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Everything posted by FancyCat

  1. what a goddamn useless sham, 2 months of waiting for literally the same version as the Senate bill.
  2. Not sure if its a sale with a expiration date, but i just noticed a 50% off sale on almost everything on the store in Battlefront.com? I don't see anything mentioning it anywhere else and I don't check the store pages often so I figured i would say something. Good time to get some DLC perhaps.
  3. It would be nice if Israel could finally provide some aid to Ukraine. I doubt it tho.
  4. Maybe it’s just me but sure, Russia is losing material but they are adapting within the confines of their mission, and their mission is to advance no matter what, not in pursuit of a military goal per say but to demoralize the West and Ukraine. Things like the FABs, the destruction of energy infrastructure, sure, high cost for Russia, but in pursuit of an objective. Is it the wrong objective? If we agree that Russia loses if the war persists and costs mount, sure, the pursuit of western demoralization and cease of support is much better goal than a static frontline where Ukraine can enjoy the ability to rearm, train and prepare their own offensives. Which is why I find the lack of any kind of U.S response to be foolish. Thing is, even if Western responses are calculated not to prevent Ukrainian military victory, we are nearing territory of Ukrainian defeat, of western fatigue mounting or to be specific, Russian view of western fatigue mounting. Token aid packages are essential to at least emphasize U.S involvement and signaling. Still, the steps taken by Europe, France, Germany, Poland, Finland, and the rest of NATO are to be applauded. I just wish the U.S would at least signal something. A recent Hawk missile package is good, but more is needed.
  5. Between Speaker Johnson wanting border provisions to the Ukraine Israel package and Israel aid becoming more and more toxic....I would like the discharge petition to be tossed overboard and do a clean Ukraine bill but certainly at this point, I doubt we will get anything passed till at least summer. Aid shipments even of the token kind are vital for signalling. We have Bradleys and M1s that let's be honest, aren't likely to be used in Asia, and it's most likely not going to be used in the Middle East anymore, it astounds me that marking them to near zero value is impossible, and whatever logistic concerns or what not exist, the Ukrainian soldier needs protection and the Ukrainian people need reassurance that their sons being sent to war are not being abandoned by the West.
  6. When EU parliament is doing better than the House of Representatives, I hope Speaker Johnson looked at the eclipse without protection. What a ridiculous mind boggling genuinely bad look for the Republican Party, Congress and the U.S. At this point, a pure Ukraine bill should be able to pass. The fact it cannot, despite a majority of republicans, democrats, a bipartisan majority in Congress, alongside a majority of the American people, due to one man, the speaker, and I suppose, one presidential candidate, how can any ally of the U.S have faith in us? I mean, let’s be blunt, support for Ukraine is bipartisan and popular and not a fringe position. The fact that despite this, we are unable to pass the bill will not reassure any American allies, nor our enemies, nor neutrals to trust us.
  7. Reports are Ukraine is rationing artillery ammo, so the reliance on UAVs is forced. So sure, they are effective....except Russian assaults are causing a mess for Ukraine while still damaging Russia, ideally, Ukraine should be given the tools to affect Russia without resorting to UAVs and being pushed back. this says to me, combined with Ukraine screaming about artillery shortages, whatever the benefits of UAVs, Ukraine isn't asking for more UAVs to stop Russian offensives but more artillery ammo. Also, sure a self-propelled gun is expensive, but what about the shell it fires? how expensive are those? drones are "inexpensive" except where are most drones produced anyhow? the mass produced ones are civilian and from china. What about the iranian drones? how expensive is a Gepard? Part of the reason why counters for the West are so expensive, don't we rely on aircraft dominance? lets talk about the expense of drones vs anti-drone equipment when the West actually invests in their production lines.
  8. is it artillery or UAVs that are pushing Russia's advance? seems misplaced to be discussing about drone swarms when Russia isn't overtaking Ukraine in drones but artillery, and Ukraine seems unable to counter with drones or limited artillery.
