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Historical War Entries

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I'm trying to understand U.S. entry (and USSR for that matter). I know that of course if attacked or fully mobilized they enter. But I came across a historical war entry event in the event files that seems to imply that the u.s. will join 12/11/41 no matter what. is that true? Or in principle can it be dragged out as long as the u.s. is not mobilized?

Howzabout the USSR? DOes it have a forced historical date of entry?



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There is no set date. They will move closer to joining when axis do things that upset them. Example, declare war on Sweden, USSR rediness goes up. When they reach 100% rediness, they join. Also, as rediness goes up, their income will go up as well. As you do things that affect rediness, you will get pop ups. Example: Germans invade Sweden, you should get a pop up like(for example) Stalin upset at German invasion of Sweden. You can check rediness of the coutries to keep an eye on them.

Don't forget diplomacy can change this as well. One thing I often do is use diplomacy to get Spain to join the war on German side.

The USA and USSR can never go axis. And eventually their turn by turn default rediness increases move up more and more, so I think it is just about impossible to keep them out forever.

Note that other countries follow similar rules. Example, cause enough problems and you can get minors to join as your actions up thier rediness. Many minors can go either way.

Hope this helps,


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I'm trying to understand U.S. entry (and USSR for that matter). I know that of course if attacked or fully mobilized they enter. But I came across a historical war entry event in the event files that seems to imply that the u.s. will join 12/11/41 no matter what. is that true? Or in principle can it be dragged out as long as the u.s. is not mobilized?

Howzabout the USSR? DOes it have a forced historical date of entry?



Hi Luke

The script you've seen is inactive, but could be activated if anyone fancied playing a game where the USA joins in December 1941, rather than the varied entry date that is the default.

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Ah ha! Inactive. That explains it. Thanks as always for your prompt replies. Very glad to see it variable.

The next game/manual it would be great if for at least core campaigns more of these events had documentation just like decision events. They are so key and for players to become competitive it is asking them a bit to go in a read the script files :-)

But I know it is probably not top of the queue... Go SC3!

Great game.

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