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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. Russian humor, I guess: https://t.me/obtf_kaskad/2666
  2. This post talks about the Ukrainian ability to jam or decode certain Russian radios, along with recommendations on how to deal with that. https://t.me/Mestb_Dobroj_Voli/6546 Here is the first part:
  3. I found a truly-depressing Russian telegram page with the names and snapshots of individual KIA Ukrainian soldiers. View at your own risk: https://t.me/s/zachistka_ua/
  4. Perhaps accuweather isn't the best source for Ukraine: https://www.facebook.com/UkrHMC https://www.meteo.gov.ua/
  5. The Russian bloggers report there is significant rain along some parts of the Zaporizhzhia front and may last a few days. Here is one such post: https://t.me/wargonzo/13171
  6. This Russian blogger says the Ukrainians are a threat near Neskuchnoe https://t.me/s/RVvoenkor/47099 While this one says it's nothing they need to worry about https://t.me/yurasumy/9243 Above are just excerpts as both posts are rather lengthy.
  7. This telegram post sounds a bit panicky: https://t.me/s/negumanitarnaya_pomosch_Z
  8. That's this telegram post: https://t.me/rybar/48365
  9. https://t.me/yurasumy/9241 https://t.me/romanov_92/39188
  10. Another telegram post from about 90 minutes ago: https://t.me/batalyon15/1938 And one from 20 minutes ago: https://t.me/Sladkov_plus/7919
  11. Posted a few minutes ago: https://t.me/vrogov/10217 And posted 90 minutes ago: https://t.me/Sladkov_plus/7918
  12. For what it's worth, the Russian RIA news site has their own interactive map of where they claim current fighting is taking place: https://ria.ru/20220622/spetsoperatsiya-1795199102.html
  13. War Gonzo, in this post, admits some slight concern about a Ukrainian advance near Velyka Novosilka https://t.me/s/wargonzo/13144
  14. Would there be a slight propaganda / morale victory if Ukraine kept pounding one of the better Russian units until they break? The Russian bloggers already trumpet the units defending near Tokmak as heroes. Also, how long would you need to continuously batter one of the better Russian units, well-entrenched, with somewhat disrupted supply until they break? (Longer, of course, if they are able to bring up replacements.) I believe the 101st Airborne held out, surrounded in Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge six days until relieved.
  15. I wonder if an attacking force could lay a smoke screen ahead of their lead elements that might obscure the helicopters sensors enough that they couldn't target you from 10 km away?
  16. Looks like the Ukrainians are going to make another push tonight, according to this Russian blogger: https://t.me/s/vrogov https://t.me/vrogov/10204 From this: https://t.me/wargonzo/13124 I think it means there are three different Russian bloggers from slightly different sections of the Zaporizhzhia front line:
  17. This is just a transcript from a video from the Reporting From Ukraine YouTube channel. I like watching his daily videos, but they definitely have a Ukraine is "doing everything smartly" bias, as opposed to the War in Ukraine YouTube channel which has a "unfortunately, the Ukraine military leadership is brain-dead" bias.
  18. Another War Gonzo update, for those that care: https://t.me/wargonzo/13118
  19. War Gonzo again: https://t.me/wargonzo/13094
  20. After several hours ago, saying "Our troops managed to recapture the captured positions. The enemy rolled back to the starting lines", War Gonzo now says: https://t.me/wargonzo/13093
  21. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/08/politics/ukraine-forces-resistance/index.html
  22. Interesting tidbit from this Russian telegram post: https://t.me/dva_majors/17241
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