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WWI Breakthrough! - 1918 Russian Civil War AAR

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If you encourage Ivanov... ;)

It's a bit too early for this, but I was thinking about creating some kind of summary for this AAR, a list of 'Dos' and 'Don'ts' for each of the side.

Looking at the AAR so far I see one thing that Bolsheviks should not do (or even must not do)- attacking Ukraine early in 1919r. I played this campaign as the Reds and noticed that avoiding the attack in 1919 brings more profits. First of all, they avoid creating another front, while their units are really needed elsewhere i.e. in Tsaritsyn or Ural. Secondly, if Bolsheviks don't attack Ukraine, Southern Whites will have to pay 150 MPPs later to force Ukraine into war at the Whites' side. It's a huge ammount of MPPs for Southern Whites economy and they need it more for research or reinforcing units.

In terms of 'Dos' at the begining of the game, the Reds may remove most of the units from the northern front, especially the part where the British and Americans advance. In may opinion one division entrenched in Vologda will be sufficient to fight them, there are more important fronts, like Tsaritsyn and Perm, which should be defended at all cost comrades! No pasaran!

As I wrote it's too early to summarize, but we could start :).

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I like playing the reds and I generally go into a defensive mode except being active against the baltics until I have teched up and fully mobilized against the white factions. The reds have several fronts to contend with but if he does not play recklessly - his mpps, troops and tech will overwhelm the whites. I fight to the south just to extricate from the sevastopol area and may involve declaring early against the ukraine - fighting withdrawal from stavropol and eliminating the cav in elista. Hold at Tyaritsyn. I op out the art to the baltics as they are the easiest faction to overcome and gain mpps. Hold fast everywhere else. Have the eastern army group in orel ready to jump into the Ukraine to coincide with the extrication of the sevastopol group. What is good for the reds is that they have cohesion in techs and mpps not unlike the whites who are fragmented but strong initially.

In terms of Baltic states, Bolsheviks need them only for total victory (only Tallin). So in my opinion, they could limit their activity to defense in this theater. Although they mustn't totally neglect it, as gen. Yudenich at some point has 3 Northern Whites corps, 1 upgrade Freikorps, 1 artilery unit and 3-4 divisions. They also have experienced British HQ. So the siege of Petrograd is normal after a while, though it will be hard for the WHites to occupy it.

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Hi Asepo

The reds have several fronts to contend with but if he does not play recklessly - his mpps, troops and tech will overwhelm the whites..

Very true - I think that initially the Reds should focus on buliding their potential

I op out the art to the baltics as they are the easiest faction to overcome and gain mpps. Hold fast everywhere else.

This is also true but I personally would go for the Urals Cossack. I usually send comrade Trotsky with few corps and arty to deal with them. After they are finished, gen Kolchak's froces from advancing from Ekaterinburg can be blocked and pretty much ignored. After the destruction of the Cossacks, the Trotsky's forces can be used to reinforce the southern front and the Baltics. The Southern Whites are too strong to deal with them in 1919 and appopiate force needs to be build first to overcome them in 1920.


Personally I wouldn't go for the early invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian MPP's adds up to the South Whites production. Also, in order to convince Ukraine later on, the Whites also need to pay for it. Without having Ukrainian resources at hand, the Denikin forces cannot seriously think of any purchases like the arty and it's hard for them to replenish the loses.

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It's a bit too early for this, but I was thinking about creating some kind of summary for this AAR, a list of 'Dos' and 'Don'ts' for each of the side.

Hi Ghost,

So are you volunteering for making an user made RCW strategy guide? :)

That would be great, however I don't think that there is only one, certain way to win this campaign. For example I agree with you on Ukraine, but under some circumstances and depending on the Bolshevik strategic goals, the early attack may be also beneficial.

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I don't think that there is only one, certain way to win this campaign.

Sure thing. Playing SC WW1 is like playing chess- there are many debuts, though in both games there are things that should be avoided during openning. I agree that some players may find attacking Ukraine in 1919 useful for the Reds. In my opinion however, this step however gives the Southern Whites more possibilities. For instance they have more MPPs every turn now and they invest in research. Without Ukraine they are unable to do so.