  9. Just wanna point out rare metals aren't that rare, just that the cost of discovery has meant its not worth it till now. The U.S has found lithium deposits that may be the largest in the world, one under the Salton Sea in California, one on the border of Nevada - Oregon. https://alumni.berkeley.edu/california-magazine/online/californias-salton-sea-could-be-the-mother-lode-of-lithium/ https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/lithium-discovery-in-us-volcano-could-be-biggest-deposit-ever-found/4018032.article
  10. Two important facts from the Washington post interview. Now if the Republicans in the House could figure out how to get out of bed, maybe we could finally send some ATACMS.
  11. I know others have vocalized that a longer war is going to wreck Russia soon enough, I just need to point out that China probably has enough Soviet era shells to fund Russian artillery fire for the next 5 years, if they supplied them. If. But you cannot argue that a longer protracted conflict decreases the likelihood of China supplying Russia.
  12. I had a message and then I misclicked and gone. It cannot be understated we are not doing enough to bring Russia to the negotiation table. Even if we view this without seeking a total victory by Ukraine, the West is failing to achieve the goal of ending the war in Ukraine even on Korean war 38th parallel standards. If I'm Russia, am I really worried about French troops in Odessa and Kiyv when the continent refuses to purchase artillery shells worldwide for Ukraine? Am I really worried about that "arsenal of democracy" when months pass with those supply lines being cold? No if I'm Putin, I'm pushing. I'm firing missiles. I'm escalating. Sure, money is funding Ukraine. Sure, some production continues. But still, we remain allergic to investing in Ukraine. We remain allergic to investing in ourselves. We pat ourselves on the back for a tank or two, or a Patriot battery or one F-16. Goddamn it we are fighting the heir of the Soviet Union, quantity is not equal to quality sure....but we certainly had more to fight the SU than now and what we are giving to Ukraine. To achieve merely the stalemate now, we need more tanks, more IFVs, more shells, more air defense to Ukraine. Strip our defenses to supply Ukraine. Increase production. I call bull**** on these slow production times. More and now. How is anyone worldwide supposed to have faith in the West vs China, the world's factory when we can't even defeat the remains of the Soviet Union?
  13. Russia's actions are intended for western consumption. The west is being shown that 1. Russia is inexhaustible, thru constant offensives, 2. Russia retains capabilities to inflict terror on all of Ukraine, 3. Russia's terror is emerging, ala war crimes and breakdown of prior standards. This is designed to both demotivate western civilians and policymakers to abandon Ukraine. AND ITS WORKING. The Speaker of the House should be fired. The cowardly Republican House deserves to lose in November on the mere basis that while the majority of Americans support Ukraine, majority of Republicans support Ukraine, majority of Senate Rs support Ukraine, they themselves support Ukraine, we have endured months and months of delays for no good reason.
  14. I went and looked up some of the place names of the location, they all resemble government offices of quite mundane nature.
  15. No offense but assuming you got the info from https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=60622 The picture is not exactly imports bad. From the same link, right under your quote: Edit: just realized I didn't find your quote in the link. Regardless imports of crude oil does not necessarily mean a rise in oil pricing is wholly negative for the U.S.
  16. There is no point in making facilities in Ukraine for military equipment if they get destroyed. Air defense to Ukraine now! I'm not concerned about American handwringling, we have seen the articles of worry in the past, end of the day, the oil and gas markets are quite robust, slack in Russia will allow the rest of the vultures to feed, and America is now a vulture, combine that with continued Chinese economic weakness, which is keeping oil and gas markets weary, not concerned.
  17. Interesting they can intercept the video feeds. Definitely eludes to a dynamism of counter-drone warfare.
  18. Some important stats from Rob Lee on countermeasures against drones.
  19. Sad news about the Patriot launchers. Russia can't afford to replace their AA assets, we can. By God we are not shaping up on the industrial side. More everything to Ukraine. If we want to make peace, it's obvious that we need to give Ukraine a stronger hand. More to Ukraine.
  20. Macron with the right idea. After months and months of Russia not de-escalating, its time for the West to up the ante. Clearly Russia has decided to opt for rhetoric of "existential" for Ukraine to fall, it is past time for Europe to recognize that should Ukraine fall, the door is opened to a age of conflict threatening the rest of Europe, and better to slam the door closed in Ukraine then in the Baltics. Shut it down in Ukraine or in the next 20 years we will have a renewed Russian Empire chomping at the rest of Eastern Europe.
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