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Avanti! BigDork vs Penry Reverse - ALLIED DEFENCE


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Turn 15 - Minute 31 to 30

A third of the way through the battle and the quiet turns have returned! Long may they continue! :)

BD managed to get one more mortar round out, which hit just in front of my abandoned AT gun, then my MGer managed to suppress them enough to force them to hide for the remainder of the minute. Midway through the minute my own light mortars started to land around their position, one round landing right at the end of the minute, killing the current mortar operator.

I also identified a couple of Italian HQ teams running up the hill, towards the northern forest, and right at the end of the minute a mortar team ran down the hill, no doubt looking to take up a similar position as BD's other one!


On the other side of the valley things were also quiet, with just the odd bit of gunplay between my men and BD's. I lost one infantryman to an Italian counterpart (yellow circle), but otherwise nothing much of note happened. Best news of all was that another minute ticked by, another minute closer to the end of the battle and another minute closer to my off map 81mm mortar strike landing on BD's position.....


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Front MGer (red) to target the mortar team heading downhill.

Side MGer and mortar team (yellow) to target mortar team in place behind wall.

Northern jeep (white) to head down to bridge buildings.

Southern jeep (blue) to head across to bridge buildings.

I'm hoping that all these movements around have been noticed by BD and he might just be wondering what I'm up to. I know that he misread some of my intensions in previous games, so let's hope he wastes time and energy trying to figure out what my plan is in this game too! The more minutes that tick by the better! :)


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Turn 16 - Minute 30 to 29

Much the same as last turn, except I think I did just a little bit better. On the northern side of the valley I continued to slowly mortar BD's mortar position. One of the first rounds to land this turn landed near the rear wall, destroying a section which I'm sure his second mortar team was behind. Let's hope he took a few shrapnel casualties from that hit! Right at the end of the minute another round landed right next to his front mortar team, with one confirmed kill! That's three confirmed kills now, and I believe his mortar teams have four men in them when at full strength, so there may be just one more from this team.....


In the southern woods there was a continued standoff between BD's and my rifle squads. I lost two more men, but I couldn't confirm any more casualties on BD's side, but with the rounds flying around and the undoubted presence of hidden men, I might have caused some pain for BD too! There are definitely at least two of BD's rifle squads facing my men, maybe more! Let's hope the 81mm strike in two minutes takes a few out!


Elsewhere things went as planned and there is very little else to report.


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Turn 17 - Minute 29 to 28

If you thought last turn was quiet, it was thunderous compared to this turn!

The only item of note was the arrival of some sort of Italian (?) armour in the northern forest. I'm now even happier that I abandoned the northern barn, and happier still that it looks like BD is sending his armour to the far end of the valley.

With luck, by the time he gets it into position, my SPGs will have arrived! :)



Not much to change. 1 minute until the 81mm strike starts landing......

A couple of minutes until my SPGs arrive.....

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Turn 18 - Minute 28 to 27

Another mostly quiet turn, with what action that did occur taking place in the southern forest.

There was more exchange of gunfire in the southern forest, an Italian MGer (red circle in overview) suppressing my infantry squad, then my left flank recon team returning some Thompson fire, resulting in a casualty for BD - sadly not the MGer though!


There were also two mortar rounds that landed just behind my front line in the southern forest (see overview below). I'm presuming (hoping) that they are off target spotting rounds for my 81mm strike on BD's position. Let's also hope that there are no more dangerously close spotting rounds thank you!

Lastly, right at the end of the minute another of BD's mortar teams (white circle in overview) popped up on the northern flank, right behind the wall I destroyed a couple of minutes ago. It looks like he is dialling in a mission. Let's hope I can take him out double quick time!


Please note that BD's armour did not move this last minute. Maybe he is waiting for further reinforcements?



Sit tight and wait for that 81mm mortar strike......

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Turn 19 - Minute 27 to 26

So much for BD's armour staying in the same place. No sooner had the minute begun than a R35 was turning the corner of the forest track and getting into a position to overwatch the farmyard! Just as well I tweaked some positioning last turn to make sure nothing was exposed! Thankfully the R35 spent the rest of the turn just sitting there, watching over the valley.

I'm guessing my men lost sound contact with the R35 last turn, and so it's position stayed marked at the last known location.


One of my MG teams in the farmyard spent the turn firing at some intermittent targets in the northern forest, but I recorded no confirmed kills. I'm sure that they would have attracted the attention of BD's R35, but I'm sure BD knows of their location anyway.

Over in the southern forest, my recon team split their activity between taking potshots across the valley at BD's mortar team and firing their Thompson into BD's forward line - again, no confirmed kills.