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Sure thing. Playing SC WW1 is like playing chess- there are many debuts, though in both games there are things that should be avoided during openning. I agree that some players may find attacking Ukraine in 1919 useful for the Reds. In my opinion however, this step however gives the Southern Whites more possibilities. For instance they have more MPPs every turn now and they invest in research. Without Ukraine they are unable to do so.

Yeah, as a Red player, I'd rather try to deprive the South Whites of an additional income as long as possible. But if the Bolsheviks manage to organize their forces properly, they may also try to capture Ukrainian resources. The thing is, that from my experience it's hard to achieve in 1919.

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I'm back and ready for battle once again!

Time for a decision near Archangel, to stand our ground or withdraw? In line with the New Military Policy, we do the latter as soon the British and US will leave the war and then we’ll be able to retake all the ground we’ve given up. Trotsky has some good ideas!


Our relief force breaks through to Petrograd, bringing relief to the city! Meanwhile, our advance continues into Latvia, liberating Polotsk and threatening Daugavpils.


The game is definitely afoot now, as the Whites are advancing from the Ukraine and the Urals, but our reserves are massing, the 1st Horse Army is moving into place, and we are preparing to deliver a devastating blow at the forces of reaction.

We still hold the area to the east of Kiev. Could that be where we will strike next?


The time has come for the workers of Russia to take power, for the Priest and the Kulak to be consigned to the dustbin of history, and for everyone to be guaranteed bread, peace and freedom. Let us fight for this just cause!

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It's a bit too early for this, but I was thinking about creating some kind of summary for this AAR, a list of 'Dos' and 'Don'ts' for each of the side.

This would be great, and it would be good to start something that can then be refined through practice over more games.

Please do! :)

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No image from the battlefields this time. There was not much actual fight last turn but the Armageddon is due to kick off soon. For the upcomming campaign, the White HQ has issued a new propaganda poster:


It is obvious that our struggle is perceived by some in a very apocalyptic terms. And there should be no doubt who the good guys are!

It seems that a massive Bolshevik counter offensive is underway with an objective to relieve Petrograd. The White forces in the theatre are small, so a decission has been taken to withdraw in order to shorten the front line and take some more defensible postitions.

In the South and in the East, the White armies are regrouping and rearming. It all depends on the wheather now but we are more less ready!

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Our counter offensive near Petrograd is now well underway, the enemy are retreating at top speed and we are advancing in strength to the west!


Our own advance into Latvia clashes with White forces near Daugavpils.


To strike a further blow at White hopes in the north, we have recognized Finnish independence. Now we won’t have to worry about a threat to Petrograd from the north.

Meanwhile, White forces are beginning their advance in the eastern Ukraine, as we continue to retire in front of them. Denikin will struggle to win his decisive victory here!


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It's May of 1920 and it looks like a massive Bolshevik counter offensive is underway in the Baltics. Gen. Yudenich and his bad-ass moustache are not too preoccupied with the situation:

-"Finally some action"!

Apparently he said.

There were some talks with gen. Gough an emergency plan of action has been outlined. Either way, the Reds cannot count on an easy victory there!

In the South, the Army Group South Ukraine has been renamed to simply Army Group Moscow. It's objective is clear - to capture the Bolshevik capital! Without any elaborate preparations, it's main forces captured Kursk in a splendit coup de main. A Red corps have been destroyed there and another one is completely encircled now:


Note the number of the British and US air squadrons involved in the operations. Also, the heavy artillery is arriving into the theater. It will help to overcome the Bolshevik field fortifications, especially, when the allied air power will be gone.

The Urals armies of gen. Kolchak are simply advancing to the West. It seems like there are not many Red units on their path:



The Bolshevik operations in the Baltics certainly pose a serious threat but they may actually backfire. The main White armies are advancing from the South and from the East. Let's not forget that they are constantly growing stronger. Up until now, about 40% of gen Denikin's forces were engaged in the siege of Tsaritsyn. Now they are ready to strike north. An all out offensive against the Norht-Western Whites may simply mean a defeat somewhere else. The things become clearer if we have a look at the map:


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It is May 1920 and to celebrate International Workers’ Day, the siege of Daugavpils has begun!


The enemy’s Freikorps are to our north and will undoubtedly try to interfere, but our artillery pounds the enemy positions and we now have two Armored Trains in action here.

