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Mac 10.9.3, Powerbook, 36% hang

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OK....my first spotting report with 10.9.4...and as Buzz foretold...not much improvement. As expected, the 3.0 engine still rocks. CMBN still runs about like it did...some scenarios still crash at 36% as do a couple of large scenarios, but probably 85-90% works ok (that's a very unscientific guesstimate)

CMSF does a little better with the QB as long as you choose tiny or small. I think a couple more scenarios loaded.

SIGHH...I saw a teaser web post that NVIDIA put out their own drivers for 10.9.3. Anyone take them for a spin?


I sure wish this would get resolved.........before CMBS....

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So, I did some more testing..and IF Apple would ever actually update their NVIDIA drivers (which apparently was not done in 10.9.4) I think this problem would be fixed.

However, for CMSF, I now have almost full QB functionality back...I can play up to Large QB for everything except Meeting Engagements (weird huh?)

Of course, I still have to deal with the bizarre unit selection (nothing changed there) but it's coming along....would be great to have every CM game updated to 3.0...but it is what it is...

Meanwhile...back to Normandy...

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Well, I have to say, other than the current kerfuffle over OS 10.9, that the thing I totally HATED in CMSF was the QB system...The absolutely bizarre choice of units the AI made for you really turned me off. I end up starting 10 QB to get 5-6 that make sense from a units perspective (as far as my blue force units, no idea what red force got) and then I save those to play later.

Thank goodness this problem was solved in CMBN...totally LOVE the QB system in that game and its successors...I play a LOT of QBs...it was my favorite feature since CMx1 and that is the big reason I hope...someday....BFC updates CMSF to the 3.0 engine..


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a top of the range macbook pro with all the trimmings (cost me a fortune!), and I also have the majority of the CM games (I absolutely love them). And yet, despite having a top notch mac, and despite adapting my settings, I have the issue of the 36% hang across many of the games I own. For example none of the mountainous terrains in Fortress will load. It's frustrating as I will start a Campaign, only to find 2-3 episodes in, I can't continue, which has just happened again with SF.

Does anyone know, will there be an update/fix for this soon?

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BF was working on optimizations for the patches before v3.0 upgrades would be offered.

Recently ChrisND said, "Patch / upgrades for WWII are currently in testing."

So should be soonish.

Apple should also offer OSX 10.10 this fall. Lest hope they get their OpenGL fault fixed with that new OS.

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The 36% hang isn't Apple's problem. Waiting for them to "fix" the system is like waiting for the speed limit to be repealed before you take your ticket to court.

The system is the way it is. Applications that don't run under it are called "incompatible".

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The 36% hang isn't Apple's problem. Waiting for them to "fix" the system is like waiting for the speed limit to be repealed before you take your ticket to court.

The system is the way it is. Applications that don't run under it are called "incompatible".

Hullo. :) So, are you suggesting that, despite my mac ticking all the system requirements, I have been sold a game that is incompatible with my operating system? That would then suggest that I have been sold a dud, an incomplete game; for Combat Mission has been designed and marketed as being both a PC *and* a mac game.

I don't know where the problem lies, whether it's Battlefront or Apple, but I do hope that this gets sorted sooner rather than later.

I would be interested to know exactly how many people have been affected by the 36% hang/crash. :)

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"sold a game that is incompatible with my operating system"


Regarding the 36% hang issue on Macs

I would respectfully suggest reading post #9 from Phil Culliton in this thread.

As of today.... and I can only refer to how my Mac works. I do not think all Mac folks are having the 36% hang isue.

OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) did reduce the 36% hang issue in CMSF Mac. I have a Saved Games folder of 29-39MB save files sitting on a 5+ year old MacBookPro. 10.9.4 did not repair every part of OpenGL that Apple broke with 10.9.2 back in February 2014. Some of the larger to huge stock and user scenarios will still hang at 36% load in 10.9.4 I know these same CM files loaded perfectly in 10.9.1 ...on my mac... before Apple broke part of the core OpenGL specification in 10.9.2 in their rush to plug a gaping security hole. I hope Apple’s OS X 10.10, due out this Fall, fixes Apple’s core OpenGL screw up.

