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I'm not sure about AA effects. I see that you can upgrade AA in cities etc. There are also AA units that you can build. What I'm not sure about is whether AA research helps the Corps units with a defense against air attack. Do you have to build AA units and station them near your Corps units so they have a defense against air attacks or will AA research give them an internal defense?

Thanks for any info.

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The AA upgrade protects cities from enemy Bombers and Airships, while AA units themselves can protect from air attacks by all types of air unit, including Fighters.

If the enemy are launching lots of Airship raids on London, then it might be easier to deploy an AA unit there, and/or research and upgrade London with AA tech, than to transfer Fighter units from France.

Or you can just rely on your Fighters, but if the enemy bombers and Airships are escorted then your Fighters will duel with the enemy's escorting Fighters.

AA units and the upgrade applied to resources have the advantage of always targeting the bombers and Airships attacking those resources.

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I've a new question. Does AA stack? If I put an AA unit on a city tile where I have added AA to the city tile will I have two shots at attackers?


The city AA does not actully shoot, it just adds a defence value which makes the airplane more likely to take damage/less likely to do damage while it bombs your city. As such, they do stack in that way, but the city AA will be more of a passive boon rather then aggresive.

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