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Can AI be forced to fight to the last man and not surrender?

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I've been playing the human vs PC scenarios that come with the game and sometimes the computer surrenders when I still have many more targets left to take out! :o

I used the scenario editor and couldn't find anything that stops that from happening. Is there something I'm missing? Please help. Many thanks in advance.

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You can add reinforcements to the AI side that don't arrive until after the time limit for the battle is over. Since these never-arriving reinforcements will be taken into account in the AI's "surrender calculation", if you add enough of them, the AI will always think it has enough men left to continue the fight, and won't surrender regardless of how many of the AI's unit on the map are are killed/routed. There is a least one scenario I know of included with the base game that uses this trick (I won't tell you which to avoid giving away the surprise).

Caveat Emptor: This trick can lead to very long, boring end games, where you are forces to send your forces to every corner of the map, hunting for those last few routed enemy who are hiding in some patch of woods or similar. But if this is what floats your boat, go for it...

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I understand the frustration of an early enemy surrender. It's like a human oppo who as soon as thing look bad, will ask for a ceasefire or surrender, thus spoiling the enjoyment gained from planning an xnt attack. It's a bit like coitus interruptus.

CM2 AI does this a lot. I don't recall every having that issue with CM1 for some reason. But, with CM2 the strange victory calculations force one to ignore the victory status page for the most part and make ones own calculation re whether one did well or poorly. (Sometimes there is very little difference in casualties victory locations etc between a loss and a very large/total victory.)

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I understand the frustration of an early enemy surrender.

The AI doesn't surrender "early" though. It surrenders when a large majority of its units are gone or Broken, or you've taken all the VLs. It might be "soon" in terms of the scenario's nominal number of turns, but most of the time, a real opponent would surrender much sooner.

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I understand the frustration of an early enemy surrender. It's like a human oppo who as soon as thing look bad, will ask for a ceasefire or surrender, thus spoiling the enjoyment gained from planning an xnt attack. It's a bit like coitus interruptus.

You clearly like CM more than most.

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I havta continue to agree with gundolf.

Maybe most of the enemy are KIA or routed. But we all know how much damage a few surviving units can do ESPECIALLY in CM2. Many times (mostly in CM1) I thought I had the game wrapped up, got in a rush to seize some extra VL's, and suffered a lot of casualties from some unseen potent enemy units. Those were great games to the end. The tendency for early surrender in CM2 takes some of the pleasure away.

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I simply don't recognise the game you're describing. The AI never surrenders to me unless I've had it beat for the last 10 minutes, 40 minutes into an hour game. If it can continue the fight, it does. Perhaps it gives up too early in QBs, but those are just shooting galleries anyway. Might as well set up a scenario with Fanatic targets and play in hot seat so you can give them short cover arcs so they just sit there and don't shoot back, once you've got the hang of the game.

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However, you never heard these complaints with CM1.

Probably not.


I remember playing that particular scenario several times in a row and never managed to squeak even a minor victory as Axis. Nobody in that thread is asking for more time or complaining about the level of difficulty. They seem to appreciate the challenge and enjoy it for what it is. ;)

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Seriously guys... You saying you don't find anything odd about how the AI calculates victory levels in CM2??

I liken it to the difference with a prop aircraft (CM1) that has a fairly predictable/stable flight parameter, and a modern jet that is inherently unstable and things can go from one extreme to another too fast for human control.

We've discussed that very often one has to assess one's victory levels based on one's personal judgement and ignore the system calculation.

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I remember playing that particular scenario several times in a row and never managed to squeak even a minor victory as Axis. Nobody in that thread is asking for more time or complaining about the level of difficulty. They seem to appreciate the challenge and enjoy it for what it is. ;)

I agree something has happened to the average CM gamer between CM1 and 2. A lot more "its not fair the AI does this" and "why don't my troops automatically do this".

I still find plenty of great moments in some of the close run battles i have had that any limitations the game has don't really bother me.

Even the arty endless spotting annoyance (which I really hated when it first happened as I love sending in the heavy rounds) - if you don't keep your FO safe bad luck, better win the battle without it.

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