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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by FancyCat

  1. It's insanely clear the glue they have been exporting, they have been using themselves. The commissioner for kids, who stated that Ukrainian kids no longer recite the Ukrainian anthem after being in Russia just speaks volumes about Russian attitudes to Ukrainians. Also a lot less lying than usual from government sources, they don't see this action as inhumane at all, or a crime. Just speaks a lot for their treatment of Ukraine. There is no question of letting Russia hold and cleanse territory of Ukraine taken in 2022. If Zelensky would be so inclined to do that, I doubt Ukrainian society wouldn't Maidan his *** for it instantly. If you want to see the puppet beg, here. I cannot wait for Kherson to fall. The tears, the cries of Pro-Russians could probably power Europe thru the next two winters. Beyond any action like the seizure of the separatist capitals, and definitely more serious than the recapture of Severodonetsk, Kherson's fall will be the clearest signal, internationally and domestically that Russia is on the defensive, and in danger of losing this war.
  2. Musk may be a rich man and CEO but a lot of his work is reliant on defense contracts, so one can assume this a coordinated action by the U.S, Ukraine and Musk to get back on track.
  3. Ukraine has no access to such a missile no? Thread on it being a VBIED. Im most concerned about where Ukraine would get such a missile.
  4. Recall what Steve and others stated a few months ago that Ukraine would probably use the advantage of interior lines and the Russian supply constraints between the south and east of Ukraine to attrite the Russians and keep them from massing to smash the Ukrainians in one spot. Except for Kherson, mass there all you want. Now that Russia is throwing everything into the eastern Kharkov front and Kherson, it's time for Ukraine to switch attention elsewhere.
  5. If the world is changing where the West is no longer on top, it really is time Europe gets its collective head together and realize a state that pays so much in blood for the prospect of joining it, should be supported till that goal is achieved.
  6. In the EU realm, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy made a speech to EU ambassadors, emphasizing the changing world, the multipolarity of competition and the loss of Western influence worldwide, most notably in Africa.
  7. Maybe but doubtful, there are other people who can do that who aren't as foot in mouth as Elon Musk.
  8. Elon Musk denied the report from VICE. The thing is VICE is reporting that Ian Bremmer stated this, including that he spoke to Elon Musk who informed him about talking to Putin. So guess it's a question of who's lying.
  9. Why is the CEO of SpaceX talking directly to Putin? A defense contractor....
  10. DDoS stuff is pretty low tier I think. Doubt any response is forthcoming.
  11. The attack on the pedestrian bridge was seemingly meant for the EU Advisory Mission to Ukraine, a law enforcement oriented mission to facilitate EU-UKR integration in policing and rule of law. I dunno if that is considered a legal target but interesting signal to Ukraine, and the EU. Not sure if that telegram is legit? So telegrams usually claim unit status?
  12. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/collaborators-or-compatriots Article on how reintegration back into Ukraine will go for the regions occupied 2022. Some choice quotes from it. Accompanying it is a tweet thread which i will repost in total. I hope Ukraine, and I think Zelensky seems like a good figure to emphasize a peace and integration process that will be faithful to IHL and the spirit of from the article "Ukraine should avoid rapid blanket punishments of whole categories of alleged collaborators, preserving the right of appeal and considering extenuating circumstances. Administered fairly, such a process can reinforce accountability, fairness, and rule of law in regions emerging from Russia’s nihilistic occupation."
  13. They will probably approve ATACMS i think. Someone else correct me, isn't NATO doctrine to destroy the offending entities via airpower instead of Air defense umbrella? Would make sense why NATO needs to build more AD for Ukraine and why we had to hunt around for the Gepards. Also....big congrats to Ukraine on downing a cruise missile with a MANPADS, isn't that the first time ever it has occurred? Why the hell are they sending out people with barely any training. Whyyyy. If they got captured or killed around Bakhmut I'm going to lose it, they are driving manpower into the ground for literally no reason. If they stopped attacking Bakhmut for some rearmament and training and rest, I doubt any RU nat would complain, this is entirely for Putin and/or Prigozhin.
  14. Its a apt time with recent posts to reflect on Imperial Russia and how military power factors into Imperial Russia, and why as a Empire, some people want its defeat. One, it must be understood Russia is a imperial power, now and in the past as the Soviet Union and Russian Empire. As we can see from how Russia acted past the fall of the Soviet Union in Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, etc, it saw repression, cruelty work in maintaining its Empire, its influence. This is why we have Russia bombing Ukraine with near complete lack of regard for IHL, and for the international system despite being one of its prime benefactors. It has been a long timeline of Russia benefiting from being cruel, benefiting from ignoring critics, and getting what it wants via violence. The tweet sums it up, only inflicting military defeat on Russia will convince it that being cruel and violent is not the way for countries to exist. Failure to not defeat Russia militarily will mean Russia will adopt the same lessons as it did in the past, and come back with more cruelty and violence a la 2nd Chechen War. It isn't possible to conduct total victory in the sense of occupying Russia, but that i think isn't at all needed, merely retaking all lands of Ukraine should suffice.
  15. Please remember, while it is more believable than Russia, Ukraine will have their own interest in skewing the missile shot down counts, not even just for PR or morale purposes, but for keeping under wraps their own AD systems as much as possible. Goddamnit, give tanks and IFVs to Ukraine, this is intolerable, for Ukrainians to give their lives fighting for the West in stuff that should have been replaced eons ago. If we take a really, really broad picture of the conflict, as much as we want to say that Ukraine will fight no matter what, Luhansk and Donetsk and Crimea, and Chechnya give us a inking of what could happen had Ukraine not decided to fight. In 10, 20 years down the line, instead of a independent Ukraine part of NATO, we could have been seeing a Russia with Ukraine integrated, intent on muscling into NATO's eastern flank. And don't say NATO would wipe the floor, cause none of us know how NATO, the EU, the U.S will be in 20 years time. Ukraine made a choice, to side with the West, we shouldn't be freaking worried about Leopards 1s blasting T-72s sky high 8 months into this conflict. Or M1s. Why freaking Iraq gets M1s but not Ukraine, ugh, i don't freaking know. Purely on a proxy war, puppet state view etc etc, Iraq has both F-16s and M1s....
  16. Remember Russia has a lot of rail experience, it wouldn't be surprising if the structural integrity of the bridge is fine, for the tracks to be replaced quickly.
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