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The Last Kilometer (KG Engel Campaign)

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So what exactly does it take to win this scenario? No matter how many of my units I exit off the map, I'm always told that the scenario was a minor defeat for me, and I'm taken to the "welcome to your end, Gott Mit Uns" mission. I've tried this mission multiple times, and nothing ever works. I've exited all of my infantry and all of my armor, but nope, I'm told I didn't infiltrate the Polish lines. :rolleyes: Never mind that on the scenario debrief screen, I see that the Poles failed in their objective of preventing my exit, but they are always given more points than my forces (and my casualties have always been light in trying to pass this one).

Not to mention, the amount of time given the player (45 minutes) is utterly ridiculous. I'm supposed to navigate multiple bocage fields, fight off enemy patrols, oh and exit all of my forces via a postage-stamp-sized exit zone in that time? (seriously, the exit zone is very small). This mission feels more like a puzzle to me, especially when the exit zone is in reach, and feels less like a mission that can be solved by sound tactics.

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LukeFF, don't be so calm. Let things come out and tell us how you really feel. ;)

Hehe, yeah, it's just that I was doing pretty well in the campaign up to this point, and then I was handed this reality-check of a mission. :) It's one of those missions where you absolutely cannot let yourself get bogged down - you have to keep moving no matter what. Perhaps if I had been a bit more urgent I could've passed this mission, but then I may have incurred unnecessary casualties.

I just wish the victory parameters for this mission were a bit more clear. Other than being told in the mission briefing that Kubelwagens and Opels don't count for points, you aren't really told how much of your force must exit the map. Ah well, the Falaise Gap wasn't exactly a day at the park for the Germans, after all. It's gonna be interesting to see how this "last stand' mission plays out.

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Ok, well, that figures then.

It was quite a big battle, the culmination of the Normandy campaign. Vast numbers of Germans were killed and captured there, especially in the last days as they were making mostly futile efforts to break out of the ring. In that context "unnecessary casualties" is something of an oxymoron. Whether the Germans took a lot of casualties through surrender or battle, they were going to take a lot of casualties. This scenario accurately reflects that reality.

If you want to learn more about the battle just type "Falaise Pocket 1944" into the box here.



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Yes, yes, I think I know how to use Google. My whole point is that the scenario is very vague and highly restrictive on what counts as success. I'd much rather try to complete the final scenario minus whatever forces I left on the map in The Last Kilometer than be told that I failed to infiltrate the enemy's lines and thus be subjected to a rain of artillery.

Like I said, time and again I exited my infantry and tank forces intact, minus a handful of halftracks. Probably 80-90% of my force I've exited the map very time, yet every time I'm told that's not good enough. I get the sense the player is supposed to exit every single unit on the map (minus jeeps and trucks) in order to earn a success on this mission.

So, what are other people's experiences with this mission, anyways?

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Falaise Pocket was a cauldron, which the Germans were racing to get out of before the neck got closed. Rearguards held the walls and shoulders while other units raced, pell-mell, to get out. There were only a few roads available, and later, just the one, at night, which was under fire.

The very few German accounts of surviving it tell a very harrowing account. It was running a gauntlet. Think Gniloi Tkich but worse.

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So, what are other people's experiences with this mission, anyways?

I've managed total victory with minimal losses. The "puzzle" does have a solution. It's "simply" a matter of looking at the map, figuring out where the defenses will be strongest and pretty much avoiding/bypassing them and then attacking from the flank/rear to get the enemy losses points.


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That's the one where you have to get through Polish lines in the middle of the night during a rainstorm, right?

My approach to that one was to form the entire kampfgruppe into one big, really really long column and try to hug the right side of the map as closely as possible while the engineers blasted the way through.

I bypassed most of their troops and I didn't even bother attacking any of their strongpoints. They sent a few tanks at my column but they all got blowed up real good. It was kinda neat seeing such a ridiculously long column snaking it's way across the map like that.

I don't remember what type of victory I got but I did get a victory on the first try (probably just a minor one). I took very few casualties. There was that tank battle and a couple of small firefights with Polish infantry but that was it.