Petrograd is no longer under threat, the enemy having fled back west beyond the Narva.

The Southern Whites are now advancing on Moscow, and the Ural Whites are pressing forwards too. Expect more action here in the coming months, especially as the Makhnovists have taken up arms and re-entered the war! :)

Makhnovists plotting their next move


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An extremely interesting tactical situation has developed in the Baltics. It seems that Bolsheviks are going full throttle here, hoping for an easy and resounding success. Given their 2:1 numerical superiority, it may seem like they have quite good chances of achieving an easy victory. It would certainly help them to restore faith in the combat capabilities of Red Army. Unfortunatelly for them, the Whites here have one trump in their hands and that is the difficult terrain, which they may use to their advantage. It is practically impossible for the attackers to advance on the broad front and take a full benefit of their superior numbers. The potential attack routes are separtated by Lake Peipus, what the defenders may fully exploit, if they employ their forces in a rational way:


Anyway, gen. Yudenich is delighted:

-"I remember our defeat in Prussia in 1914. Now is the time to prove that we can learn from our enemies"!

From a broader, strategic point of view, the Bolshevik adventure in the Baltics may cost them dearly. The armies of Southern and Urals Whites are getting each time closer to Moscow and it seems that the Reds are incapable of organizing any serious defence on their path. The Army Group Moscow has captured lightly defended Orel and Mr. Trotsky himself got into trouble! The Kuban Cossacks were delighted with an opportunity to chase his HQ. They remember very well who was polotting to take away their freedoms and land!


As to the Makhovists, well those nasty peasants will be dealt with accordingly. A division of Ukrainian nationalists has already clashed with them on the outskirts of Hulaipole and the town is now cut off by the security forces.

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The Narva is crossed! Our Red Army crosses the river and now has a bridgehead to the north of Lake Peipus.


Maknovists engage White forces in the Ukraine, while Stavropol in the Caucasus and Buguima in the Caucasus also remain in our hands. But best of all, White Political Standing is falling!

The people of Russia are starting to see that good government by the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party is preferable to the faction ridden misrule of the White hordes.

The US forces will very soon be withdrawn from the war, as their commitment to remain in Russia has plummeted to zero. :)

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The balancing issue is a tricky one for this reason: In general, beginners are going to have more trouble as the attacker. Attacking, well, and quickly, is usually a more complex undertaking than defending.

In this case, it appears as though the Whites can be generally thought of as the initial attacker--they have to do well before the Reds overproduce them, much like the WW2 German side.

In this AAR, of course, we have experts. But if the White's goes on to win, that does not mean that I, or any newbe, could replicate the coordination and zest necessary.

My point, I think, is to be cautious about shifting too much balance toward the Reds on the basis of a few expert AARs.

My advice would be tempered a bit if the Reds early correct production and deployment decisions were so complex that a beginner would also have trouble with their defense.

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The crossing of Narva by a Bolshevik unit, came as a nasty suprise to gen Yudenich:

-"We thought that the terrain there was impassable but this red pestilence will always find the way"!

But in strategy for every action there is always an appropiate contra action, so new orders have dispatched to the units:


In the mean time, the storm is approaching Moscow from the South. The Southern White Armies and the Urals troops under adm. Kolchak form a united, massive front. While the Bolsheviks are busy in Baltics, it seems that their capital has been left at the mercy of enemy...


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The balancing issue is a tricky one for this reason: In general, beginners are going to have more trouble as the attacker. Attacking, well, and quickly, is usually a more complex undertaking than defending.

In this case, it appears as though the Whites can be generally thought of as the initial attacker--they have to do well before the Reds overproduce them, much like the WW2 German side.

In this AAR, of course, we have experts. But if the White's goes on to win, that does not mean that I, or any newbe, could replicate the coordination and zest necessary.

My point, I think, is to be cautious about shifting too much balance toward the Reds on the basis of a few expert AARs.

My advice would be tempered a bit if the Reds early correct production and deployment decisions were so complex that a beginner would also have trouble with their defense.

