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Allied tanks in a scenario.........

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Im finalising the AI plans for 'Abbaye d'authie', at present the Allies have 3 shermans and the axis 1 panther - i have finished the AI plans for the allied side and have tried with all my might to playtest it without knowing the allied plans (there are 3 but i obviously recognise them as soon as they unfold) and have only attacked where i can see the enemy not where i know they will be.

The issue is the Panther is cutting through the shermans and allies like a knife thru butter! last playtest is 2 shermans and 56 infantry - so, ditch the Panther and use a IV? or add more Shermans?

i know balanced forces never existed in Normandy - you had what you had, but i dont imagine it will be fun to play the scenario and get pummelled by the Panther everytime OR is it just the AI thats getting its ass kicked whereas a human player would do different.

Interestingly both shermans got the first shot off but got nowhere near the Panther, whereas the Panther took them both out 1st shot each time (not a complaint about shooting on the move or anything else, im happy with the engine, just trying to balance the scenario)

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Add a Firefly, perhaps? Or trade out the Panther for 2 Mark IV's?

id thought about the firefly, but itsnt so much hitting the panther and getting no results its just getting hit by the Panther first and exploding! ill try it out with 2 IVs as i havent done the Axis plans yet - thanks for thoughts

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Panther's are the Sherman nightmare even in H2H. What works best IMHO is outflanking the Panther with offering some (elusive) target in front. You'll need space for this and a good timing which is difficult with the AI to handle.

The other thing which works pretty well (see Barkmann's corner) is saturating the single Panther with more Shermans.

BTW outflanking works also the the other way - just zapped 6 Shermans (AI) (sitting in an open field to support the infantry assaulting) with one Panther driving into their flank without receiving a single hit.

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Since there isn't any enemy AI, the Shermans are extra weak if the situation can't be solved by brute force and/or numbers. Either build some wide flanking into the plan and hope for the best, or give the allies more Shermans attacking from different directions.

I'm sure a human player could do much, much better. Since the "AI" is just scripted, it can't do any of the vital things like reacting to the panther or flanking. They'll just follow the script. Which means if you plan for this to be playable head to head also, it'll be hard to balance. The AI will need many more shermans than a player.

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Another thought, you could lower the attributes of the panther crew. After the shermans get the first shots off the adverse effects of delay, and retreat may work to the underdog's advantage. Also panther crews were green in Normandy.

In addition A piat crew prepositioned to crawl forward to the panther may distract it long enough for second salvo from the sherms.

pre emptive AI smoke on top of the panther, even from a single on map mortar could further aid the allies and cause a temp delay in LOS.

Lastly, maybe add a third AI sherman as a separate AI group and have it maneuver in a wide hook to get a side shot at the panther.

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Another thought, you could lower the attributes of the panther crew. After the shermans get the first shots off the adverse effects of delay, and retreat may work to the underdog's advantage. Also panther crews were green in Normandy.

In addition A piat crew prepositioned to crawl forward to the panther may distract it long enough for second salvo from the sherms.

pre emptive AI smoke on top of the panther, even from a single on map mortar could further aid the allies and cause a temp delay in LOS.

Lastly, maybe add a third AI sherman as a separate AI group and have it maneuver in a wide hook to get a side shot at the panther.

thanks for your help here - there are actually 3 shermans for the Allies, 1 is wide right but he always gets clonked by an anti tank team! its very very difficult to play the game pretending you dont know where they are!!! im fairly happy, im going to do the Axis routines and then release, see what you guys think

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