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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. Here's an article on that from January: https://defence-blog.com/ukraine-to-integrate-sea-sparrow-missile-into-soviet-era-buk-launchers/
  2. And this FT article says there are a lot of such rounds. https://www.ft.com/content/f4955a0b-52fd-4f1b-8d69-bb0d4367c1aa
  3. So then ... is this correct interpretation of their significance?
  4. Enjoy this Russian response to the supplying of DPICM to Urkaine: https://t.me/SolovievLive/193716
  5. Here's the cluster munitions, officially: 155mm artillery rounds, including DPICM, and 105mm artillery rounds; https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3451570/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
  6. He basically says that the cluster munitions will help provide a bridge of additional artillery ammunition to Ukraine while America's artillery ammunition production capacity ramps up. And claims Russia's cluster munitions being used in Ukraine have a dud rate of between 30 and 40 percent. A more formal announcement will come later this afternoon when the Pentagon releases the details of the latest aid package.
  7. I suppose other allies could chose to follow the American lead by providing cluster munitions to Ukraine as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_munition#Countries_with_stocks
  8. More irony, today ... Russia is now suddenly concerned about the harmful effects to Ukrainian civilians that would be caused by supplying cluster munitions to Ukraine. https://tass.ru/politika/18217343 https://t.me/rybar/49443
  9. Ah ... but in this case, Russia claims it is adhering to International Law while the U.S. is not. (Add your own feeling of irony here.)
  10. I'm not a subscriber to the Washington Post, but this article quotes the post article as saying: https://www.ibtimes.com/biden-send-banned-cluster-weapons-ukraine-new-800-million-aid-package-3703815
  11. In today's Pentagon press conference, the spokesman said that they have nothing to announce with respect to providing DPICMs at this time, but that any DPICMs they would consider sending to Ukraine would be those with recent testing data showing they have dude rates less than 2.35%. So it "sounds like" it's a done deal.
  12. This is a long post on the initial analysis by Russia of such a missile: https://t.me/citizen_opinion/8014
  13. Don't forget that Ukraine has already shot down helicopters using their Stugna-P systems: https://mil.in.ua/en/news/the-ukrainian-servicemen-showed-the-second-ka-52-helicopter-being-destroyed-by-the-stugna-p-anti-tank-guided-missile-system/
  14. The Russian telegrammer yurasumy offers another variation, in that it was the heights before the town that the Ukrainians captured, but the Russians subsequently drove them off of it ... maybe. https://t.me/yurasumy/9691 https://t.me/RtrDonetsk/18786
  15. How Russia is becoming increasingly isolated ... or not!
  16. Pretty-funny trolling from the Ukranian MoD:
  17. On the usefulness of mines debate, from Rybar's summary for July 1st: https://t.me/rybar/49231
  18. Not sure this has article has been linked yet, from a few days ago: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/06/28/world/europe/ukraine-counteroffensive-obstacles.html
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