As it stands now on my stock MacBookPro, much of CMSF Mac works in 10.9.4 (13E28)


Processor Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.5 GHz

Memory 4 GB

GeForce 8600M GT - 512 MB VRAM

Intel SSD


CMSF Mac is also installed on my Hackintosh (not a "stock" Mac)

1st, CMRT - Computer easily manages any and all CMRT scenarios. Phil Culliton put in an explicit workaround in CMRT that is flawless. CMRT is so fluid with all the eye candy at best in 2560 x 1440. When you add all the great 3.0 engine features it takes away from my CMSF play time.

2nd, CMSF Mac on my Hackintosh

27 stock scenarios load beyond 36%.

63 stock scenarios do not load beyond 36%.

Lots of great older, user made scenarios won’t loadbeyond 36%.

10.9.4 did not fix all of OpenGL Apple broke for my Hackintosh. The games that do load fully a run fine but when part of the core OpenGL specification remains busted in 10.9.4, even my uber EVO Hackintosh can’t get past that.

I am hoping Apple’s OS X 10.10 fixes Apple’s core OpenGL screw up for CMSF.

OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)


16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

GTX 760 4GB

DELL U2713HM at 2560 x 1440

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I agree with Buzz on this..works on 10.9.1..doesn't work on 10.9.2...not anything BFC changed.

But be that as it may..I have a brand new IMac with 10.9.4.

CMRT-works perfectly--as Buzz said the 3.0 engine rocks

CMBN/CW/MG-95% of it works...a couple of huge scenarios don't work, but almost everything else does.

CMFI- don't own..can't say

CMSF..with 10.9.4..I can play US Army and USMC scenarios most of the time and quick battles other than meeting engagement up to medium. British and NATO forces work on small and tiny QB other that meeting engagement. Other scenarios are hit and miss. MORE of them work on 10.9.4..as do most campaigns..again US forces work much more than Brits or NATO...HERE's the interesting part...T2K campaign and mods work fine...Euroscape mod works fine.

So from my point of view it's not perfect, but doable. Honestly I play QB most of the time...I rarely get more than 30 minutes at a time to play given my life and attention span, so I can squeeze in a QB now and again. The weird QB unit selection built into CMSF is a bigger complaint of mine..:)

So. I heard that Apple has a 10.9.5 patch in the works...and finally....maybe it will address video drivers.

In the meantime, there is so much replay-ability in CMSF that I am annoyed but not discouraged. AND I remember when Apple has done weird things before that screwed over BFC...the QuickDraw Rave thing is always burned in my brain...

So, buck up...the 3.0 upgrade to CMBN/CW/MG and CMFI/GL will be AWESOME...and I am ready to buy CMBS....yup...yup...

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How many people need to be affected before it's a problem?

I'm happy for the people that aren't affected. I'm not one of them.

I'm happy for the people that aren't affected as well. I suspect the # of daily CMSF Mac players is limited. How many are affected in 10.9.4 ... we don't know.

I am affected but much less so with 10.9.4. This upgrade improved (did not fully repair) the core OpenGL specification that Apple broke with 10.9.2. . I can enjoy my stock MacBookPro and Mac Pro and most of CMSF Mac.

No one can not realistically expect Battlefront to fix Apple's OpenGL core specification screw up, no matter how many people may be affected, on a 7 year old game. Battlefront did not break it, Apple broke it and has yet to fix it fully.

10.10 should be better.

Apple's screw up affects CMSF on my non stock Hackintosh. Regrettable for sure but honestly with CMRT Mac on my Hackintosh and CMBS on the way... CMSF gets played a lot less than before.

