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Everything posted by OldSarge

  1. Today's assessment from ISW https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-6 Key Takeaways The Ukrainian counteroffensive along a broad arc north and east of Kharkiv city took further terrain and will likely push Russian forces out of tube artillery range of the city in the coming days. The ability—and willingness—of the Ukrainian military to concentrate the forces in Kharkiv necessary to conduct this operation indicates Ukrainian confidence in repelling ongoing Russian attacks with their existing forces in the region. Russian forces did not make any progress on the Izyum axis. Russian forces likely secured small gains on the outskirts of Severodonetsk in the last 24 hours but are unlikely to successfully surround the town. Russian forces continued assaults on the Azovstal plant, but ISW cannot confirm any specific advances. Likely widespread civilian resistance to the Russian occupation may additionally be disrupting previously announced Russian plans to conduct a Victory Day exhibition in Mariupol. There were no significant changes on the southern axis in the last 24 hours and Russian forces continued to reinforce their forward positions. ISW cannot confirm reports of a Ukrainian anti-ship missile strike on the Admiral Makarov at this time .
  2. Thank you for posting about your experience! The people who need to hear your account may not be listening, and probably never will, but the rest of us are listening and watching and the facts will prevail.
  3. Yep, it being a deep-fake wouldn't surprise me. Especially as none of the other media has picked up on it or confirmed it.
  4. The Sun is showing what appears to be Admiral Makarov on fire. No officil confirmations yet, so the usual salt shaker rules apply. https://www.the-sun.com/news/5278291/putin-flagship-makarov-fire-neptune-missile-snake-island/
  5. CNN is reporting that US intelligence provided confirming intelligence to the Ukrainian forces that the ship they were tracking was the Moskva. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/05/politics/us-intelligence-russian-moskva-warship-ukraine-target/index.html
  6. https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3014131/senior-defense-official-holds-a-background-briefing-april-28-2022/ The Pentagon press brief from yesterday. Some interesting points They are estimating 92 operational BTG fighting in the East and South. Though the briefer wasn't prepared to discuss the actual condition of these units. 60% of the promised M777 are in Ukraine now. UA soldiers are receiving training on the Q-64 mobile radar and M-113 APC. While the RA has made improvements to their previous logistics & sustainment issues there are still apparent problems
  7. The T-14s make for a great show! Farewell the plumed troop, and the big wars, That make ambition virtue! O, farewell!
  8. Aww, you beat me to it! I'll just add this for the CMCW NTC crowd.
  9. Yep, the M113 is quite versatile and has earned its keep for that very reason. Nearly every nation that has them has kept them around for a good and simple reason: the thing just works, like a beaten up, old pickup truck. It is often said that necessity is the mother of invention. The Ukrainians have demonstrated time and again that they are very resourceful and I'm sure that they'll put the old gal to good use.
  10. I wouldn't be so sure, we've had a number of close calls just due to unintended causes. A cyber attack would be perceived as neither innocent nor unintended. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200807-the-nuclear-mistakes-that-could-have-ended-civilisation
  11. I'm more mindful of that fact than any other an am glad that the US has an administration that appears to be handing events both prudently and pragmatically within the limits of US laws No chest thumping or any other false signals. . That is what makes war so difficult, learning to fight the enemy without becoming them. You're quite right, or at least I hope so, that there are still those who see what is happening but are powerless to stop it. If there is anyway out of this mess we will need them.
  12. The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths. — Aleksandr Pushkin, The Hero ll. 64-65, quoted in Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov I guess the Russians think that it is the rest of us who're beguiled by the 'illusion which exalts us'. It is sad to see this tragedy unfold and for all of the wrong reasons.
  13. I had remembered reading about that years ago. When the topic of giving Ukraine jets came up I did a little looksy to see if what I remembered was true. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/field-of-schemes-emerson-at-war-564639352.html https://www.mainememory.net/artifact/103726 So, I wouldn't be surprised if the US is doing a little dancing along a fine legal line.
  14. According to DefenseNews it is 155mm towed artillery. An interesting bit in the article, but not too surprising, is the disclosure that the UA has officers in the US receiving training - I expect more of the same near the Ukraine border. https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2022/04/13/us-unveils-800-million-in-weapons-and-equipment-plus-training-for-ukraine/
  15. The only mention I can find of the Slovak S-300 is in this article, all rules of FOW and imperfect information apply. Keep shaker handy. https://news.yahoo.com/hiding-plain-sight-soviet-era-182202931.html
  16. So far, the Russians haven't been able to demonstrate that they have their act together on land or at sea. So I'll take 'incompetence' for $200 Alec.
  17. I read earlier this morning before the ship's sinking was confirmed that 54 crew had been rescued by a passing Turkish tanker. I haven't been able to find anymore information on it. https://www.fleetmon.com/maritime-news/2022/37901/russian-flagship-cruiser-moskva-hit-two-missiles/ "Apr 14 1200 UTC UPDATE: According to Russian official statements issued by MoD, MOSKVA is still afloat, attempts to tow cruiser to Naval base in Crimea are under way. All crew evacuated to other Navy ships, says MoD. Ukraine insists cruiser sank or sinking. A post in social nets, posted obviously, by seaman, claims 54 MOSKVA crew were rescued by nearby Turkish tanker (there is Turkish tanker nearby, according to AIS data). A mess of information, misinformation and disinformation, of truth and fakes. "
  18. Thank you, Haiduk! That is very useful information and it looks like it has been successful in at least removing the Moskva from the fight!
  19. https://www.military-today.com/missiles/neptun.htm#:~:text=Neptun The RK-360MC Neptun (Neptune) is a Ukrainian,design bureau. It uses R-360 anti-ship cruise missile. " The RK-360MC Neptun (Neptune) is a Ukrainian anti-ship missile system. It was developed by Luch design bureau. It uses R-360 anti-ship cruise missile. It is a Ukrainian version of the Russian Kh-35U. The Ukrainian missile is generally similar to the Kh-35U, but has a longer body with more fuel, larger booster, and some other modifications. This missile was first announced in 2013. First examples were reportedly completed and tested in 2016. At the time this missile reportedly lacked guidance system. This missile has a range of up to 280 km. It could be carried and launched from naval, land and air platforms. Development of the Neptun land-based anti-ship missile system was completed in 2019. Ukrainian military trials were completed in 2020. In 2021 a pre-production system was delivered to Ukrainian military for testing. In 2021 Ukrainian MoD funded production of a batch of Neptun coastal defense systems. It was planned that a batch of 18-19 launcher vehicles will be delivered in 2022. Ukrainian military plans to obtain a total of 54 to 90 Neptun launcher vehicles with missiles." Moskva is one of three Slava cruisers operated by the Russian Navy. The other two, Marshal Ustinov and Varyag, are currently under the watchful eyes of the NATO led Truman CSG in the Mediterranean. Removing the Moskva is pretty important.
  20. Karma! You never want to be on the wrong side of it!
  21. https://ukranews.com/en/news/849331-russian-warship-moskva-is-on-fire-in-black-sea-media It is being reported as the Moskva, the Black Sea fleet's flagship! Happy days!
  22. There is a truck mounted version of the Harpoon for shore use, I'm not sure what range it has but generally it would be between 65 and 80 nmi. That would ruin the Black Sea fleet's day.
  23. https://navyrecognition.com/index.php/naval-news/naval-news-archive/2022/february/11378-ukraine-to-receive-anti-ship-missiles-from-the-uk.html Some info on the possible choice for the UK anti-ship missile selection.
  24. I haven't seen this posted, but it underscores the depravity or the Russian army - in their own words. It is difficult to believe we are in the 21st century after hearing this.
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