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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:World_War_I_video_games https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:World_War_I_board_wargames https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_War:_Western_Front Maybe mod in some drones? Or maybe the capabilities of air balloons and aircraft of that era could stand-in? Note: I'm only half-way joking.
  2. Things seem to be kind of hot now in Kleshcheevka according to Russian telegrammer, Two Majors: https://t.me/dva_majors/21974
  3. I wonder if the US would allow one of its ATACMS-equipped allies to send a few missiles to Ukraine just to find out how effective they could be? Or is the the language above just hiding the real reason - which may be to not provoke Putin?
  4. War Gonzo reports some small Ukrainian advances in the south and near Bakhmut, and a Russian advance near Luhansk https://t.me/wargonzo/13937
  5. Claim that Storm Shadow missiles were used to strike an oil depot and ammunition storage in Crimea: https://t.me/rybar/49946
  6. Thanks for the link! Kofman spends some time on the idea that the officers that went to the newly formed brigades were not the best the Ukraine military has because the officers that experienced brigades would be willing to spare for this task were the ones that would not be missed much from the current brigade. Whether that is based on speculation or some evidence he is aware of, I don't know. But if it were true, then, yes, it would partly explain the performance of the new brigades. And it would reinforce the idea that it would have been better to upgrade existing brigades that create new ones. It would be nice to hear from the NATO officers that trained these brigades what they thought of the quality of Ukrainian officers assigned to them. So how does one extract a quality cadre from an experienced brigade for the purpose of forming a new brigade without hurting the existing brigade too much?
  7. A few miscellaneous tidbits: https://t.me/RVvoenkor/49657 https://t.me/dva_majors/21752 A lot of voices are echoing the CNN story on: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/20/politics/pentagon-watchdog-report-ukraine-weaponry/index.html Pentagon watchdog finds some Western weaponry sent to Ukraine was stolen before being recovered last year What I find interesting is this part from that story:
  8. FYI. This appears to be the telegram post that NOELREPORTS translated: https://t.me/obrazbuduschego2/14813
  9. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3463890/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
  10. Crimean authorities order the evacuation of four small villages near the site of the exploding ammunition storage: https://t.me/RVvoenkor/49528
  11. Big update from Mashovets. Kind of a mixed picture, but I"ll let someone else dig further.
  12. Some Ukrainian progress south of Bakhmut, retaking the heights overlooking Klishchiivka:
  13. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-announce-13-bln-military-aid-ukraine-sources-2023-07-18/
  14. Comments from General Milley at today's Ramstein press conference on how well Ukraine's counter-offensive is going: https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3462659/secretary-of-defense-lloyd-j-austin-iii-and-joint-chiefs-of-staff-chairman-gene/
  15. I don't know the credibility of the source, but this is being repeated by some Russian telegrammers:
  16. Here's an early version of the cause from a Russian Telegrammer: https://t.me/dva_majors/21320
  17. A couple of other Russian telegrammers report that there were explosions heard near the bridge: https://t.me/RVvoenkor/49373
  18. This appears to be the view from the Russian side: https://t.me/Aksenov82/2844 And then a follow-up: https://t.me/Aksenov82/2845
  19. By the way, here are the most useful Ukrainian telegram channels covering the war that I've come across so far. Are there some others that people might recommend? Official: https://t.me/ministry_of_defense_ua https://t.me/AFUStratCom https://t.me/operativnoZSU https://t.me/annamaliar https://t.me/CinCAFU https://t.me/DIUkraine https://t.me/kpszsu https://t.me/V_Zelenskiy_official https://t.me/verkhovnaradaofukraine Non-official: https://t.me/DeepStateUA https://t.me/zvizdecmanhustu https://t.me/supernova_plus Then, there's this list from the Kyiv Post: https://www.kyivpost.com/post/17868 12 Telegram Accounts to Follow for the Latest Ukrainian Counteroffensive News There's also this list of non-telegram sources: https://mediacenter.org.ua/trusted-sources/
  20. Update from Ukrainian deputy defense minister, Hanna Maliar: https://t.me/annamaliar/938
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