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AI and arty

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I rarely move my troops from the AI start-up positions in the direction to which they are pointed. Because that often leads them straight into AI enemy-artyzones.

And when your experience grows, you will learn to see where the most obvious routes of approach are, and that's usually where the AI will point most of it's arty.

And sometimes you'll get arty, just because it's war, man!

(Oh yeah, to save other forumboys the bother: split your squads and when under arty-fire, do not wait or even hide, just get the f#*k out of there. Run boy, run!)

Good luck.

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When fighting against AI I rarely do forward movement on my first turn. The reason is that mission makers can define areas which are targeted by artillery on turn 1. After the first turn I know where those areas are and can safely move my troops again.

Just like Seedorf81 said, it's war. A good example is Courage and Fortitude campaign mission 2 where time is of the essence, and you simply have to maneuver through artillery barrages. However, I do disagree with him on one point: it depends whether I should move or hide my troops if they are in middle of an artillery barrage. Are you in a foxhole or in a trench, or inside a building? If so, stay there and hunker down! It's much safer to take the chances than run in the open. In case of a multistory building I tend to use move slow command and occupy the lowest level, and then hide my unit.

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However, I do disagree with him on one point: it depends whether I should move or hide my troops if they are in middle of an artillery barrage. Are you in a foxhole or in a trench, or inside a building? If so, stay there and hunker down! It's much safer to take the chances than run in the open. In case of a multistory building I tend to use move slow command and occupy the lowest level, and then hide my unit.

I stand corrected. Gekkibi is right.

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In case of a multistory building I tend to use move slow command and occupy the lowest level, and then hide my unit.

If there for example is a 3 story building, wouldnt the 2nd floor be the safest one to occupy during an artillery barrage? The shrapnel from nearby ground detonations shouldnt be able to come through the windows of the 2nd floor and hit the guys prone on the floor (except some richochets, maybe) and the 3rd floor will protect them from direct hits. I have no empirical data, but to me, it feels like i take less casualties on the second floor of a three story building than on the lowest one when there are artillery shells incoming.

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If there for example is a 3 story building, wouldnt the 2nd floor be the safest one to occupy during an artillery barrage? The shrapnel from nearby ground detonations shouldnt be able to come through the windows of the 2nd floor and hit the guys prone on the floor (except some richochets, maybe) and the 3rd floor will protect them from direct hits. I have no empirical data, but to me, it feels like i take less casualties on the second floor of a three story building than on the lowest one when there are artillery shells incoming.

Not sure if this is simulated in CM games, but makes sense. However, I haven't noticed this has a huge effect, as long as you're not on the top floor (or in case of Shock Force, on the roof!).

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Im still pretty new to the game but it seems ai has magic arty that can come down anywhere with out a spotter. Its starting to get annoying especially on small maps where you dont have a lot of room to spread out. What are some good tips to avoid ai arty:confused:

It could simply be the designer has given the AI side TRPs to make up for the inability of the AI to decide to move to get eyes on a location that needs a good shelling. There are a few tricks to try and even play up otherwise the AI wouldn"t pose any threat at all against a human player.

Once you are in a fight, if you stay in one position too long you are just asking for the AI to rain hell. Keep your eyes out for spotting rounds and move quick as the AI seems to like to stonk the hell out of a position. Beware though I have on occasion moved to avoid a mortar strike I saw coming and found the spotting rounds were off and I had moved into the location the AI was shooting for....ouch.

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i do split my squads up just some maps you dont have lots of room to spread out. also can you even move at guns? when i try they say packing up but never actually move i have let them sit there a few min waiting for them to move but nothing happens

It takes time to limber the gun. From few minutes (infantry guns, small calibre ATG's) to half a battle (88, for example).

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If there for example is a 3 story building, wouldnt the 2nd floor be the safest one to occupy during an artillery barrage? The shrapnel from nearby ground detonations shouldnt be able to come through the windows of the 2nd floor and hit the guys prone on the floor (except some richochets, maybe) and the 3rd floor will protect them from direct hits. I have no empirical data, but to me, it feels like i take less casualties on the second floor of a three story building than on the lowest one when there are artillery shells incoming.

That depends on building type, artillery type, and number of direct hits.

A multi-tile, Modular, wall-wrapped building will offer maximum protection by issuing the "Hide" command on the ground floor, facing the direction of full wall wrap.


Case in point ... the ground floor of this structure offers almost complete protection for up to approx 60 rounds of 105mm in a linear mission across the structure. Once the roof takes damage, the second floor becomes a death trap to the next hit.


If troops are in a non-modular single tile structure or Barn... GTFO ... now. :D

They were made by the little piggy that built out of straw.

Building Rule of Thumb --- If you are modded, and the building is beautiful... get out, it's a death trap.


The AI plans may vary from battle to battle if there are multiple plans, so don't think a restart buys you anything. Be patient, and try to think a little outside the box when possible.

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