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I've been quietly following this game for a while (has it been years??). People try different things to distract them from the frustrations of this interminable wait. I try to ease the pain by forcing myself to only drop in once in a blue moon....Well, it's a blue moon and I'm a little lost as to the status of CM. I hear about a public beta (true? when?) and fall release dates, but have no hard information. Can someone help an ignorant fella?



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Well, a public beta demo (based on beta code and not the GOLD final code) will be released soon (not sure when)...

And that once that is released CM will be heading for a fall release (sooner rather than later IMO... and I have NO insider info except my own gut feeling for saying that.)

If I was you I'd hang around here a lot over the coming weeks to get up to speed on things for the release.. I don't think you'll be facing an intermineable wait.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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My speculation a few weeks ago was a mid-October release of the demo and a mid November release of the full game. Steve response more or less gave me the impression that my guess was fairly accurate.

Although based on a positive comment by Steve, it looks like they may be entering the final wrap-up stage. Steve only mentioned one major problem from the beta (Voodoo2). If that's the case we might get both the demo and game a week earlier.


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Guest Big Time Software

No such luck on getting the game earlier wink.gif There are PLENTY of details that need to be straightened out yet. The major stuff is almost all behind us (TCP/IP is probably the last HUGE issue), but the devil is always in the details. Plus, the day we go Gold is NOT the day you guys get it. Average production time is 3-4 weeks. So to get the game in hands by mid-November would mean going Gold next week, and that ain't going to happen.


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Guest Big Time Software

We are busting our butts to get CM done in time for x-mas for a variety of reasons. One of them is so that we can actually ENJOY the Holidays by not working 16hrs each day wink.gif

It is doable for sure. We will know better at the end of the month. I think that would be a good time to figure out when we might ship. Right now we are still adding so much stuff (and very quickly!) that it is hard to guess when things might be wrapped up. The release of the Beta Demo will probably answer our last questions.


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Is it possible that you (BTS) can start a posting that only you (BTS) will add too.

The posting would be a kind of count down ( like they use to describe how close the world is to a nuclear destruction). No real dates but a % to completion and it could go up or down depending on problems. But do not explain why or what in this posting only how close you are getting.

Some thing like that.

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I concur GUACHI

And BTS could we expect a demo around Nov, then if your shooting for a final release Christmas. (Homer Yell) Whoo-hoo! Christmas! wow, I fianally get something I've always wanted instead of socks and ties.


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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