict.

I've also been writing and am working onthe last chapter of an internet novel which you're more than welcome to check out here:


If you are into combat Sci Fi you should enjoy it.



[This message has been edited by Los (edited 09-29-99).]

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Guest KwazyDog

So, does anyone here remember a game, one of the first computer wargames released Id say (on the C64) called 'Europe Ablaze' (an early '80s war game that depicted the aerial campaign over England and the Allies' ensuing bombing offensive over Nazi-occupied Europe), or the origional 'Carriers at War'?

Both were from SSG, and both I played for endless hours, or so they seem now smile.gif I would have only been about 12 when I got the first one. Hehe, I have no idea why a 12 year old enjoyed them so much considering their graphics were text based, but they were both great wargames for their day smile.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 09-29-99).]

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Ok, I've heard a lot of you guys mention a game by Microprose called 'Across The Rhine" I've been trying to find it, but can't what was it like? What battles did it include?

I'd be interested in it.


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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I started with Panzer Blitz and Leader, and spent a lot of time playing 3rd Reich, Axis and Allies and Supremacy. Played some miniatures, mainly Warhammer 40k. I've been studying tactics since I pre-ordered(ages ago, it seems), since most of my time has been spent on strategy games....

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I fiddled with "Across the Rhine" when it first came out. I thought the graphics were very good (3D effect not that different from CM in some ways). The thing that put me off was that the vehicle units represented more than one vehicle- one graphic could represent a platoon, say. In combat, you might destroy one of three tanks, but the graphic would keep motoring on until you trashed all of them- you were supposed to tell how much damage you did by the size of the wreck graphic that got left behind, as I recall. This is fine for infantry units, but it didn't sit right, having a fairly nice 3D environment, and then not having individual vehicles represented. Also, the terrain types were limited- you had one brand of trees, that precluded armour movement, etc. The game got shelved after about a week or so. The manual was first rate.

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In truth, I can't recall. The scale would be about the same as what CM would cover, so I don't think you would have had "The Battle of

Yadda-Yadda", at least not in the grand sense. More like a collection of tactical situations that would suit the time and place. Sorry, it has been a long time since I had my hands on it.

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Kevin thanks for the url bud!, but it was a dead link, so I downloaded the beta of Age of Wonders, Cool game guys, better than Heros III!

Thanks again Kev, let me know if you see it around somewhere else.


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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