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Allied AAR on CM Battle in Ribera for CMPzC Sicily '43 Operation "A Route to Ribera"

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Okay, let us see what happened with the barnyard folly fellows...

Here is the German team or maybe squad(?) on the quick to the barn. I had a team lay in some area fire, but it didn't seem to do any good. It was brief fire so they then changed to fire at some other targets.


From the other side, we see this perspective...


To the left of the mortar team on hide, way down along that stone wall, is another mortar team, get it? I had the Co HQ with a radio near the 2 mortar teams, way in the rear, the so called rear. Now the rear is the front. YIKES!!


So, I guess we wait another turn to see how things go down.

Meanwhile, I am re-positioning my teams to act out a mini-Stalingrad. I have a few buildings in mind for this "Alamo Defense"....

NO NEW KIA by the way. :)

But also, no notice of any new enemy KIA :(

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11 KIA, 2 WIA so far.

Funny about how things went down above...that German squad did not enter the barn. Or maybe it split into teams and one went in the barn and one went to the backside.

I am re-positioning to an inner cauldron.

That shot-up mortar team will fast out back to fire away its mortar ammo at the Eye-Ties. Then become infantry and join the Alamo.

I think the enemy troops are creeping in for the kill. At least the Germans...

The Blackshirts seem to be cutting off my route of escape. Hardy har har....

I am staying until the last round baby and then pop out the white flag.

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no new KIA. I have hit a few Blackshirts with long range rifle fire.

That new kid on the 30cal, well he does have heart but man! his aim is bad.

Re-positioning and a quick hunt for souvenirs as we bust down the doors of the finest homes in Ribera. Maybe even grab some bottles of vino for later when our canteens run dry.

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TURN 1:42 TO 1:41

George Company CO, Capt Prior is KIA trying to hold back the Germans.

Followed shortly by his favorite goldbrick, PFC Eugene Skadwick.

But they took at least one with them...

13 KIA so far.



I am pulling back in leaps and bounds to get my troops into position in the Alamo.


Have fun watching as I try and pull this off with Finesse and Elan. (2 French chicks I sometimes hang out with...)

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Ha, they are nasty bastards, those Germans/Italians. Looks like they are going to cut off your only avenue of retreat and then slowly grind down your encircled troops. Make them pay for every inch of ground! I expect no less of you than to make sure that all of your men fight to their last bullet for our entertainment. Or as Scholar Visari would put it: "The enemy may shatter our bodys, but they cannot break our spirit! We will strike without warning and without mercy, fighting as one arm, one hand, one sword. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares! And as our last breath tears at their lungs, as we rise again from the ruins of this city, they will know that Ribera belongs to the Allies."

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OK, the CMFI GL Bulge '44 CMPzC Barague de Fraiture battle is completed and a few other PBEMs are almost finished. Additionally, the wife has been serviced. Oil checked, headlights cleaned. Chassis lubed. Whoops! I meant my wife's car! :D

So I can focus a bit more mental energy on this battle. I am seeing certain buildings have no windows on certain walls and that has pluses and minuses. I have some demo teams and we are gonna blow some walls out where I think they will be useful. I am trying for a death-box for any enemy infanrty trying to enter our little Hell's kitchen.

"La Cucina del Diavolo"

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The redeployment is going well. An LMG team safely packed-up and pulled back into the Alamo and are headed for a good spot to lay down 30 cal cover fire. They were covered by another 30 during this move who spotted Germans in a side street across the main road and took down at least 3. Didn't they know to look both ways before crossing der strasse?

One team was about to leave its old position when an old man on a bicycle showed up and notified them that in accordance with the Fascist Building Code, the building they were in was scheduled for immediate leveling by The Luigi Brixia Demolition and Cannoli Company LLC. They had to sign the notice and it was in Italian but they got the basic intentions translated...

The turn ended with me blowing out a 2nd floor wall for better LOS. I rarely see my teams use the demo charges as flying lunch box bombs so this might be the only use they get this battle.

The 2 man remnant of a mortar team...I guess they might NOT have the mortar just some rounds. Unless it pops up soon. I don't see it with the dead guys back at the wall.

Screenshots later today.

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TURN 1:40 TO 1:39

Actually, from a turn or 2 back, this is Farley smoking those jay walkers over on Electric Avenue.


Some PG-13 humor here...viewer discretion is advised!


...one more funny cartoon since pretty soon I doubt I will be laughing...


the big picture: I see what may be an infantry gun up north up on Electric Avenue. Also, an empty truck out east where Zuke's team got waxed. I am moving a 60mm mortar to fire at the Blackshirts.

I don't think the mortar remnant has their mortar with them...One last team is delayed pulling back by Luigi Brixia and his 8mm friends.


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23 KIA so far.

I have tried a few moves and keeping getting kicked in the nuts.

-A 3-man team got blown away in a second by a PaK 40 round.

-The mortar team didn't get the drop on the Blackshirts, they got "Brixia" bashed.

-An MG-42 HMG set-up undetected in a building across the main road and nailed a few of my boys.

-I tried to swing back and rescue the George Company HQ radio operator, but he died and I lost one of the attempted rescuers.

This last turn I had the mortar team pull back, 2 guys shy :( and set-up to lob in rounds at that Pak40. I think I nailed it!!! We shall see on the next turn.

Lots of red (and green) for Christmas.


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There is no need to track casualties in a excel sheet. The end screen AAR will do (we do not track individual weapons, only the casualties themselves).

Looks like your retreat have been cut off. If it’s not possible to break out (without extreme casualties) it might be best to try and agree on a ceasefire and exit (not likely) or to surrender. It’s your call.

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I understand. I just do this as part of the AAR to show how things are going to the audience (and keeping myself informed of course).

I have decided to try for a highly dramatic Valkyrie death ride to Valhalla for these boys. First of all, it is fictional and nobody actually dies. Second, if we surrender we come out of the game anyway, so why not enjoy the show and see how long I can last!

Might not be much longer than surrendering at the rate I am going!

Can't wait for the next turn to see if I nailed his Pak40!

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House-to-house fighting can be extremly costly for an attacker if the defender does his job well. Your men may be doomed, but i think you still have a good change to hurt your opponent badly if he pushes into the narow streets of the village. Every room can be turned into an ambush, every street into a killzone.

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Right now, I have lost 25 KIA and inflicted:

3 on Electric Avenue

1 or 2 on the Pak40.

2 or 3 on the LMG wall.

3 or 4 that tried to cross the main road.

1 in the big truck

maybe 10 Blackshirts.

1 over by the barn

2 in the church

1 or 2 in the coffee shop

so, maybe 28+/- enemy KIA.

Not so good an exchange ratio but it should get better as he takes risks to advance.

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