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CMPzC Normandy '44 Caen Operation - Allied HQ

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This thread will contain all the communications between myself and any players wishing to play the Allied side in this operation. Anyone is free to post their ideas for the operational moves, or ask questions about the PzC scenario and the CMPzC rules.

Below is the starting deployment of the Allies with a unit identification key.

The time is 08:00 hours on the 7th June 1944. The place is the outskirts of Caen. The task of the Allies is to occupy both VL's at the end of the game to win, and one to draw. The PzC scenario is 7 turns long.

Artillery range = 11 hexes

Mortar range = 2 hexes

Any indirect fire weapon that is fired during the PzC turn, cannot be used in a CM battle that turn.

The Allies move first, so i need the Allied team to come up with orders. I will provide screenshots of the reachable hexes for any unit, or the visible hexes from any hex, so please request this information using the coordinates from the hex key.





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Hello Noob:

Very interesting and a great idea. Tiller has so many titles so this idea could carry forth into any area Battlefront are planning.

Hope it's OK to ask questions here? Or should I do that in another thread?

Wondering what KOSB stands for. I assume it is something like King's Own ....



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Hope it's OK to ask questions here? Or should I do that in another thread?

Anything relating to the Allied operational moves, or the Allied CM action reports belong in this thread.

Anyone can put forward an Allied plan of attack, with different plans, if any, being put to the vote

Wondering what KOSB stands for. I assume it is something like King's Own ....

Kings Own Scottish Borderers

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To assault an enemy occupied hex, and thus generate a CM battle, the assaulting units must move to an adjacent hex to the enemy, have enough movement points left to assault, and not exceed 700 stacking points. Stacking points are calculated by regarding each individual foot soldier as one point, and each gun or vehicle as ten points.

Therefore, if the entire SDGH battalion assaulted, it would add up to 4 x 122 (Inf Compnies) + 39 Recce Platoon + 6 Mortars + 6 AT guns = 488 + 39 + 60 +60 = 647 points, so 5 tanks (50) could be added.

An enemy hex can be assaulted from any adjacent hex, by units from any battalion, as long as the initial amount of forces does not exceed 700. 700 points worth of forces can be added as reinforcements, but those units will not appear on the CM battle map until 30 out of 60 turns have elapsed.

Therefore, the Allied players need to inform me of what units are moving, how far, and where. This can be done by drawing arrows on the screenshots I have created, and posting the diagram to this thread.#

I will inform the players if the units can reach their destination or not.

Also, all units start the operation in combat formation, apart from the AT guns, which are in travel formation. When players issue orders to move, they need to state the formation the unit will be in when it starts, and the formation it will be in when it finishes.

Players can issue orders for scouting units first, then get an update on any spotted units, then they may move the main forces once all the intel is received. Each foot battalion has a small tracked Recce platoon that can be used for such a task.

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Very interesting and a great idea.

Thanks for the compliment Gerry. The Tiller series is perfect for CM operational play. Because the Tiller OOB can be edited without corrupting a save game file, you just need a method for transferring data from PzC to CM. My system is my take on it, but anyone can apply their own preferences, and it all can be played H2H without an umpire. The hard part is learning the PzC game, and the CM scenario editor.

Tiller has so many titles so this idea could carry forth into any area Battlefront are planning.

I know. With the release of CMGL, Crete is viable, and PzC Salerno 43 has a full campaign scenario of it.

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Noob, I realise I haven't given orders for the btn mortars

For the SDGH's mortars, in march with the btw, deploy on arrival if possible

For the Nova Scotias' mortars, in march 1 hex sw, deploy with AT and C coy

For the KOSB's mortars, in march , 2 hexes sw, deploy

For RUR's mortars, 1 hex sw and deploy.

I think that does it.

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Also, I have ordered an indirect fire mission for the CDN Field Regt on to Authie. I recall that you can indirect fire by map reference in PzC but if that isn't allowed within the context of this operation, ignore that order

You can fire on hexes you suspect to be occupied by enemy units, however, the combat effectiveness of the fire is a quarter of its full strength. However, If you use your artillery during the PzC turn, you cannot use it again for the entire duration of turn 1. Which means, if you instigate a CM battle after your PzC moves, you will have no artillery support for the battle, and also, if you are assaulted by the Axis during their PzC turn, resulting in a CM battle, you will also have no artillery support for the battle.

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These are your orders created as data strings, could you confirm their accuracy.

All units are classed as in combat formation unless they have a (T) next to the unit name. (T) stands for Travel Mode, (DOA) stands for Deploy On Arrival.