It's weird that you didn't win. Maybe you just need to destroy more of their troops? I didn't destroy that many of them when I played it though so I dunno.

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I've managed total victory with minimal losses. The "puzzle" does have a solution. It's "simply" a matter of looking at the map, figuring out where the defenses will be strongest and pretty much avoiding/bypassing them and then attacking from the flank/rear to get the enemy losses points.

Yeah, looking back now, my route of advance was not the best.


I advanced up the left side of the map. My plan was to follow the left-hand edge as far as I could and then swing right towards the exit zone. That got tripped up when I ran into the barbed wire and mines, so I ended up getting bogged down in the main village area. That is the area I should've avoided, looking back. Ah well, live and learn. :)

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That's the one where you have to get through Polish lines in the middle of the night during a rainstorm, right?

My approach to that one was to form the entire kampfgruppe into one big, really really long column and try to hug the right side of the map as closely as possible while the engineers blasted the way through.

I bypassed most of their troops and I didn't even bother attacking any of their strongpoints. They sent a few tanks at my column but they all got blowed up real good. It was kinda neat seeing such a ridiculously long column snaking it's way across the map like that.

I don't remember what type of victory I got but I did get a victory on the first try (probably just a minor one). I took very few casualties. There was that tank battle and a couple of small firefights with Polish infantry but that was it.

It's weird that you didn't win. Maybe you just need to destroy more of their troops? I didn't destroy that many of them when I played it though so I dunno.

Yep, that's the one. Unfortunately I deleted my saved games created at the start of the mission, so I can't give it another try. If I did, my tactic likely would've been like yours (hugging the right-hand side of the map).

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Luke must be, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? "Confused" about what went on. The briefing is pretty explicit: 'Exit your entire Kampfgruppe from the battlefield. This is your only objective. ... Be sure that all Kampfgruppe Engel units have exited the map before the scenario ends. Any Kampfgruppe Engel units still on the map when the scenario ends will give the Polish opponent victory points.' You are also clearly told that the only points available to the German player is a 1000pt bonus. There are no points for killing Poles, and no terrain objectives.

The only way Luke could have earned himself a minor defeat is by losing - or failing to exit - a little over half his forces (excluding the Kubels and Trucks). I wouldn't really consider that 'light' casualties.

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If you're just going to hurl insults and sarcasm around, then don't bother replying.

It's hardly sarcasm. Look, you were flat out wrong. Again. The scenario lasts 70-75 minutes rather than the 45 minutes you absurdly asserted, the requirements of the German player are crystal clear, and you were less than honest about your level of losses.

Man up and recognise that you just aren't that good at this game. It's not your fault - I'm not that good either. But I don't go around blaming everyone except myself.

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I deleted my saved games created at the start of the mission, so I can't give it another try. If I did, my tactic likely would've been like yours (hugging the right-hand side of the map).

Wait ... earlier in this thread you said you tried this scenario multiple times ("No matter how many of my units I exit off the map, I'm always told that..." "I've tried this mission multiple times, and nothing ever works. ..." "Like I said, time and again I ...") but the above makes it sound like you tried it just the once, failed, and threw a hissy fit.

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Your points are, to the extent they are factual and not just splenetic, correct, but you have behaved like an officious ass. Perhaps LukeFF should be chagrined at his mistakes, but you should be ashamed at your maliciousness.

That's why I'm sometimes hesitant to post criticism about a scenario or the game in general, because there's a group of people here who are always ready to give a condescending reply. Yes, I was very frustrated with the scenario at the time I wrote my original message, but that doesn't mean I should be belittled with replies like "search Google if you wanna know more." I was quite aware of the magnitude of the Falaise Gap long before I started playing this campaign.

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Its not criticism in its self that is jumped on, its the way it is delivered. Remember that someone has put down countless hours making a campaign/scenario and others have playtested etc.

Using thumbs down and rolleyes smiles, stating that its utterly ridiculous and a puzzle more than a tactical challenge might not be the best way of doing this.

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