A final spotting round also landed amongst BD's front line, so the next turn will see the hurt raining from above!

BD's mortar team also lobbed a couple of rounds over towards the southern barn. I'm not sure what his intended target is, but I'll have to take precautions next turn!


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Turn 20 - Minute 26 to 25

Hmmmmm. Things didn't go quite as well this turn. Not disasterously, but not great either.

Over in the southern forest all three of my teams got hit by mortar fire. I lost one man from the recon team on the right flank (yellow), one man from the infantry team in the centre (orange) and two men from the recon team on the left (red). Trouble is, I think one of the hits might have been from my 81mm strike, but the other two were definitely from BD's little mortars. Not sure how he spread them out so much, unless the first was the remnant of a previous turns mission, and the latter was a new mission hit. Either way, I think it's time to get out of that position, as BD's mortar team ended the round firing off a good few more rounds.

One of my 81mm mortars definitely hit at BD's position (blue cross), but I'm not sure if any casualties were caused and I'm not sure if any more will be incoming, as you'll see after the screenie.


BD's R35 started firing main rounds into the front farmhouse, no doubt trying to take out my NG team. Fortunately I had already given the order for them to get out of their position. Unfortunately I didn't have that luxury with my forward observer team (white circle) and the third round to hit the building killed my radio operator. I keep getting 'fire for effect' messages, so I presume that the mortar team are waiting for adjusting co-ordinates........

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Wooohoooo! My SPG's have arrived. Let's go kick some R35 butt! :)


The first SPG is to cross the bridge then open up and target BD's R35.

The second SPG is to drive to the near side of the bridge, along with the SPG HQ team.

One halftrack in the southern forest is to drive back down to the farmyard, hopefully acting as a distraction for BD's R35 and keeping it's attention away from the farmhouse and my appraoching SPG's.

The three teams in the southern forest are to double quick withdraw to the other halftrack by the southern barn. When they are loaded up it will be time to evacuate.

Here's hoping my 81mm mortar strike gets to be completed before my men perish in the farmhouse.


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...not sure if any more will be incoming, as you'll see after the screenie...forward observer team (white circle) and the third round to hit the building killed my radio operator. I keep getting 'fire for effect' messages, so I presume that the mortar team are waiting for adjusting co-ordinates........

So long as your FO team's "Leader" is still in the fight, you'll be able to spot, correct and FFE fire missions. Eligibility for that function is not dependent on a functional radio. Whether a working radio (and hence good, direct C2 links) will speed up the process, I couldn't say.

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So long as your FO team's "Leader" is still in the fight, you'll be able to spot, correct and FFE fire missions. Eligibility for that function is not dependent on a functional radio. Whether a working radio (and hence good, direct C2 links) will speed up the process, I couldn't say.

I thought the FO did need an working radio. But the one on the floor counts so if the FO team buddy aids the radio you are good to go or if you stay where the radio is you are also OK. Alternatively the FO can also be near or in a radio equipped vehicle.

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I thought the FO did need an working radio. But the one on the floor counts so if the FO team buddy aids the radio you are good to go or if you stay where the radio is you are also OK. Alternatively the FO can also be near or in a radio equipped vehicle.

Don't think so. There are plenty of teams out there that can call arty even though they've never had a radio: Italian HQ teams; many German HQ teams; XO teams. I'm pretty certain that I've had de-radioed American HQ/FO teams that have still had the same arty call privileges as they started with.

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Turn 21 - Minute 25 to 24

Death from above! Hopefully BD suffered some hurt from my 81mm mortar strike. At the very least it has bought my men some time to retreat and get out of dodge!

A pretty wild smattering of rounds (14) landed on and around BD's probable position. One even landed close by my retreating recon team, so I'm sure glad that I decided to pull my men out of their positions. The mission was still in progress at the end of the turn so hopefully I'll get a few more hoits on BD's men.

BD's mortar team also landed three more rounds near my retreating recon team, but thankfully (miraculously) I sustained no more casualties.

Midway through the minute, as my halftrack was trying to snake down the forest road, an Italian mortar round landed right by it, which forced it to screech to a halt, then reverse back towards the south barn. As it reached the edge of the forest another mortar round landed right by it again, so no doubt the beginning of next turn will see it trying to bug out of it's current position.

BD's R35 also decided to switch targets, from my men in the front farmhouse to the vacated foxholes my mortar team had recently been in. Five rounds impacted in and around the foxholes, hopefully he keeps targetting this position next turn!


The only other item of note was the appearance of another R35 over by the northern forest. This one popped out of nowhere - I guess I had no-one close enough to get a sound contact on it previously.