16th Cdn Fld Co: F4 / E5 / D6

12th Cdn Fld Reg: Indirect fire on D12

SDGH Bat, Rece Trp, Mortars, ATG (T)(DOA): E5 / D6 / C7 / C9

NNSH A & B Co's: G4 / F6 / E7

NNSH C Co, Mortars, ATG (T)(DOA): G4 / F6

Recce 27CdnA: F6 / E5 / D6 / C7 / C9

A Sq 27CdnA: F6 / E5 / D6 /

B Sq 27 CdnA: F6 / E7

C Sq 27 CdnA: F6 / F8

17th Fld Co: H2 / H4 / H6

KOSB A, B Co's, Recce Trp: H4 / G5/ F6 / F8

KOSB C, D Co's, ATG (T)(DOA): H4 / G5 / G7

RUR A, B Co's, Recce Trp: I2 / H4/ H6

RUR C, D Co's: I2 / I4

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Kensai, I would like you to do your orders again. This time use the recce units your Battlions have to scout, as you would do in a typical game of PzC, before you commit to moving major formations. I will show you screenshots of any visible enemy units your recce units encounter.

Also, rather than draw arrows on the map, I would like you to use hex data strings. So you should write down the PzC units movement path using the hex coordinates map, by firstly starting with the names of the units to be moved, their starting formations, their starting hexes coordinates, and then the coordinates of each hex moved onto. Then, if the units moved in travel mode, you must say which units are deploying to combat mode after their movement. It must be noted that changing from travel formation to combat formation uses movement points.


If anyone else has a plan, feel free to post it here.

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Ok, initial orders:

All units moving to halt on encountering enemy formations in adjacent hexes

SDG Highlanders Recce trp, cmbt form, from E5 to D6 to C7 to C9;

27 CDN Arm Bde, Recce trp, cmbt form, from F6 to E5 to D6 to C7 to C9;

Nova Scotias Recce trp, cmbt form, from G5 to F6 to E7;

KOSB Recce trp, cmbt form, from H4 to G5 to F6 to F8;

RUR Recce trp, cmbt form, from I3 to H4 to H6

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Ok, initial orders:

Ok Ken, thanks. One thing though, the 27Cdn Recce Troop cannot move onto hex E5 because of stacking limit restrictions. You will need to create a new movement path for it that avoids moving through other stacks.

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Here are the new troop dispositions. Some units did not have enough move points (MP's) to complete their full move. There were more SP issues, but i took the liberty of moving those units a different route to get to the correct hex.


Each moved unit is marked with the hex coordinate of the hex they are now occupying.


You were fired at with small arms, and some AT guns of an unknown calibre, from the hex occupied by the visible enemy units.

You will notice some units have suffered losses, and an increase in fatigue.

Units with green move points can move or assault.

Units with yellow move points can move, but not assault.

Units with orange move points cannot move any further.

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A Coy, SDGH, cmbt form, D6 to C7 to C9

B, C & D Coys, SDGH, cmbt form, E5 to D6 to C7

AT & Mortars, SDGH, (T), E5 to D6 to C7 deploy (if poss)

A Sqdn (inc Fireflies), 27 Cdn Arm Bde, cmbt form, F6 to E5 to D6 to C7 (remain in D6 if stacking issue in C7)

19 Cdn Fld Coy (engineers), cmbt form, F4 to E5 to D6

B Sqdn (inc Ff), 27 Cdn Arm Bde, cmbt form, F6 to E7

C Sqdn (inc Ff), 27 Arm Bde, cmbt form, F6 to F8

A Coy, Nova Scotias, cmbt form, G5 to F6 to E7

B-D Coys, Nova Scotias, cmbt form, G5 to F6

AT & Mortars, Nova Scotias, (T) G5 to F6, mortars only deploy

A Coy, KOSB, cmbt form, H4 to H6 to G7 to F8

B-D Coys, KOSB, cmbt form, H4 to H6 to G7

AT & Mortars, KOSB, (T), H4 to H6 to G7 deploy

Recce trp, RUR, cmbt form, H6 to H8

A & B Coys, RUR, cmbt form, I3 to H4 to H6 and, if recce trp RUR does not 'bump' enemy forces in H8, to H8

AT, RUR (T) I3 to H4 to H6 and, if recce trp RUR does not 'bump' enemy forces in H8, to H8 and deploy

C Coy, RUR, cmbt form, I3 to I5

D Coy, RUR, cmbt form, I3 to H4 to H6

Mortars, RUR, (T), I3 to H4 to H6 deploy

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