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HMG supression really up now (v2.01)

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I ran a test of HMG vs HMG. Range c500m, Vickers in a tree line, slightly up hill. MG42 (HMG) in the ground floor of a building. Quite by chance I realised I had fluffed the set up and neither could see the other. However I thought I would see what could be done. Vickers ordered to area fire in to the garden (yard for our colonial brothers:) ) in the next square (8m lateral to the MG42, the nearest point it could see). Less than 2 mins later, HMG team has a casualty, and fully suppressed (pinned). They then bug out the back of the building under TACAI orders (I was playing H2H for the test).

Never done the exact comparison before but MGs now certainly have teeth... just area fire into the next spot built up impressive suppression! I dont think they used to be able to do that...

Certainly opens up area fire to deny movement opportunties and spook targets you cant quite see...

Anyone else got any lethal examples?

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Just played through 'Courage & Fortitude' in version 1.11. Even though I won I already burned through my whole battalion (540 KIA and WIA).

In version 2.01 it should be rendered unplayable I suppose.

I am sceptic about up-gunning the MGs. Till now I never felt they were not intimidating enough. But I'll see as I am just upgrading to V2.01

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I am sceptic about up-gunning the MGs. Till now I never felt they were not intimidating enough. But I'll see as I am just upgrading to V2.01

I think they have it right now. You used to be able to just run squads across open fields towards enemy MGs. And they would make it and take out the MGs. That just did not feel right at all. Always bugged me.

An opponent just did that against me in 2.01. Only two guys made it across the rest were gunned down or ran back. And the two guys that made it were the furthest from the MG on the side of the field. Thankfully I have another team there that will deal with them. I pretty much wrecked that platoon's day with four guys - due to the MG42.

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Just played through 'Courage & Fortitude' in version 1.11. Even though I won I already burned through my whole battalion (540 KIA and WIA).

In version 2.01 it should be rendered unplayable I suppose.

MGs still do relatively little damage to Shermans, and 75mm direct HE, mortars, 105s and tank MGs kill them and ATGs almost as handily (might take a minute or two longer for your onmap mortars to range in). It's entirely possible to do the whole thing without having MGs shoot at any of your infantry, if you blow the bridge mine before the sun comes up.

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MGs still do relatively little damage to Shermans, and 75mm direct HE, mortars, 105s and tank MGs kill them and ATGs almost as handily (might take a minute or two longer for your onmap mortars to range in). It's entirely possible to do the whole thing without having MGs shoot at any of your infantry, if you blow the bridge mine before the sun comes up.

Maybe I'll give it at try. :)

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Just played through 'Courage & Fortitude' in version 1.11. Even though I won I already burned through my whole battalion (540 KIA and WIA).

In version 2.01 it should be rendered unplayable I suppose.

I am sceptic about up-gunning the MGs. Till now I never felt they were not intimidating enough. But I'll see as I am just upgrading to V2.01

Eh... the idea is that you, as a player, should be reaching for some other tool than a daytime infantry assualt when confronted with MGs. As long as (H)MGs can effectively cockblock that, the combined arms relationship is balanced and you get real tactics out of the deal.

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Just played through 'Courage & Fortitude' in version 1.11. Even though I won I already burned through my whole battalion (540 KIA and WIA).

In version 2.01 it should be rendered unplayable I suppose.

I am sceptic about up-gunning the MGs. Till now I never felt they were not intimidating enough. But I'll see as I am just upgrading to V2.01

Those results seem pretty realistic to me! Plenty of battalions in Normandy suffered casualties close to 100%.

Did you know any of their names by the end? Because that would be unrealistic.

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What about 1st mission of The Road to Montebourg?

Do we have enough smoke to advance?

Im with some guys on the river that comea across.

But with no C2 with their leders.

Going to have to restart I think....



I've just managed to complete the mission with relatively light casualties.

My plan was to take out enemy infantry behind the hedgerow with the 60mm mortars. Then use all four machine guns to suppress the bunkers and any enemy infantry I didn't have enough 60mm mortar ammo to take out.

All the while I was making short dashes with my platoons to the river, only when enemy fire was weak enough to make this possible.

Then I used the smoke from the 80mm mortars to cover a platoon attack on the left. I just run them in quick.(With plenty of cover fire of course) I had no 60mm ammo and 3 of the 4 MG's were empty at the end. However I cleaned out the position for the cost of 2 dead and 5 wounded.

At a guess I'd say the MG perk works both ways. If you try and move troops with unpinned enemy mg's about you'll get chewed up. However it seems your mg's are also more effective at pinning point targets (I.E machine guns) . So as long as you take the effort to destroy or pin the enemy before putting in your assault, you should do fine.

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At a guess I'd say the MG perk works both ways...

This. The new MG modeling is, in itself, agnostic. It inherently favors neither attacker nor defender. An attacker can now more easily use MG fire to suppress defending positions just as must as a defender can now more easily use MG fire to slow and attrit an attacker.

On the attack, MG area fire especially seems more useful. You definitely don't need to be right "on target" with the area fire to have an effect anymore -- within 1-2 action spots will do. So even if you don't have an exact fix on enemy position, its now much more effective on the attack to use fire groups of MGs and spray lead into general vicinity of enemy contacts at long range. One the attack, don't use MGs solo -- set up 2, 3, or more and hose down an entire hedgeline at once. If you're on the attack, you should have the firepower and numbers advantage, so use it.

In addition to leg MG teams, tanks and other armored with deep ammo reserves also work well for this once you've dealt with any long-range AT threat.

On the attack, save your limited HE for confirmed targets, but spray lead anywhere you even suspect enemy contact.

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