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DAR Road to Nijmegen Mission 1 Warning Spoiler Alert

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Anyone know if our units are resupplied between missions??

It varies. In most cases, your units almost always get resupplied between *days*, but not necessarily between missions.

However, between some missions on the same day you do get a partial resupply, and/or in some cases (particularly in the C Coy 1/505 missions) you start a battle with a few jeeps carrying ammo that you can distribute to the units most in need. IIRC, in some cases you don't get the Jeep resupply unless you did well in the prior battle with that unit.

Sorry I can't be more specific... I playtested a lot of this campaign so I played beta versions of large sections of it, and then I went back and played the final version later. Some things changed during playtesting and I have a hard time remembering what is in the final, and what was from the beta versions.

What I can say for sure is that you don't need to worry about small arms ammo supply too much through the campaign; you generally have enough .30-'06/.303 to keep your riflemen and MGs combat effective unless you get really extravagant with it. SMG ammo is more limited, but I never found myself starting battles with units completely out of SMG ammo.

Tank HE is a finite quantity, but Shermans carry a good ammo load so in general you have enough to get through the battles as long as you don't toss it around recklessly. Use Target Light with tanks where you can so that they use their virtually limitless MG ammo rather than HE.

As I've posted before, Air Support assets are always use-it-or-lose it and do not carry over battle to battle, so make sure to target these on something when you have them.

It's the mortar and off-map artillery ammo you should be most careful with, as you often only get a certain amount of this to last across a 2-3 mission span. You still get enough that you shouldn't hesitate to use HE on targets of merit, though -- if you're too stingy with the HE you're bound to pay for it in casualties.

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Yeah, it's the 60mm and 81mm mortar ammo I am most concerned about. I used all of the 81mm offboard (to kill the AAA guns) and almost all of Co E's 60mm, and a third of Co F's 60mm in the first mission.

(I almost never have problems with small arms ammo. Maybe, I don't do enuff prep fire - I tend to only order fire when my guys have a target.)

It would be helpful if some guidance is given re ammo resupply in the briefing. (I have played campaigns where I have been very conservative with HE only to find I was getting resupplied every mission.)

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Yeah... it's the mortar shells you really have to watch. They go fast.

I could be misremembering, but I *think* you get at least some 60mm mortar ammo resupply between missions on the first day. Not full load, but some.

Pretty sure that if you've used all the 81mm mortar off-map ammo, that's all you get for that particular battalion on that day. But I don't remember offhand what the next battles are for those formations, and whether the 81mm mortar battery even plays a role in them. Guess you'll find out. :D

In any event, even if you're totally out of mortar ammo, you should be OK. I don't remember any missions where I felt like having mortars was absolutely essential to winning the mission.

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I found that those chaps in the Spits had some real problems distinguishing friend from foe....[he says with a hard trace of bitterness] :(

The fight for the village next to the AA guns was quite dramatic. The paras were very adept at using demo charges to clear some of the houses.

Rather enjoyed the battle.


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Time for some payback! German troops withdraw from a house under heavy fire. They round the corner and run into a little reception committee.


All six are cut down without even firing a shot....


No sign of enemy activity in or around the farm centre background. Two scouts are dispatched to investigate further.


C team, 3rd squad, 2nd Platoon move up to the tall hedge. The orchard where their buddies were cut down is just at the other side. They spot five Germans hiding in the long grass.


......They let them have it. Two are killed and the others surrender.


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