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II SS Panzer Corps was where on July 11, '43?

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Proof if it was needed that Waffen SS scum were infiltrating the Kriegsmarine in this stunning aerial recon shot of a capital ship laying in a Norwegian fjord.

Built at Kriegsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven and fitted with dual jingle jangle we normally see it is interesting to spot for the first time Krupp's 38 cm SK C/34 naval jingle jangle.


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manportable Speisseiswerfer 35, or SeW 35, deployed on the rare Lafayette wheeled quadripod. Seen here destroying a Soviet armoured assault in the ruined streets of Berlin.


When this weapon was used in conjunction with the Schwerer Eiswaffelwerfer the results could be truly horrific.

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OMG! Look at those ice cream dischargers right and left to the "tonibell" sign!

those are for local defence against anti-speisseis, or speisseisjäger, teams. You can see a similar installation on the capital ship above, although in that case it was for defence against low flying jabo aircraft.

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An accidently over-exposed photo of a Speiseeiskampfwagen II in factory standard Dunkelgrau Nr. 46 (dark gray) during night-time operations showing strange orbs being fired from the fighting compartment. This is the first time a jingle jangle has been caught on film; you may hear it, but its damn hard to see it coming.

This very rare night scene reveals in all its clarity the strange, eerie occult phenomena as the SS-trained scum open and close the fighting compartment's receptacles that house the enriched Eis.


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Here are some photographs of the rare Italian Speiseeiskampfwagen, wich were called "Gelati Carro di Combattere" by the Italians and noteably smaller than their german counterparts:


Taking cover behind some foliage:


An here is a Russian Пак-32 (Пехота автомобиля кремом 32, ice cream vehicle of the infantry - model 1932), displayed at the tank museum munster:


Although its design may be crude, the Germans feared the taste of the Russian ice cream: Vodka and Borscht.

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As promised, from deep intelligence sources, the world's finest scientists on advanced physics, the paranormal and ultra black Nazi SS scum occultism gather to unravel the mysteries of how 311st Leibstandarte SS Adolph Hitler Speiseeiskampfwagen I.Kp.Stbs.Zug Kampfgruppe mysteriously disappeared from the Hürtgen Forest Nov 20 1944 in broad daylight without a trace to reappear on a desolate and withheld location (for global security reasons) Caribbean island in neatly formed ranks. Note how polished and trim they appear with no sign of wear and tear from wartime battlefield conditions.

Chillingly spooky, how did they get there?


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As promised, from deep intelligence sources, the world's finest scientists on advanced physics, the paranormal and ultra black Nazi SS scum occultism gather to unravel the mysteries of how 311st Leibstandarte SS Adolph Hitler Speiseeiskampfwagen I.Kp.Stbs.Zug Kampfgruppe mysteriously disappeared from the Hürtgen Forest Nov 20 1944 in broad daylight without a trace to reappear on a desolate and withheld location (for global security reasons) Caribbean island in neatly formed ranks. Note how polished and trim they appear with no sign of wear and tear from wartime battlefield conditions.

Chillingly spooky, how did they get there?


The Super Whippy truck has a double sided missile on it capable of launching forward at targets and backwards if it is being followed by the enemy.

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As promised, from deep intelligence sources, the world's finest scientists on advanced physics, the paranormal and ultra black Nazi SS scum occultism gather to unravel the mysteries of how 311st Leibstandarte SS Adolph Hitler Speiseeiskampfwagen I.Kp.Stbs.Zug Kampfgruppe mysteriously disappeared from the Hürtgen Forest Nov 20 1944 in broad daylight without a trace to reappear on a desolate and withheld location (for global security reasons) Caribbean island in neatly formed ranks. Note how polished and trim they appear with no sign of wear and tear from wartime battlefield conditions.

Chillingly spooky, how did they get there?


There seems to be some error in the caption for this photo. It was taken not on a Caribbean island, but on the Channel Island of Guernsey in the aftermath of Operation Sea Kitty (Fell Seekätze). This obviously staged propaganda photo alleges to show the inhabitants of Guernsey clearly at ease and happy with their Nazi scum captors.


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Never seen before and shocking detail of the dark inside workings of a Speiseeiskampfwagen IV Ausf. H.

What evil was conducted in such a place? Not hard to imagine the cramped fighting compartment, sweat and grime, the smell of terror, the searing light of radiated enriched heavy Eis shooting forth, the tell-tale battle cry of jingle jangles let loose in rapid bursts, the bins opened and closed; slammed ferocity as the Nazi scum did their work with deadly efficiency, emotionless, focused and totally loyal to their cause.

One can just make out the ghastly launch handle and trigger mechanism in the left shadows.


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Himmler's beasts of depravity knew no bounds. Should we ever question the Schutzstaffel's presence at the Arctic we must remind ourselves they reached the Antarctic with devastating impact on the carefully balanced eco-system.

Mr Penguin, sniff that KubelSpeiseeiskampfwagen at your peril.


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The Super Whippy truck has a double sided missile on it capable of launching forward at targets and backwards if it is being followed by the enemy.

Or it might be the only extant photograph of an advanced experimental SLAAR (Side-Looking Artificial Aperture Radar) used for mapping. Nobody knows what possible use Germany would have had for such a thing as by this stage of the war the Nazi scum were retreating over terrain they had already mapped. All that is known is one day in early 1944 Hitler was visited by a delegation from the Teknikwiessenshaftamt and afterwards ordered that the project be given supreme priority, even over the V-2. Thus, Germany achieved a twenty year jump on the Allies in development of the SLAAR. Not that it did them any good.


