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Finding it too hard (again)

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Okay, I pretty much remember making a similar thread for CMSF a while back, and now that I've finally gotten the hang of that, I've plunged into CMBFN to become stuck again.

I'm trying to do the US campaign (the one at the bottom of the list), but can't get past the second mission. I've practised on some quick battles, and (finally!) managed to get a few victories, but the campaign is a whole different ball game.

My first few attempts on the second mission was to push down the road, which turned out to be an obvious no no, because my infantry got shot up left and right, while an AT gun was sighted all the way down the road and turned my tanks into burning metal.

My next attempt was to blast my way through bocage with cover from infantry and tanks. They ran into minefields, but not enough casualties to halt my advance. This worked better, but I ran out of time before I could properly take the objective, although my casualties were not very heavy.

My last attempt has been to blow through bocage again, but go further up the map before swinging right to attack the village, but I tried to advance faster to give me enough time to take the objective and ended up having an entire platoon wiped out by an MG42 as they ran into German infantry in the same bocage lane. One of my tanks got nuked by an AT gun and I gave up because of too many casualties.

Anybody got some advice that might help?

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My advice would be to warn of a SPOILER laden message...

Sorry, I can't find any way to edit my thread's title. I've done some searching, had a few more goes, still without any success. I might have to put this one aside for a while, or just play quick battles until I can win consistently, although I feel like I win quick battles because they are dynamic and the AI can't account for all possibilities, rather than winning because I outwitted the scenario designer.

I've played a lot of wargames, but this one is definitely the toughest I've ever tried. :)

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It certainly is tough!

If it's the RTM campaign it's very challenging to say the least! I'm actually running through my second replay of the campaign now. I've learnt how to use suppression much more effectively. Suppression and smoke are definitely your friend. Some tips:- Use your MGs to cover any advances you make. Always keep an MG squad with one of your platoons, and use it whenever you can. It really helps. Secondly, where possible, keep a 60mm mortar squad with your platoon, but keep it well back. Those 60mm mortar squads are like gold dust. I've just had one take out a Marder! Be very careful with your engineers also, as they are vital at clearing the minefields.. Don't rush your tanks too! You don't get very many and you need to look after them. They provide vital support especially later on.

Be patient and keep on trying. Although the maps can lead to frustration, and there's a couple of killer missions later on, it's a very challenging campaign.

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Anybody got some advice that might help?

If this is what I remember it was... I chose a two-pronged strategy, with half of the force going through the bocage while the other one followed the road. Both forces supported by engineer teams and tanks. In the end it worked nicely on both fronts. What you will need to do is bring lots of firepower on the enemy, you certainly have the superiority here in every respect but the terrain limits your ability to use it. Use scout teams to locate enemies without risking the whole squad, but keep the rest of the platoon close behind so that you can bring them on to put every rifle and every machinegun on the poor bastards. Use smoke to protect tanks from that ATG and Panzerschrecks. Use artillery once you have a good idea of where their main line is. Preserve some of your howitzer shells for the next battle, though.

It's not an easy mission, but in the end it's not totally impossible, either.

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I decided I'd give it one more go before I rage quit in frustration... and then I managed it! I only won a minor victory, but a victory is a victory, right? I didn't take the objective, but I won out on casualties, with four dead and three injured, compared to double or triple that in German casualties.

Lessons learned? Always keep my heavy weapons close up behind the infantry. Next mission looks like it's going to be a messy affair. The maps really channel you into kill zones, though.

It's like half the battle is with the terrain, rather than the Germans, trying to find spots where I can bring enough of my weapons to bear on the enemy, while the bocage constantly forces you into narrow avenues. Pretty realistic, I guess.

Thanks for the responses, anyway.

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Look for ways to blast your way around the enemy.

Providing of course, that you HAVE units with demo charges to deal with the bocage.

Blast through to an undefended field, and you can flank the enemy.

Look for routes that take the least number of charges, and will have the lowest chance of either defenders(vs AI) and/or easy reinforcement by the defender(in H2H play).

Always try to find a way around the obvious routes. Roads are usually deathtraps.

Use the two man scout team that can be split off from a squad. Hunt and Slow when you feel close to the enemy.

Give It A Minute. Once you have scouts in good places that you feel/know should be able to spot enemy .... WAIT. One turn should do, as your boys scan their covered arcs. If nothing is spotted, then send a single two man scout team out to see if it is for real while the rest of the platoon moves forward to the new start line.

Tired is a perfectly acceptable condition. Soldiers are supposed to be tired. That means they are trying.


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