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Spot of help creating elevated ground on map creator

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Hi, just a quickie i hope, im trying to create a map 1024 x 512 so that as its presented on screen its long north to south and thin east to west with the map facing north - running along the east side from north to south is a railway on an elevated banking, but when i try and elevate on the map it highers all the surrounding land by a corresponding amount presumably to create a gentle hill - but i just want to elevate a single block of map in each case - any tips?

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To increase the height of one tile only you will need to surround it by tiles set to the lower level you desire. The system does not work as point heights, rather it averages the height between points.

This makes creating slopes easy, but does cause the issue you have encountered.



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so create the railway line and then manually reset all the affected surrounding tiles?

yep, that or the other way around. For a one tile wide railway line you will need to set the heights across three tiles





Heights are in metres, so each increase is 1 metre


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Oh, and page 122 of the manual has pictures of all the flavor objects...unfortunately there's a few not included under the junk tab, I think it's #'s 7 and 8. Too bad too cause 8 looks liek it has the front end of an old car or truck.


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yeah thanks Mord - it does indeed look like that - well, my railyard is going to look a bit sad and empty, is it a b****** to make one?

the landscape of my map is Carentan, down purple heart lane, with the farmhouse and cabbage patch on the right, across the fields and on into the town at the top of the map - the land on all maps i can see is 'quite' flat but not a pool table like my map - is there any way to randomise a few gentle rises as opposed to my totally flat map?

whats considered a 'big' map by the way - ive set mine to 512 x 1024 but im not sure its wide or deep enough?

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