Hi Rankorian, thanks for your comment. The upcoming changes won't shift the balance too much in favour of the Reds. While you're right that in general it's always more difficult to be on the attack, in the RCW campaign it's actually quite hard to manage the forces as the Bolheviks, who start being on the defence. The White strategy is pretty simple - there is no other option than pressing forward. In case of the Bolsheviks, initially they cannot face all the threats at the same time and the player needs to decide about the priorities. That requires perfect application of the force economy principle and is not easy, especially if you don't know this capaign very well. I also think, that small changes will help to make some strategic choices a little less obvious.

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The USA has left the war and the Northern Whites aren’t too happy about it.

The fighting in the Baltic heats up as the White forces near Narva are hammered, and the German Freikorps suffers a set back further south where it was trying to impede our advance near Daugavpils.

The White forces advancing on Moscow are suffering from severe supply difficulties. Reports of starving soldiers literally dying on their feet have been reaching us. Does any sensible person really want the people responsible to be running Russia?

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The White advance towards Moscow continues and the Red propagandists are certainly spot on with one thing - right now bad food is the biggest worry of our advancing troops. The Bolshevik resistance has been light and our elite 1st Cavalry Division has managed to establish a bridgehead over the river Oka:


An epic fight took place in the North. Four Bolshevik corps were trying to overcome a defensive position of the White 3rd Corps. Our troops stood the ground and managed to inflict 50% casualties on each of the attacking enemy units! Hold still boys - there can't be a step back in this fight!


Other than that, there have been a secret negotiations between the Bolsheviks and the representatives of British armed forces in Russia, which resulted in the withdrawal of UK forces back to the Archangel.

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Pskov is surrounded as the Red Army continues its advance into the Baltic! Our manoeuvres had confused the enemy, causing them to leave this key position poorly guarded and without support.

Our feint over the Narva to the north of Lake Peipus drew White forces away from the crucial area.


Meanwhile, as starving White troops approach Moscow begging for bread, Bolshevik partisans take up arms in their rear, depriving them of any further hope of food. :D

Great news comes in from the Caucasus as more Bolshevik supporters take up arms in the region, causing the enemy even more trouble.

Finally, we have just improved some of our weaponry in the nick of time before the battle of Moscow gets underway. Whatever happens, the autumn of 1920 is going to be a hot one!

PS Trotsky has escaped the White clutches and he is currently planning our next move. ;)

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An intense fighting continues through the early August in the Baltics. It can be described as an ultimate warfare of maneuver. From the tactical point of view, it's probably the most interesting episode of the whole war! After a slaughterhouse near Narva crossing, the Reds had evidently enough and decided to evacuate the bridgehead. A Finnish Volunteer Division has filled the gap in the frontline after their retreat. The Bolsheviks are obviously trying to look for some opportunity and search for gaps in the overstretched white frontline. They managed to cut off Pskov but our garrison withheld the attacks and the help is underway:


On the Moscow front, the poor supply is slowing down the advance of Southern and in particular the Urals armies. The scale of their success is simply so enormous and unexpected, that the logistic services became simply overwhelmed. Especially if we consider the fact, that our troops are now deep in the territory, which is ravished by the long months of Bolshevik rule... Given the fact that the advance takes place in nearly ideal conditions ( good, summer weather and weak enemy oposition ), it makes us wonder, that it would be an extremely hard task to capture Moscow, if the Reds were better prepared for the defence here...

As it can be seen from the image, the attacking forces have split and instead of a direct attack, the left wing ( Southern Whites ) decided to perform a deep encirclement operation and capture the important city of Vyazma on the western approaches to the Red capital:


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Today we celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the October Revolution - one of the most important events of 20th century. It affected the lives of milions across the globe and shaped the modern world:


I want to take this opportunity to congratulate here my Bolshevik enemies a gallant fight and wish Lenin many years of a tranquil existence as a wax mummy in the mausoleum near Kremlin. We are coming - see you soon!

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Strategic command ww1 is beautiful.(played a full ww1 game and the system works perfect for a ww1 game)

Good to know breakthrough expansion about RCW. I sneak peak in demo it looks good. It is better than RUS(ageod game) about events and desicions but in military terms I think Ageod RCW is better in combat interpretation. I really like what I have read but my final desicion will be about how perfect RCW will be simulated. So fascinated about this time period. Thanks for writing. :)

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