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There seems to be some error in the caption for this photo. It was taken not on a Caribbean island, but on the Channel Island of Guernsey in the aftermath of Operation Sea Kitty (Fell Seekätze). This obviously staged propaganda photo alleges to show the inhabitants of Guernsey clearly at ease and happy with their Nazi scum captors.

To expand on this a bit, the occupation of the Channel Islands involved a propaganda ploy designed to soften the population of mainland Britain in preparation for invasion. This included Goebbel's cameramen arriving to produce a film showing such things as Wehrmacht soldiers kissing babies and handing out Christmas toys to stony-faced children, being presented with bouquets of wilted flowers by local girls and giving away cartons of American cigarettes. The message was, "See? We're not such bad guys!"

This film was to be broadcast across the Channel into tv sets in British households until it was realized that the British did not have tv yet. So copies of the film were packaged up and parachuted at night in the hopes that fifth column sympathizers would hold clandestine gatherings with their neighbors to screen the film. However, British intelligence got wind of the operation due to an intercepted Enigma message (the Luftwaffe's signal security was dreadfully lax) and were successful in rounding up nearly all copies, which under orders from the Prime Minister were destroyed save on kept in secret in the British Archives. This surfaced only recently due to the sudden and unexpected appearance of a second copy found in the attic of a cottage that was to be demolished to make way for a bypass just outside Humber-Watley in Kent. The Daily Mail got to it first and let the cat out of the bag, so there was no longer any point in HMG's trying to keep the thing under wraps. It now resides in the IWM where it is screened once a month to the interested public.


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Proof if it was needed that Waffen SS scum were infiltrating the Kriegsmarine in this stunning aerial recon shot of a capital ship laying in a Norwegian fjord.


I can't help noticing that the "mountains" around this fjord are a lot less ... mountain-y than we've been led to believe. Is everything we thought we knew about WWII based on a lie?

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Wewelsburg, North Rhine-Westphalia (not Guernsey or Jersey) within shouting distance of Nazi scum SS HQ Schloss Wewelsburg, we see one of the Speiseeiskampfwagenn "funnies" in the middle of "Germanic applied research" ("germanische Zweckforschung") next to a bell-shaped tower of extraordinary proportions.

The photo captures the moment when, to the left, the very fabric of the universe as we know it has gone a bit bonkers.


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The perverted and obsessive scum-like fantasies of the SS went beyond the pale in many ways. Not least in their archaeological predilictions to justify their authority and supremacy through a recorded chronology. One such dig reveals a Medieval Speiseeiskampfwagen. Simple, yet functional with strange, primitive motifs of the era. Proof positive that we are not just dealing with one war, one epoch but something far more larger than we can easily discern that spans across the accepted comfort of our assumptions to something far more troubling...


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Hah! Hah! and all that. Time for reality therapy.

Declassified TOP SECRET MAGIC (MAGIC was U.S. decrypts of Japanese diplomatic message traffic and was as sensitive as it got). Note markings are on pages shown are still protected, which I find intriguing. Declassification was in 1978--text only, not full doc. SRA stands for Special Regulatory Authority, which means it requires special handling because of the sensitivity of the matter. What's covered is what's sensitive.

Declassified authority NND 947022

RG 0457 National Security Agency / Central Security Service, entry # A1 9004, Japanese Army Attache message translations

SRA 14,200 through 15,000 ("Translation Reports of Intercepted Japanese Army Attache signals Aug 25,1941 - Aug 1945")

This particular one from that batch is a MAGIC decrypt originating in Stockholm, Sweden to Tokyo, Japan diplomatic message traffic from a military attache.

Japanese Diplomatic signal intercept 12 December 1944 (Magic decrypt) Trans 14 Dec 44 (3020- B, "Stockholm to Tokyo, No. 232.9 December 1944 (War Department), National Archives, RG 457, SRA 14628-32, declassified October 1, 1978

Complete doc (less enclosures) in post #53 at link.


Teaser on Page 1 near top

"Reports on the atom-splitting bomb."

Teaser on Page 2

"...and even all their ammunition had detonated."

I feel constrained to point out I had neither the linked doc nor that specific piece of information when I wrote the initial post. That came to me later and was included as a clearly marked update.

The information in the intercepted cable has some issues as to locations, timing and specifics of weapons (what intel's perfect in war?), but the fact remains that this is not merely a report from a Japanese military attache, but it was of such importance to the U.S. it was translated a mere two days after it was intercepted (bottom of Page 5)! On that page there is another powerful piece of evidence--explicit mention of a nuke: "GENSHI HAKAI DAN that is, a bomb deriving its force from the release of atomic energy."

Note, too, that the National Reconnaissance Office explicitly identified MAGIC as a SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) codeword whose existence was NOW releasable, per the NRO declassification guide, p. 15. That guide was in NRO official use in 2012 and cleared for public release in 2013. This means that the codeword for a WW II document was still classified as of 1978 and not even releasable as a codeword in declassified docs until 2012--within the NRO!



John Kettler

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Further revelations on how the Germans used diabolical weather modification with V2 rockets during the Battle of the Bulge, and the nazis attempt to reach Antwerp all went well till they ran critically short of synthetic stabilisers and emulsifiers - propylene glycol (an antifreeze), glycerin, sodium car-boxy methylcellulose, monoglycerides, diglycerides, disodium phosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, polysorbate 80 and dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate.




General Anthony Clement "Nuts" McAuliffe (July 2, 1898 – August 11, 1975) was the United States Army general who was the acting division commander of the 101st Airborne Division troops defending Bastogne, Belgium, during World War II's Battle of the Bulge. He is famous for his single-word reply of "Nuts!" in response to a German asking what he wanted on his whippy ice cream.

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