If CMSF was my main game ... the toy box I played with for 95% of my entertainment time, I would purchase a PC version and cut Apple's screw ups out of the picture! (I may still do that for nostalgia sake?)


I could hold out for Apple’s OS X 10.10, due out this Fall.


I could play the great Battlefront Mac games (CMRT Mac Rocks:D) has now and plan for the CMSF 3.0 engine version.

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I can't agree with this statement of yours at all, Jammersix. Apple changed a graphics support library, did inadequate testing, by definition, and released/distributed a software update that has had unforeseen consequences on their customers. That change broke applications that were designed to run on the MAC operating system. There was no warning to app suppliers of any requirement changes, nor did Apple give them any lead-time to provide software compatibility work-arounds. In our case, it was 'only' a set of games which have been negatively affected, but that is immaterial. Apple HAS broken OS functionality that apps were dependent on, and there are economic consequences for the app developers - who must now spend unexpected development resources to cover Apples error, and their customers. I have just re-purchased CMSF for my new Mac and am out $55.00 until it somehow becomes functional again. I HOPE that someone will provide a 'fix', and, as a software developer and tester myself I strongly believe that that 'someone' should be Apple.

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That sounds like refusal to deal with the way things are to me.

This company took almost exactly the same line when system 8.0 came out. And system 9.0. They stopped programming for Macs at all for a while between CMBB and the issue of the first Shock Force. They blamed Apple then, too.

It's a company culture.

Apple isn't going to fix Shock Force. Only the people who wrote it and sell it can do that.

Apple didn't take your $55.00. The people who sold you a product that doesn't do what they said it does are the ones with your money.

OS X is what it is. Shock Force could be written to work on it.

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That sounds like refusal to deal with the way things are to me.

This company took almost exactly the same line when system 8.0 came out. And system 9.0. They stopped programming for Macs at all for a while between CMBB and the issue of the first Shock Force. They blamed Apple then, too.

It's a company culture.

Apple isn't going to fix Shock Force. Only the people who wrote it and sell it can do that.

Apple didn't take your $55.00. The people who sold you a product that doesn't do what they said it does are the ones with your money.

OS X is what it is. Shock Force could be written to work on it.

It is clear you are "affected" and upset about this. Sorry.

I really don't know what more anyone can do for you. Numerous people have tried to tell you the truth, the facts but you refuse to accept this reality. Shock Force was written to work on OS X but Apple broke Open GL. As Fencible stated..."Apple HAS broken OS functionality that apps were dependent on..."

Your refusal to deal with the way things are is becoming your own Sisyphus.

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Another thought for you j6.

If you have another HD you could clone your boot HD and install the OS X Yosemite Beta to see if Apple fixed OpenGL. If Apple's OpenGL is repaired in their Yosemite Beta that might get you up and running fully in CMSF.

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but Apple broke Open GL. As Fencible stated..."Apple HAS broken OS functionality that apps were dependent on..."

I'm confused about this. Did Apple actually change a published interface? Or break the underlying semantics?

(I stopped using OSX on my Macbook about a year ago, so I've lost track of what they have or haven't done.)

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Okay... so to update my situation: I bought Red Thunder a few days back. Now as I said before I suffer from the 36% hang on all of the games I have bought so far (it won't load large maps, or large troop numbers etc).

However, so far Red Thunder loads perfectly on the biggest maps and with the largest armies. It feels like a miracle! I've been having HUGE battles, which I've never been able to do in the other games.

I was just wondering why that could be? What's the difference between Red Thunder and the other games?

Also I've noticed today that the 3.0 patch is now available for PC, and in the description it reads the following... "This includes features you may already know and enjoy in Combat Mission: Red Thunder and makes them available for Normandy and Italy!"

Now is there something in the programming of Red Thunder that makes it more stable? Hopefully this means that the coming MAC update will, like others here suggest, stabilise the games overall and I can get down to the serious business of large scale battles in Normandy and Italy, etc...

Thoughts....? :)

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