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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-says-threat-putin-using-tactical-nuclear-weapons-is-real-2023-06-20/ Biden says threat of Putin using tactical nuclear weapons is 'real'
  2. Perhaps the US will find room to send more weapons to Ukraine now. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pentagons-ukraine-accounting-error-revised-up-62-billion-2023-06-20/
  3. Maybe the Stryker when equipped with sidewinders? https://www.facebook.com/generaldynamicslandsystems/posts/yes-those-are-aim-9x-sidewinder-missiles-arming-the-stryker-maneuver-shorad-laun/1844875482213038/ Or the Croatale: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crotale_(missile)
  4. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-artillerymen-praise-us-howitzers-outside-russian-held-town-2023-06-19/
  5. I did find this: https://t.me/notes_veterans/10433 https://t.me/epoddubny/16447
  6. So if Russia is pushing hard on the eastern portion of the front, does that mean their reserves are not as spent as we would hope? https://t.me/annamaliar/860
  7. This update is not totally positive .https://t.me/sashakots/40458 But I think either Google Translate is not understanding it well enough, or the original text is not perfectly written so that I can't grasp the full meaning. By the way, what does BC mean as in "BC is being delivered, but there is a lot of work."
  8. That guy tends to over-exaggerate Ukrainian successes on his appearances on the @MyryiaReport podcast.
  9. US-made MaxxPro mine-resistant armored fighting vehicles 'are almost indestructible,' Ukrainians say https://www.businessinsider.com/us-mine-resistant-maxxpro-armored-fighting-vehicles-indestructible-ukraine-russia-2023-6
  10. Reportedly, another attack underway south of Orikhiv https://t.me/RVvoenkor/47484 https://t.me/wargonzo/13323
  11. https://www.radio4.dk/nyheder/danmark-klar-til-at-donere-kampfly-til-ukraine-siger-fungerende-forsvarsminister/ DENMARK READY TO DONATE COMBAT AIRCRAFT TO UKRAINE - SAYS ACTING DEFENSE MINISTER
  12. French channel TF1 does a report from the Russian side of the front lines:
  13. I find it interesting that we monitor the Russian bloggers, and then, in turn, monitor ours.
  14. Another Russian telegram update: https://t.me/Sladkov_plus/7968
  15. Russian telegram channels report a small Ukrainian push on the western portion of the Zaporizhzhia front: https://t.me/vrogov/10338
  16. Well, at least he's only a state-level Senator in Virginia.
  17. Rybar thinks Orekhovo is about to get hot again: https://t.me/s/rybar/48553
  18. Or maybe not? https://t.me/RVvoenkor/47371
  19. I noticed they tried to avoid the topic of F-16s until specifically asked.
  20. Following up on that, from this page: https://asc.army.mil/web/portfolio-item/cs-css-m160-robotic-mine-flail/ The contractor is a Croatian company and looks like they already gave 8 of one of their systems to Ukraine: https://dok-ing.hr/news/donation-of-dok-ing-deming-robotic-systems-for-ukraine/ I'm not sure that it's suitable for combat conditions.
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