My SPG's almost reached the bridge, so I'll be able to take this new R35s location into account next turn!


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White SPG to cross bridge and target BD's first R35. Some trees should shield it from BD's second R35.

Black SPG to cross bridge and hold position oiut of sight.

Green halftrack to try to sneak down the hill again.

Blue halftrack to wait until all nearby men have boarded, then take cover in woods on opposite side of the track.

Orange recon team to try to rendevous with green halftrack.


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Turn 22 - Minute 24 to 23

Ten more rounds landed around BD's position in the southern woods. Obviously there were no confirmed kills, but I'm sure looking forward to seeing what, if any, damage this strike has inflicted. The mission ended midway through the turn leaving me thirty odd rounds left still to fire.

BD's R35 continued to take potshots at the foxholes recently vacated by my light mortar team. One such round impacted just beyond the foxhole and some shrapnel killed the third member of my MMG team in the nearby farmhouse! Unlucky or what? The angle the shrapnel must have flown in the building and then just happen to hit and kill my man! Oh well, you can't win them all!


Worse news occured up by the southern barn. My halftrack tasked with creeping down towards the edge of the forest spotted one of BD's R35s and promptly bottled out and reversed at full speed back into the trees, just as my men finished loading into the other halftrack. They passanger halftrack was just pulling out of the forest when they got cut up by the reversing halftrack, forcing them to reverse to try another path out the trees. Just as they were reversing they suffered a direct hit from one of BD's little mortars. Little they may be, but the took out six of the men cooped up inside! :(


At least I got my revenge on BD's R35s! My lead SPG crossed the bridge and turned to get a shot at the first R35. However it seems that he was unable to get a shot at it, even though BD's first R35 was able to fire some MG fire over the top of my SPG. More MG fire slammed into the gun shield, but it was still unable to target it back. It was however able to target BD's second R35, which was bizarrely firing at the foxholes around the second bridge. A single main round was enough to knock out BD's second R35, just before BD's first R35 got a main round off at my SPG in return. Fortunately it wasn't enough to penetrate it's armour, only succeeding in forcing it to withdraw.......



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Turn 23 - Minute 23 to 22

Half time and I think my defence is going OK, even if BD's armour is starting to pop up left, right and centre! I think I would be in a much stronger position now if I had abandoned the barns at kick off, maybe with just a token defence to slow BD down, but, as they say, it's all a learning curve and I think I'm getting a bit better with every conflict I have against BD.

In retrospect I think I made my biggest mistake before the game even started, presuming that BD would be coming from the top only, instead of having at least three different entry points. Then again, I'm not sure how I would have set up had I known that BD would be approaching from multiple angles!

Numerous sightings of BD's Italian infantry kept popping up in the northern forest. It looks like those men I encountered a while ago near the northern barn have finally made it to near the edge of the forest. My SPG HQ halftrack had something to say about it, laying down some MG fire (yellow) whenever it spotted some enemies. How long until BD pushes for the bridge I wonder?

More infantry elements popped up on the other side of the forest track too. Whether these are from the northern barn too, or have made it across from the area BD's R35s are now in, it's hard to say for definite. Either way, my halftrack by the brdieg buildings opened up on them too! (orange)

More worrying was the confirmation of another armour contact. Only a sound contact at this stage, and it looks like BD is being cautious and keeping it just out of sight, but both my halftracks will have to reposition to avoid being on the receiving end of a main round, should BD push his R35 forward much more.

Another R35 showed up in the same area as the first two also. I'm not sure why BD has positioned it in much the same area as the one that has just been knocked out, because my second SPG dished out much the same treatment as my first SPG did last turn. It's first main round skimmed just over the top of the R35, but the second round achieved a penetrating hit just as the turn ended (red). I'm not sure if it has knocked out the R35, but if not I'm hoping that a third hit will do the business.....

My first SPG made it to the safety of the trees, despite being subjected to some MG fire from BD's R35. I'm now wondering if it can get into a position to keep an eye on the entrance to the northern forest leading down to the bridge buildings!

The only item of note in the farmyard was one of my M2 halftracks. It's positioned behind the left farmhouse, safe from attack from the northern forest. Midway through the turn it appeared to take a penetrative small arms hit to it's left door. Just a single round by the looks of things, but it was enough to rattle the crew and set them in motion. As they were pulling out another single small arms round hit from the northern forest, keeping them moving until the turn ended. I sure hope a couple of small arms hits don't force it out into the line of fire of one of BD's R35s!

It was pretty quiet over in the southern forest. My halftrack finally made it to its destination by the recon HQ team (dark blue). I'll get them to load up next turn.

