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Everything posted by wolfgang500

  1. That´s true, mostly the recoil mechanism might be damaged by a hit on the mantlet. I did not play that specific scenario yet, but I too expierienced a lot of gun failures, too many for my taste. I remember I once had five Tigers, but every single one ended up with damaged guns, sometimes even without a hit on the mantlet. The gun mechanic would have been shot! This issue might well be a topic for a future patch!
  2. No, I did not. I do not play in Internet. It is only my own expierience. I always try to stay as close to reality as can be, even if that causes some disadvantages. But not overstrainig your infantry is no disadvantage at all
  3. It´s a while ago that I played it, but as I remember I got a total victory (setting Iron/turn based) using a leapfrogging advance right up the middle. Take care to make minal steps forward using the majority of your force for supressing fire. Concentrate on heavy wepons. The enemy will finally run out of ammo. In these games infantery generally tends to run to fast and get exhausted soon, compared to reality. So advance just one square where possible (depends on terrain of course, which you should assess carefullly). Good luck!
  4. We (AUTArmy) indeed had a mix HEP/HEAT/APDS in our M60A1/A3 as long as we operated them. It changed with the advent of Leo 2 (ca. 2000). The HEP round were the prefered choice for soft and lightly armored targets and a devastating effect on old tank hulls which served as targets. Of course the T 80 would have been a nasty surprise in real combat.
  5. I think MisterMark and Centurian52 are both right from their respective point of view. I also feel the AI gives up way to early sometimes, and that casualties are much higher (on both sides sometimes) than a unit in reality coud sustain. I am helping myself with imagening that the point when AI surrenders early this ist he point when a combat unit in reality would start to retreat, so the combat would actually be over. But this is a game however and I would be happy if there was a setting where you can set "AI surrender" to "Off". If no enemy units are present anymore and there is still time left the player can push Ceasefire and will have his victory.
  6. Using the heavy MG for ranging purposes was common practice with Centurions. The American Tanks from M47 onwards had a stereoscopic or coincidence rangefinder respectivly which made that method obsolete. From 25 years personal expierience on the M60 series I can assure you that during firefight the tank commander is busy with the rangefinder and has no time for the cupola MG M85. Originally intended as a AA weapon (useless of course) it could be put to good use against soft vehicles and light armour. But while the commander was engaging targets with his M85 the gunner was left on his own, possibly with a default setting of i.e. HEAT 1000m. I would suggest therefore that in future patches M60s do not open up with the cupola mounted MG while engaging enemy tanks.
  7. I think this is basically a question about the terrain. If spotting is possible over long distances. the optics and the mere height of my vehicle gives me advantage (now and then). In more hilly, wooded or built up areas it is better to walkd forward and spot by crew. And (in reality at least) never trust the reports of infantry!
  8. I confirm the solution offered by Jace 11 - thank you! (I didn´t get it at first ). Now my tanks behave like good tanks are supposed to.
  9. I have two screenshots now, same scenario (Get ouf of Dodge), this time two AA Vehicles having been knocked out, but the crew getting stuck bailing out.
  10. Thank you, Kohlenklau, although this means I have to play this damned thing again ... Czechmate is rather challenging timewise from the Red Army side if you stick to some self imposed rules, like not stupidly rushing forward and getting minced, instead systematically taking out the enemy AT assets and attack after this being accomplished. However I will report back when done
  11. I don´t think so. The tanks keep their turrets at 12 o´clock, whatever the camera state is. I manged to upload a very short video now 20230813_160805.mp4
  12. I disvovered that the T62 tanks do not rotate their turret onto the target when firing but keep it at 12. Is this a bug or what? The scenario was "Czechmate". I wanted to attach a screenshot video, but it is to large
  13. Unfortunately I don´t have a screenshot or saved file whatsoever. The vehicle was hit by enemy fire and destroyed forcing the crew to bail out. Two crewmen found themselves out of the vehicle, the third surviving crewmember struggled to get out, but did not. This continued until the end of the scenario. The yellow vector for "quick movement" remainded visible all the time but could not be changed. This happened twice - with a M 150 tank hunter and again with a M163 AA vehicle in another scenario. Will try to record it if it happens again and post it here
  14. I noticed that the last crew member of M 150 tank hunters gets stuck inside the vehicle, therefore the whole crew gets unservicable for the rest of the game, unless the vehicle is shot up. Does anybody have any ideas about that?
  15. Problem solved on my Computer! What did I do? I installed game drivers: Microsoft XNA Framework redistributable 4.0 OpenAL (Open Audio Library) Microsoft Visual C++ 2015- 2022 Redistributable (x86) All Slitherine-infected games are running smoothly, including Cold War
  16. Update April 23 - Problem solved! Combat Mission Cold War is running now on my computer. What did I do? I installed game drivers: Microsoft XNA Framework redistributable 4.0 OpenAL (Open Audio Library) Microsoft Visual C++ 2015- 2022 Redistributable (x86)
  17. I expierienced the same issue with CW and SF2. Seems that any patch containing the Slitherine feature causes the games not to run. I could revert to earlier versios, but Cold War is not running at all. I filed a ticket but no help.
  18. When I tried to run my recentily purchased Cold War (v1.06)for the very first time I discovered that it would not run on my desktop PC (Win 10 Pro). The Event Log shows "App Failure". No solution could be found yet. Now, after installing the newest patch for BS (2.18) which includes the Slitherine feature, the same thing happened with this game! Fortunately I could revert to v2.16. I suspect that for some unknown reason the Slitherine feature prevents the games from running on certain devices/OS. Does anybody have an idea? All other CM games running smoothly. Thank you!
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