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Allied AAR on CM Battle in Ribera for CMPzC Sicily '43 Operation "A Route to Ribera"

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2 more Germans KIA!

Kinda funny story:

final man of an LMG crew, not the regular gunner, finally fires off his last 2 rounds for the 30 cal. BAM BAM. Hadn't hit anybody with it for turns after turns. Switches back to his pea-shooter M1 carbine primary weapon and promptly nails 2 enemy soldiers in 1 turn.

Totally surrounded. I am feeling the noose tighten...

I will try and go until I am out of ammo and then pop the white flag.

If they charge in, it'll get real bloody for all concerned.

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41 brave troopers still holding their positions.

I have seen a few enemy mortar rounds land way off in the distance.

I guess we might be getting ready to get some "steel rain".

Also, I hear some type of gun firing but do not see or hear any impact explosions. Maybe he is missing or hitting somewhere I do not have any troops located...

The game engine does allow you to hear AND SEE when the enemy blows a wall with a demo charge (or a hedgerow back in CMBN). Even without LOS to the area. Kind of goofy if you ask me.

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The game engine does allow you to hear AND SEE when the enemy blows a wall with a demo charge (or a hedgerow back in CMBN). Even without LOS to the area. Kind of goofy if you ask me.

That's because you can always see all terrain and walls and hedgerows (and fences etc, which you see disappear when enemy vehicles drive through them) are terrain elements.

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LMG still says he is deploying. I see 30 cal strapped to his back and he is holding the carbine. He has LOS to 4 or 5 blackshirts. Come on man! Check the head space and timing and let loose!!!

No KIA but an HQ trooper caught a round in the leg....

2 mortar rounds landed very inaccurately in the distance almost near enemy troops.

Moving a single trooper to a new position to observe enemy movements.

I think the bigger intact squads and half-squads are too dangerous to move at this time since they will draw more attention and a response burst of fire will take down 1 or 2 or 3 guys...

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I am so bummed. I had a single soldier with the 30 cal LMG. No ammo left. Finally got him to a KIA and he does the medic buddy aid scrounge and comes up a winner with like 400 rounds. I move him away from there and head him to somewhere safe and he goes back to do more buddy aid (rations and souvenirs this time?) and gets zapped by a stray round.

The Germans are closing in and laying on a lot of suppressive fire at doors and windows.

Mortar fire landing on the Alamo courtyard.


I've got about 37 "All Americans" gritting their teeth.

Fix bayonets!


Why? Are they broken?

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"Gordies gone...."

lone survivor of an already battered LMG team out of 30 cal ammo,

using his .45 cal pistol, runs out of ammo with THAT, another team arrives, we get instant ammo support, Blackshirts surrendering!!!!

German GSG9 SWAT team entering MY building.

1st floor: 5 man half-squad.

2nd floor: 2 man platoon HQ.


Lots of dead hunting German troops so far. Like 8 or 9.


Lots of guys running low on ammo. I hope the Tac AI has them surrender when they need to...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last man standing. He has a 30 cal LMG and is not afraid to use it...

No global morale surrender!

I guess when he catches a bullet, the game ends.

I cancelled his face command. I will roll the dice and let the TAC AI decide which way he focuses his attention. No enemy in LOS at end of the turn.

As a minor note of excitement, I had one trooper kind of bug out and headed off towards a building, basically in the direction of the enemy. I thought he would get cut down but he made it and then stopped and fumbled with his Thompson to reload it just as he spotted 3 or 4 enemy troops in the prone position. One of them had a Kar 98 and fired and missed. My guy is like blowing the dust out of his magazine it seems taking his sweet a$$ time to reload. Bullets are flying in towards him, finally he does reload and just blazes away at short range wiping out all the of the enemy unit but then is cut down by some other unseen enemy unit.

I sure hope I got more of them than they got of me. I suppose he could do buddy aid and will recoup some of his losses. We'll see....

Meanwhile, my boys are having whiskey in Valhalla, waiting on the last 30 cal LMG trooper to saddle up to the bar...




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Hi - I'm playing the other side of this battle. The battle has finished so I can finally go through this thread. I'll try to add the 'other side'.

But first of all thanks to Kohlenklau for doing the DAR!

I had 1 Italian company with 4 Brixias, 2 MMGs, a truck and infantry. Deploy zone exactly like in the picture above.

Then 2 German companies unfortunately without Grilles but 4 81mm mortars, 2 IGs, one ATG and several HMGs.

Intel told me I had to face 2 ranger companies which are short on supplies.


In former battles the enemy usually ran away after a while. This I wanted to avoid. So the Italians were to move across the map to the Allied exit zone and block the ford. One German company would advance along the river, the other through the city and thus create a 2-pronged attack.

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1:56 to 1:55

Public Transportation has its drawbacks...


Oh I remember this - only after the setup I noticed that the setup zone was completely surrounded by a low wall. The only exit was to the back and the truck could not navigate it. With demolitions its like playing Doom and being stopped by a knee high wall... :(

Walking it is, then.

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"Spencer for Hire" redeemed himself!


You want a piece of me?


First big mistake: I went through the orchard properly with scouts and all. But I underestimated the range and deadliness of those MGs. Caught in a crossfire and unable to suppress them I lost too many men here.

That stopped my advance cold here and I had to go all around this area. Only about 45 minutes later I could cross it.

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Funny about how things went down above...that German squad did not enter the barn. Or maybe it split into teams and one went in the barn and one went to the backside.


I think the enemy troops are creeping in for the kill. At least the Germans...

The Blackshirts seem to be cutting off my route of escape. Hardy har har....

I am staying until the last round baby and then pop out the white flag.

My plan - discovered!


Nobody went into the barn - this is not the suicide squad. :)

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-A 3-man team got blown away in a second by a PaK 40 round.

Good to know - I wasn't sure the Pak had accomplished anything. Since it had only very few HE rounds most shots were AP and the mostly went straight through the building.

-The mortar team didn't get the drop on the Blackshirts, they got "Brixia" bashed.

Don't you love the Brixias? :)

These things are really fun to play with. Not much effect per round but you have lots of them.

This last turn I had the mortar team pull back, 2 guys shy :( and set-up to lob in rounds at that Pak40. I think I nailed it!!! We shall see on the next turn.

No, you didn't - but it was very close. :)

Btw - if I had know you were pulling back into the Alamo at this time we could have saved half an hour of game time. It took me forever to work my way through the city in combat mode.

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2 mortar rounds landed very inaccurately in the distance almost near enemy troops.

I had left 2 mortar teams in the setup area as 'off map' support. But getting good LOS in a city is very difficult and so is spotting.

One mission went through but it was off a bit - which was lucky because it was actually on a place I liked better but couldn't see.

The other I had to call off because the scatter was so big I was lucky not to loose anyone.

Btw the other two mortar teams only fired a few smoke rounds. Cities are not mortar territory.

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