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I'm attempting to make a 1938 storm over Europe campaign with the WW1 engine from the original 1939 storm over Europe campaign. I never modified a campaign before but I have edited mini campaigns in SC2 for personal use before with success.

Basically my problem is whenever I test run the campaign, none of the scripts are showing (So they're not working) under settings except the third mobilization scripts, and whenever I try to update the scripts under editor, the editor freezes and I have to close it.

Any help guys?

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I would use conTEXT, I use it in my work and in the folder "extras" of the game, you can find a file that you use to highlight the text, acording to the scripts logic, it's much easier to program the scripts using it. ConTEXT is free also.

Is there a highlighter file you use/recommend for SC2? Just wondering if conTEXT has any functionality beyond Notepad++.:D

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You want the truth... I don't know, conTEXT is basicly the same as notepad++. The highlighter you can use for SC is in the folder "extras" just go in there, you will find it. This highlighter is build for conTEXT, not sure if it will work on notepad++.

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The highlighter for ConTEXT is included in the Extras\ConTEXT folder for all of the SC2 games. I believe it is called SC2 Script.chl or something like that.

I like the Notepad++. I took a look at it after your original recommendation in the forums a while back and I use this now as well for some tasks such as search and replace in files as it is a bit more robust than ConTEXT in this regard.

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Ok, so I'm starting to get to know these new softwares that you're all showing me, thanks. I guess I should've mentioned, I'm starting off with the scripts from the original WW2 game and actually already started to edit, but I had the same problem with all the scripts not working and containing errors before I even edited them. So I'm not too sure on exactly what to do. Should I just copy the scripts from the original ww2 game and start again from there?

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The editor sometimes looks like it is locking up when checking the scripts, but it can be simply that it will take a while, especially if there are a lot of scripts.

If you open up a campaign and just select one of the script types with an asterix, and then hit the update button, hopefully this will work?

Doing them individually will make it easier to tell whether it's the editor taking a while to update the scripts, or falling over. In my experience the latter is extremely rare when doing this, but at times it might feel like this if you try to get it to update all the scripts in a large campaign at once.

I hope this helps.


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Ok, so I'm starting to get to know these new softwares that you're all showing me, thanks. I guess I should've mentioned, I'm starting off with the scripts from the original WW2 game and actually already started to edit, but I had the same problem with all the scripts not working and containing errors before I even edited them. So I'm not too sure on exactly what to do. Should I just copy the scripts from the original ww2 game and start again from there?

Probably. Starting from a clean copy and then making incremental changes is the surest way to troubleshoot the scripts.:cool:

When the scripts are error checked from inside the editor it can be a little frustrating as it will stop on the first error and you may have to go through many cycles before finding the problem if you've made too many changes at one time.:P

I like Notepad++ because it allows me to search and replace across multiple files. This is great when updating minor country names or conditions centering around a set geographic location or time.

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The editor sometimes looks like it is locking up when checking the scripts, but it can be simply that it will take a while, especially if there are a lot of scripts.

If you open up a campaign and just select one of the script types with an asterix, and then hit the update button, hopefully this will work?

Doing them individually will make it easier to tell whether it's the editor taking a while to update the scripts, or falling over. In my experience the latter is extremely rare when doing this, but at times it might feel like this if you try to get it to update all the scripts in a large campaign at once.

I hope this helps.


I totally agree. This has been my experience too. The editor rarely, if ever, freezes on me. Sometimes it just takes a very loooooong time. When it does crash it either pops you right back to windows or kicks out an error message.

One thing you should be wary of though. The editor and the game itself don't always like being minimized.:eek:

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Thanks guys, all I had to do was let my computer sit for a little bit.

Now I managed to find the scripts that had errors, and instead of having errors they just cause the game to crash, which means I'm making progress! :D

I have a feeling that it might be due to the size of the my pictures in an event, is that a possibly?

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Thanks guys, all I had to do was let my computer sit for a little bit.

Now I managed to find the scripts that had errors, and instead of having errors they just cause the game to crash, which means I'm making progress! :D

I have a feeling that it might be due to the size of the my pictures in an event, is that a possibly?

Yes, there are size limitations to what can be displayed. Try reducing a few and see if the crashes associated with those events go away.

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