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Bier und Brezel and German Army effectiveness

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So, I just played Bier and Brezel (actually my second attempt) and after an hour I became quite fed up with watching my troops be vaporized by seemingly far better trained and equipped Syrian forces. After an hour I had destroyed roughly 5-8 enemy vehicles (mostly APCs) and lost ~70% of my forces and expended all artillery. It got me thinking, so, a few questions for anyone knowledgeable on the subject.

1. Are there any proper reinforcements in the mission or is the German command going to send more poorly equipped infantry to be massacred?

2. Is the German infantry really that poorly equipped and trained to deal with armour?

3. Why would they not have any tanks at all when the German mechanized infantry is apparently so poorly equipped to deal with anything which can stop 5.56? Even the older 2A4s are more than capable of decimating the most advanced Syrian tanks.

4. What is the best defense you have put up on that mission and how on earth did you do it?

5. What is the role of the Wiesel? I knocked out a BMP-2 with a lucky ATGM shot but other than that every one of them were quickly destroyed and often spotted by the larger BMPs first.

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In this scenario the Gebirgsjäger light infantry tries to hold a far superior Syrian mechanized force until the mechanized forces can come to rescue. So yes, there's reinforcements coming, including MBT's. The Gebirgsjägers can't stop the Syrians, especially the tanks, by their own but they can affect losses especially on the infantry. But they'd better be constantly falling back to avoid being overrun... fight like light infantry, hit and run.

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Tried playing this one (the T-90 version I think) in PBEM as the Germans and had a very tough go of it. My strategy was to hide everything behind buildings and take diagonal shots across the map. This worked until all my Wiesels got popped and then the infantry were overrun by charging BMPs. I inflicted quite a few casualties but must have taken 50% losses myself.

The fighting retreat sounds like a good strategy, but is almost impossible to pull off in this scenario. The Germans have all light vehicles and there is very little cover to work with. If any Syrian vehicle spots your unit its an easy kill.

Maybe against the AI this one is easier, but an aggressive human player can overwhelm the German infantry in a matter of minutes. Especially if he knows how weak and spread out the defensive forces are.

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I played this one pbem and my opponent had his T-90's lined up on the flank for my MBT reinforcements to arrive along with a cluster bomb barrage timed perfectly! The one thing going for you is lots of long grass fields which are perfect for launching RPG ambushes then crawling away. It is a big map and your opponent cannot be everywhere. Attack where he is weakest.

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Good tips: Move German Infantry units, if possible, in the middle of a grass field, that way you are least likely to be spotted by a armour heavy opponent on a completely flat map.

Your troops in buildings are easily spotted once they have fired and then are usually annihilated by concentrated cannon fire. So only use buildings for observation & concealment not combat.

Oh I forget to mention you can hide whole Companies in those central grass fields...

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