My two survivors of the direct mortar hit to my other halftrack panicked and legged it into the depths of the woods! (light blue)


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Offmap 81mm mortars ordered to one final mission, along the length of the front edge of the northern forest. 41 rounds incoming in approx 4 minutes! :D

My two halftracks by the bridge buildings to reposition, to hopefully keep out the way of BD's hidden armour contact.

My SPG at the entrance to the bridge to continue to fire on BD's damaged R35.

Rattled halftrack in farmyard to attempt to reverse back under cover of the farmhouse.

Recon HQ in southern forest to change plans and attempt to recover the empty halftrack by the southern barn. I'm going to need as many of these halftracks as I can get. I hope they can drive it! :D


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Turn 24 - Minute 22 to 21

Another turn, another confirmed armour kill on BD, this time with a confirmed casualty too!

The work I started last turn was finished within a few seconds of this turn. Another main round from my SPG by the bridge was enough to knock out BD's R35, causing an immediate explosion, killing one of the crew as the other bailed out of the rear hatch.

That's about the only offensive news I have for this turn, as every other unit I have, apart from my half tracks, is on a very short target arc, to prevent BD knowing exactly where my men are and targetting them with his R35s. Once I deal with them I'll set up my MG teams again and start to light up the general areas I believe BD's infantry to be hiding.

I did get some incoming small arms fire from the northern forest, so it's good to see that they are holding their positions, ready for my next 81mm mortar strike.

One Italian infantry team opened up on my SPG HQ halftrack (yellow) as it repositioned to get out of LOF from BD's R35s (yes there looks like there is a queue of them now!) that are waiting for the right time to reveal themselves. Apart from a bit of armour spalling there were no negative side effects and my halftrack soon reached cover.

On the other side of the forest track BD's infantry opened up on my farmyard halftrack (orange) as it reversed into cover. This forced them to panic and they decided to get out of the farmyard and head for the exposure of the ploughed fields, occasionally hounded by more small arms fire from the same team! The same infantry team also managed to pick off one of the men from my remaining AT gun. I'm not sure if this was an aimed shot, or a stray shot aimed at my halftrack as it pulled out of it's position, let's hope the latter!

Other than the above, the only item of note was that BD's other R35 continued to fire on the foxholes by the first bridge. I'm not sure if he is just being super cautious and spraying the area for good measure, or that, for some reason, he has actually picked up some sort of sound contact from that area. Either way, he has an infantry squad closing on the area to finish mopping and and take control of the victory location. Let's hope BD's R35 stays fixated on the first bridge for quite some time.

Lastly, as previously mentioned, a second R35 sound contact popped up near the end of the minute, right behind the first at the entrance to the northern woods from the bridge buildings. With both my SPGs on the other side of the river and focusing on the other end of the woods, it is going to be tough to deal with this threat......


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SPG by bridge to race forward to the cover of the pine trees to the south of the farmyard. (yellow)

Halftrack in the ploughed field to take cover by nearby trees. (blue)

Halftrack in the southern forest to race odwn to join the SPG by the pine trees. (red)


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Turn 25 - Minute 21 to 20

Another minute slips by for BD and he really doesn't seem to be making too much progress. I wonder if he is waiting for more reinforcements? Does he not think that three R35s are enough to make a push? Is he waiting for his Semovente that is hinted at in the mission briefing?

My SPG (yellow) made it to the pines by the edge of the farmyard, but the halftrack (white) that was supposed to meet it there only got as far as the edge of the southern forest before bottling it and reversing back into cover. I'm going to have to come up with a different plan for the two halftracks in the southern forest, because sooner or later BD will advance his infantry and they'll get caught out again in a short range scuffle.

My other halftrack (red) faired far worse, taking more small arms fire from across the valley and then a main round or two from a R35 which spelled its doom!

BD's two R35s at the other end of the northern forest took out an empty jeep by the buildings, but other than that they showed little threat and little sign of being eager to venture from the safety of the trees.

I also noticed more shots fired from BD's R35 and men at the far end of the northern forest, aimed at the far bridge again. Even when BD had men in the foxholes there he was still firing at the bridge area. Just what is he up to I wonder?


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SPG to open up on the frontmost R35 of the pair. (red)

Halftrack in farmyard to suppress infantry at far bridge. (orange)

Halftrack at entrance to southern forest to suppress infantry at far bridge while it reverses back into the forest, then head back to my end of the map and wait for further orders. (yellow and light blue)

Halftrack near southern barn to head deeper into woods and back to my end of the woods, ready for further orders (dark blue)

Recon team in woods to rendevous with the barn halftrack (purple)

Final 81mm mortar strike in approx two minutes......


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